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Walton And Johnson 97.5


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Just for those of us around town the Good ole boys Walton and Johnson are due to come back on the air February 22 in the morning at their usual time.

This day will mark when the new 97.5 will finally have some break in the music format. Hopefully Outlaw Dave will be back soon as well.

I will admit that I miss the good ole days and Stevens and Pruitt but W&J are not too bad either.

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I guess any "break in the music format" is positive. Houston radio is among the worst in the country. Everything here is programmed for the masses, but in trying to please everyone, they end up really satisfying no one. Radio used to program for the personality of a city. Now it's all centralized and homogenized. If you're going to listen to programming meant for a national audience, it should at least be adventurous and full of variety.

Since I got XM two years ago, I've listened to probably 20 minutes of AM and FM altogether. I've also had the same 6 CDs in the changer since then. The programming is that good.

My pre-sets include:

Fred -- Classic (80s) alternative

Ethel -- Current alternative

Lucy -- Alternative hits

XM Music Lab -- Eclectic mix

Deep Tracks -- Rock

The Loft -- Acoustic rock

XM Cafe -- Progressive AC

America Left -- Liberal talk

America Right -- (for balance)

Real Jazz -- Classics

Beyond Jazz -- Contemporary

MLB Home Plate -- 24-hour Baseball talk!!!

Houston Instant Weather and Traffic -- Self explanatory

Up Yours -- XM Comedy

...and a few others I can't think of right now.

Currently, there are over 3.5 million XM subscribers and over 1 million Sirius subscribers. This is the way things are going.

Radio in most other cities is slightly better, but quickly dying due to satellite competition.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What I was hoping might turn out to be a half decent radio station has already been ruined by those 2 simplistic morons known as Walton and Johnson. I was reading some blogs on another website that some listeners were turned off by their so called "right wing whining." I could careless what their political affiliation is, they are the most unfunny and unentertaining excuse for a morning show that I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. Yeah, I got tired of Stevens and Pruett's (non)shocking sexcapades after 15 years, but when they did the voices they were fairly decent and they didn't do them for 3 hours a day. My 2 1/2 year old daughter could do more convicing voices than those 2 jackasses.

Another thing...I heard Jim Pruitt and some other clown do an interview with Tommy Lee recently. I can't believe that someone that has as much radio experience as he does could conduct an interview as bad as that one. The questions about the recent tour were few but they managed to throw in several relating to Tommy's ex, Pam Anderson, whether he ever had a manhood "size" contest with his bandmates and of course, the now famous video. Good one guys. Was it you that came up with those genius questions or do you have a 10 year old that does it for you??

As much as I was hoping against hope that we might finally start over with a good rock station, my hopes were dashed when I turned on 97.5 on Feb. 15th. I should have known that Houston would somehow manage to maintain it's reputation for having the worst possible radio stations in the state of Texas. Between lame dj's and shuffling the same tired playlist, 97.5 has been officially deleted off of my radio. I'd rather listen to sports talk than this crap.

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What I was hoping might turn out to be a half decent radio station has already been ruined by those 2 simplistic morons known as Walton and Johnson. I was reading some blogs on another website that some listeners were turned off by their so called "right wing whining." I could careless what their political affiliation is, they are the most unfunny and unentertaining excuse for a morning show that I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. Yeah, I got tired of Stevens and Pruett's (non)shocking sexcapades after 15 years, but when they did the voices they were fairly decent and they didn't do them for 3 hours a day. My 2 1/2 year old daughter could do more convicing voices than those 2 jackasses.

Another thing...I heard  Jim Pruitt and some other clown do an interview with Tommy Lee recently. I can't believe that someone that has as much radio experience as he does could conduct an interview as bad as that one.  The questions about the recent tour were few but they managed to throw in several relating to Tommy's ex, Pam Anderson, whether he ever had a manhood "size" contest with his bandmates and of course, the now famous video. Good one guys. Was it you that came up with those genius questions or do you have a 10 year old that does it for you??

As much as I was hoping against hope that we might finally start over with a good rock station, my hopes were dashed when I turned on 97.5 on Feb. 15th. I should have known that  Houston would somehow manage to maintain it's reputation for having the worst possible radio stations in the state of Texas. Between lame dj's and shuffling the same tired playlist, 97.5 has been officially deleted off of my radio. I'd rather listen to sports talk than this crap.

Luckily I like sports so I listen to am 610 and now am 790. I can not stand most radio DJ's. Stephens and Pruett were great when I was in high school, but their act was pretty bad and totally stale.

The most annoying figure in Houston Radio has to be Sam Malone. That guys is the biggest tool on the radio. I am amazed that people listen to him. I find that if I am subjected to his voice and lame laugh for more than 5 minutes, my day is ruined, and I am in a bad mood the entire day. His sidekick Bobby (or whatever his name is) is even more annoying than Malone.

I am in a bad mood just thinking about the show. Dammit.

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I remember listening to these guys back in Elementary school back in Louisiana. They continually have the highest rated FM morning radio show in every market they enter. They were the highest rated morning show in Houston before Clear Channel kicked them off for the new 101. I guess they though they could make some more money with the latino station.

