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Posts posted by monarch

  1. type.png

    talk about a brilliant idea!  

    not to mention... a brilliant location downtown, directly in the vicinity of the geoge r. brown convention center.

    just think about it for a moment.. whenever out of town guest arrive as per ongoing conventions... they shall now

    be able to satisfy their hidden fantasies of enjoying genuine texas barbque.

    made with love....

  2. i have been somewhat perplexed every since the unveiling as per randall davis's marlowe.  sure, none of us are exactly novices here.. and we certainly understand that his prospective rendering / concept is just upon it's initial stages.  however, randall has been contemplating venturing forth back into the downtown cbd market for quite some time now... why on earth would he arrive with such a demure / unattractive / small in scope and scale, at a time when everyone is projecting larger edifices that are practically SCREAMING please rent or buy one of me / strangely introverted totally non glamorous edifice right beside GREENSTREET?


    this is just so very perplexing to me after witnessing what all that he has contributed as per the galleria post oak area.  why randall?  why so very demure / quiet / non glamorous now... especially upon the downtown cbd district where you have the utmost capability to showcase your overall developmental strength?  i just do not get it...

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