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Posts posted by monarch

  1. WAITROSE, is a british based and yet very simplified grocery market.  please do not be fooled.. it's an ok market.  however, nothing at all like the fine supermarkets that we are hereby used to in houston.  it's a wonderfully convenient market for those that are shopping at the mall, and don't want to make another market stop along the way home.  i have very often shopped at the WAITROSE at the dubai mall, uae,.  once again, extremely convenient market due to the fact that i normally lodge at the connected hotels affiliated with the mall itself.  

  2. I am skeptical that a tweet and other news are linked but, I guess it could be.

    Here is what I believe:

    An upscale dry goods retail chain is coming to downtown again. I have no idea who, what, or when. But, with affluent population growth in DT, mid-town, and EaDo, coupled with 100,000 office commuters, a "smaller scale, urban concept" store by one or several retail chains could make a splash and be profitable.

    i concur utterlyurban!  i guess that i just find this timing incredible.  notable rockets star harden.. (why james harden?) plays in downtown houston.. current bloomingdales chatter regarding downtown houston as per notable houston city officials.. quite coincidental indeed.

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  3. I really dont see why they would be doing publicity shoots right now, if it is in the works, its eons away from actually opening.

    you could be correct howard.  however, james harden, does countless publicity shoots / commercials.. and we never see him publishing tweets beforehand.  i was just a bit intrigued as per this particular news coming from such a high profile houston basketball star regarding bloomingdales .  coincidental, who knows....

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  4. Behind the scenes at my shoot with @Bloomingdales...more coming soon!


    houston rocket star JAMES HARDIN, is currently preparing for his role for an upcoming commercial shoot regarding bloomingdales.

    to date, us HAIFER'S.. are all aware that there has been a small bit of chatter regarding the forthcoming arrival as per bloomingdales to downtown houston.  is there something conjuring up behind the scenes?  james, took the liberty of tweeting this info out this evening.  my curiosity is now on overload capacity.  MOD's, please pardon me if this subject is upon the wrong area.  much obliged, monarch.

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