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Posts posted by monarch

  1. unnamed.png

    ok look, every since the unveiling of the newest rendering / concept as per hotel alessandra, i have been trying earnest to come to terms.. and learn to find this design appealing to some degree.

    however, as the truth be told.. this newest design often reminds me of a tall stick figure.  straight as an arrow.. foreboding.. dark and with a slight hint of desperation.

    and yet, the longer that you continue to gaze at it... you just know that there is a warm beating heart glowing upon the inside.

    please midway cos., keep the spin machine spinning.  at some point i shall get it!

    trust me, i am trying....

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  2. No, actually this thread was flushed down the drain when Urbannizer posted the new rendering (thanks Urb  :D). How in the world did Dallas get inserted into this discussion anyway? (Monarch :angry:? strange dude, but I guess we could use a few more strange characters in the world)


    I've never seen so much beachin and complaining over a 20-something story building's redesign in my life. There's at least 10-15 posts over the last couple days repeating the same comments, it's like you guys all just happened to post at the same exact time or didn't care to read that others had already made your point.


    Seriously, I appreciate the passion, but the comments about no longer holding Midway in high regard are nothing more than childish temper tantrums. Grow up folks!


    dude, would you like to really know what is viewed as "strange"...

    some creep that ventures forth into an ongoing open thread, and starts describing a member that he / she doesn't even know as "strange".  sounds a bit like someone else that we have all

    become accustomed to upon this forum.  HAIF, harbors some very special people as per all aspects of our greater houston community.  we are here for a certain purpose.... we love our fair city upon the bayou.

    yes, i am the one that brought forth "dallas" upon our ongoing alessandra discussion, and i meant every word of it.  dallas, and now the wonderful city of austin are now enjoying some of the most gorgeous

    edifices of hospitality in the south / southwest.  i do not have to love the city of dallas in order to display a certain amount of respect as per it's very progressive accomplishments.  that city up north is just very glamorous!

    our fair city of houston, is now on it's way in a big texas fashion.  if i may speak for all HAIFER'S here, we were all proud to feast our eyes upon that gorgeous initial rendering / concept of hotel alessandra.

    i have traveled basically all over the world, lodged at some of the most beautiful hotels on the globe... so i know just what i was speaking of.  this is our time!  houston, has waited long enough... our despair is justified.

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