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Posts posted by monarch

  1. an additional opinion here gents. actually, i believe that the current moniker RIVER OAKS DISTRICT is a bit foreboding / militaristic / industrial.  imo, there is simply nothing that is "inviting" as per this particular moniker.  as per their utmost experience, i was a bit surprised that oliver mcmillan, even chose such a name in the first place.


    LA - RODEO DRIVE - an instant classic


    CHICAGO - MAGNIFICENT MILE - an instant classic


    NEW YORK - FIFTH AVENUE - an instant classic


    MIAMI - WORTH AVENUE - an instant classic


    ...catch my drift.  new orleans, lay's claim to the "garden district" , but that is an enclave of old and yet stately homes etc.  i just think that houston can do much better that this.  below, are a few of my ideas:








    ...the latter two offer a bit of an italian flair.  

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  2. much obliged as per the heads up swtsig.  you speak, we listen!


    W is looking at westcreek supposedly which should come as no suprise to anyone here

    Ritz would be nice although i definitely see it as more of an uptown hotel - downtown may have some momentum but it cannot touch the high-end appeal that exists uptown

    i wouldn't be surprised if a few high end boutique hoteliers weren't kicking around ideas around town


  3. wow!  are we serious?  so they plan to remove all of that excess upon the roof away, and then install a "stone" skirting?  simply beautiful, should it hold up.  management, obviously has more capital as per renovations, than previously thought.  props, as always, for sharing urbannizer.

  4. thank you kindly, as per sharing dallaz.  no matter the "silly season" rhetoric, regarding dallas not being able to fill up certain edifices that are now upon lease measures.  who really cares, about this rhetoric?  i am a houstonian, that absolutely loves our fair city upon the bayou.  however, imo, it is a well known fact, that whenever dallas decides to go full measures ahead, as per any related project..  not only shall they succeed at it, but they always become a bit more "world class" than before.


    "hat's off" to you, as per sharing with us these wonderful prospective illustrations.  "hat's off" to dallas, as per constantly striving to remain the glamour capital of texas.  (there is simply nothing wrong with this achievement).


    nonetheless, please bare in mind that "houston" is called the "fourth largest city upon the nation" for a reason.  we are BIG and constantly growing.  the momentum, has boomeranged right back down south, upon the ever sparkling bayou city.  we are now taking off, full speed ahead..  just like a rocket!  and whenever we land..  we will land upright, the same way we take off!


    Pictures of the proposed residential towers




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  5. yes of course, summertime is now forthcoming.  everyone, for whom is anyone, has their mindsets concentrated upon their own individual, and yet forthcoming pleasurable self interest.  summer vacations, summer spa retreats, 4th of july, galveston cruises, you name it..  and it's on it's merry way.


    however, SUPER BOWL LI has indeed been awarded to the city of houston, tx.  as we all are acutely aware, there is still a shortage of premium luxury brand hotels throughout our fair city.  SUPER BOWL LI, shall indeed bring upon megawatt stars vs celebrities, high roller types, nfl owners, sports superstars, you name it.. they shall indeed, put forth the effort to get here to party.  nonetheless, where upon earth, are we going to put up these highly spoiled rascals?  just what on earth, has happened to our previous luxury hotel BUZZZZZZZ?


    it was only about a couple of month's ago, that we were somewhat anticipating a slew of forthcoming announcements regarding prospective luxury hotel brands slated as per houston.  well, we've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, to the very degree that it seems as though it was just a fantasy indeed.  ritz carlton, w hotel, possibly a fairmont, hey even a classic rendition of the nationally famous, peabody hotel of memphis, tn.  what happened as per these prospectives?


    as we all are aware, super bowl's, can get here very quickly.  time is always of the essence, in regards to the hotel industry.  time to build / construct, time to prepare as per the masses, time to instill the mindset of first class quality throughout..  you get it?   


    does anyone of our cool vs creative haifer's.. care to share any news concerning any forthcoming luxury hotel brands, slated as per houston?  please bare in mind, SUPER BOWL LI is indeed forthcoming.

