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Crushed Oyster Shell

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I'm midway into a re-grading job for a 60-year-old parking lot which has varying thicknesses of oyster shell under a few inches of topsoil. It gets a little patchy in places and could probably stand to be further stabilized, though. It'd be nice to use the same material for a nice, consistent and historically-accurate look, but given the scarcity and price of it, I think I'm going to end up going with crushed limestone for the base and 3/4" washed limestone for the top.

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I'm midway into a re-grading job for a 60-year-old parking lot which has varying thicknesses of oyster shell under a few inches of topsoil. It gets a little patchy in places and could probably stand to be further stabilized, though. It'd be nice to use the same material for a nice, consistent and historically-accurate look, but given the scarcity and price of it, I think I'm going to end up going with crushed limestone for the base and 3/4" washed limestone for the top.

Why don't you just go to one of those seafood restaurants that use it as landscape and steal a few thousand. Take them home, take a hammer to them and throw it onto the driveway.

It's not like you have anything pressing to do.

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Too bad you don't live closer to an oyster fishery. When I visited South Carolina last year every large municipality had huge bins where people were encouraged to dump their oyster shells and then they would be recycled into road material. I think the public was welcome to scoop up what they needed for their projects, too.

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Why don't you just go to one of those seafood restaurants that use it as landscape and steal a few thousand. Take them home, take a hammer to them and throw it onto the driveway.

It's not like you have anything pressing to do.

I think they'd notice 16 cubic yards of stolen landscaping taken one trunk-load at a time over the course of 32 nights. Also, I don't think my day laborers would much like me after that. Neither would my lender.

Btw, I may be unemployed, but that doesn't mean that I'm without things to do. In some ways, getting laid off from regular work is like a three-month blessing. I'm keeping really busy and would be absolutely miserable right now if I were employed.

Actually, I figured out that Hillman's over at 146 along Dickinson Bayou would like to get rid of a veritible mountain of whole shells, but their loader was destroyed during Ike, so I'd end up having to rent one more piece of heavy equipment. Also, I've been made aware that Code Enforcement doesn't like crushed oyster shell parking lots and I don't want to piss them off.

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