I'm glad they are back. I neat thing to know is that they never stopped when they were dropped. Another studio let them broadcast to the Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and Mississippi Gulf Coast markets.

They are currently in talks to get them on satelite radio.

These guys are the most entertaining thing in the morning around here.

Sam Malone blows chunks and Satelite radio seems like mass mind control because there is no local flavor at all.

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I find that very hard to believe, is that true?

Are Walton and Johsnon the guys who do all the voices. There is the gay person, the hick, and some other voices. I found the voices to be pretty annoying. I did not mind the content so much so I listened a few times. I will need to give them another try.

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Houston has Howard Stern? I listened to him in my days in NYC. It was entertaining back then because no one was doing his kind of "shock radio". Then it started getting old. Ya know? Same ol' same ol'....booooooring. I liked S&P until about two to three years before their demise because of the same reason.......booooorrrrring. Mark whined all the time about how Howard Stern stole his schtick. Puh-leeze! I love Jim though, he is a really good guy.

Trophy Property, I used to go to Baton Rouge all the time for work and would drive there from here. When I would leave on Friday mornings, there were these dudes on the radio that did voices--a pretty realistic gay guy, a bad black guy, a goofy bayou backwoods hick and I think that's it...but anyway, I too thought they were kinda annoying at first. I noticed though, that the more trips I took, the more I liked them and sort of took them not so literally, but more tongue-in-cheek. Pretty soon I was looking forward to my drives home. That is how I found out about W&J and when they came to Houston I was so excited. Then I quit my job and realized I could still listen to them and, well, that just sealed the deal for me :lol:

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Houston has Howard Stern?  I listened to him in my days in NYC. It was entertaining back then because no one was doing his kind of "shock radio".  Then it started getting old.  Ya know? Same ol' same ol'....booooooring.  I liked S&P until about two to three years before their demise because of the same reason.......booooorrrrring.  Mark whined all the time about how Howard Stern stole his schtick.  Puh-leeze!  I love Jim though, he is a really good guy.

Trophy Property, I used to go to Baton Rouge all the time for work and would drive there from here.  When I would leave on Friday mornings, there were these dudes on the radio that did voices--a pretty realistic gay guy, a bad black guy, a goofy bayou backwoods hick and I think that's it...but anyway, I too thought they were kinda annoying at first.  I noticed though, that the more trips I took, the more I liked them and sort of took them not so literally, but more tongue-in-cheek.  Pretty soon I was looking forward to my drives home. That is how I found out about W&J and when they came to Houston I was so excited.  Then I quit my job and realized I could still listen to them and, well, that just sealed the deal for me  :lol:

I will give them another shot. Thanks Parrothead

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W & J used to beat Howard Stern back in the New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Mississippi Gulf Coast markets and still do.

I don't really know if Howard Stern exists here in Houston. Never cared to look.

One of the best things I love about this show it the originality of it and how well it moves.

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Are gay people convinced by Mr. Kenneth? What about Black people for Mr. Eaux? As for Billy Ed, I grew around red-necks and he hits the nail on the head.

They sound very sterotypical to me, but like I said in an earlier post I have not listened to the show very much.

I am going to try and remember to listen to the show tomorrow on the way to work.

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Steve Johnson is the voice of Mr Eaux (black guy), Mr Kenneth (gay guy), and Billy Ed Hatfield (the "hick").

John Walton doesn't do any.

i always thought johnson did two voices, and walton did one fake and himself. that's impressive.

the show can get a bit too right for me sometimes, but overall it's hilarious and really unique.

Are gay people convinced by Mr. Kenneth? What about Black people for Mr. Eaux? As for Billy Ed, I grew around red-necks and he hits the nail on the head.

i'm not gay or black or a red-neck, but i know many and i was convinced (not that they all sound like that or anything, but they have the stereotype down).

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I'm a conservative, love glenn, rush, and sean and all talk radio. Also, I'm gay too. Who knew.

I love the characters in the morning. The Mr. Kenneth character does very well representing the gay community. He does offer all sides. I know so many people that are actually just like him. After all, stereotypes are based in reality. He often has talked about other types of gay men too.

What they may need in the future is a Vietnamese character and a Mexican, but it may get too confusing.

These guys are the best!!!!

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you can go to waltonandjohnson.com and see pics of the characters. Billy Ed isn't there, but it is part of the joke.

It also goes through the entire history of the show.

As for the racism comments, these groups need to get over themselves. LULAC and NAACP have become worthless to the community. Walton and Johnson have fought NAACP before in New Orleans and won. The judge said if the people don't like it they can turn it off. What's amazing is the multi-ethic cross section their fans represent. When they get their ratings reports in, they usually read them and give a few points on the air.

The have a nice sized black, latino, and asian fan base besides the white base. They also have quite a few gay and lesbian fans. Being able to laugh at oneself and the stereotypes place on you is part of the fun of listening.

The stereotypes only truly hurt when you let them.

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