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Posts posted by monarch

  1. although, i am really saddened by the fact that the IWA officials felt that they just could not rehabilitate such a glorious and historic current edifice, i do indeed feel that this new proposed render / concept is tops!  i love the totally modern / cool / flowing design.  IWA students shall really enjoy this modernistic approach to their downtown campus.  not to mention, this new addition, shall bring a bit of teenage fun to this particular area of downtown....

  2. maybe its just me, but am i the only person that thinks that this particular development is a bit ill conceived, as per this area of the houston cbd?  please allow for me to proposition all of our wonderful haifers, to stop and reference all of the gorgeous / magnificent illustrations that our generous and gracious haif photographers have been supplying lately.  (just take a very good look at all of these wonderful photo's throughout these many construction threads)  the whole concept of the NAU CENTER OF CULTURAL HERITAGE just does not seem to fit in with this particular ULTRA VIBRANT district.  (not at this time anyway)


    somehow, i get the sense that prospective donors, just were not very interested in this particular development / concept.  the donor's that did graciously extend funds, i think that they did so, because of who mr. nau is as a person, a most wonderful and generous philanthropist.  our fair city of houston is finally blasting off.  the rockets red glare... are now bursting in air!  this is what it feels like whenever i view those magnificent illustrations that our photographers are supplying daily / weekly.  upon my view, downtown houston, is in dire need of cutting edge development.  lively, fun, and state of the art concepts that shall bring in visitors from all over the world to our fair city.  


    i sincerely feel that the NAU CENTER OF CULTURAL HERITAGE is a prospective concept for who's time has come and gone.  this particular area of downtown houston, is just begging for something better......     

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