  6. bachanon, my pal, please allow me the opportunity to start out by articulating.. i openly applaud your direct enthusiasm as per opposing any incorrect usage, of such a vital, as well as all important property of downtown houston.. the old post office site.  please relax a moment, take a deep breath, and allow yourself to reminisce about the big macy's department store, located downtown, directly upon main street.  this particular edifice, was centered upon one of the most highly regarded blocks in the entire state of texas.  macy's is now long and gone.  and now currently arising upon this most anticipated sites...  the phantom menace.  a building that is so very non inspiring, that we all really still cannot believe that it is actually being established upon what i consider the most holistic site in all of texas.  nonetheless, we are all just happy to see something actually ARISE upon main street...  am i correct?


    houston, imo, is now fast becoming one of the most magnificent, diverse, as well as highly regarded world class cities in all of these united states.  houston, is BIG, BODACIOUS, and just not afraid of anything!  however, our fair city has all but one main drawback..  we are cursed with far too many conservative mindsets, located throughout our city government, county wide government, and even city wide representatives located upon austin, tx.  WE JUST CANNOT GET THINGS DONE.  need an early example..  the astrodome!  i felt absolutely disgusted, to learn later after the official vote had taken place, that thousands of citizens as per fort bend county, actually voted to defeat the dome amendment.  get that, fort bend county....


    i for one, may assure anyone that reads this posting, that i have become so very sick and tired of reading from others upon this great forum, the same old worn out excuse vs crutch, that "houston is now arising as per it's depression of the 80's energy burst".  well, imo, the entire state of texas has certain segments that are still suffering to some degree or another, and yet they were still able to meet their area's demand and grow.  let us take a quick visit to san antonio.  they are always held upon very high regard nationally, they are always building and growing their city's infrastructure, they don't make silly excuses, they plan very well.. and they make things happen.  let us now visit austin.  need i say anything more?  austin, tx., has now become just one of the very fastest growing metropolis's in all of america.  vitality, gentrified, musical, and just basic fun times.  austin, received the XGAMES so very fast.. that i'm actually a little afraid that they may not be ready lodging wise in time.  now let us arrive in dallas, tx.  are you now nervous?  we really do not like to refer to dallas to much now do we?  we love to pick out certain aspects of the metroplex, to pick on, as well as try and play the oneupmanship game with..  simply because we no within our heart of hearts, that although houston, tx., is officially listed as the "fourth largest city within the confines of the united states"..  dallas, tx., for no unknown reasons, seem to constantly outshine us, upon many regards.  (glamour, espn, bigger and far better stadiums, gleaming victory plaza, neiman marcus located downtown, ritz carlton, w hotel, barney's new york) get the picture.  you name it, they have it.  if they don't yet have it..  they will soon devise a plan to get it..  and trust me, it will be well done.  i for one, would never ever say that dallas does not make mistakes.. they do indeed.  but god only knows that houston does as well.


    now bachanon, let us revisit your gracious illustrations below:  


    1.  this particular illustration is soft and graciously beautiful.  one main drawback, it just reek's of the san francisco landmark pyramid edifice.  houston, certainly shall become the "laughing stock of the nation" should we construct an edifice that closely resembles another town's landmark building.


    2.  what in god's name is that?  whatever it is, let us keep it there, and not let it loose.


    3.  beautiful, and yet quite fun.  but this particular attraction, belongs upon abu dhabi, dubai, or maybe even doha, qatar.  simply brilliant design, and yet mucho costly.


    4.  far too boring, non original.


    5. ghastly!


    6.  illustration miami, an instant classic.  a modernistic landmark design, that simply reek's of miami's very liberal minded momentum.


    to date, what houston really requires at this point in it's history bachanon, is more citizens like yourself.  citizens, that not only love and appreciate our fair city, but citizens that are openly striving as per this city's overall well being, as well as excellence.  once we are able to achieve this all important aspect.. LOOKOUT NEW YORK! 



    in response to a thread about the police department building on the post office site: "the post office site needs to be treated as the "gateway" (for lack of a better term) to the city of houston.  the last thing we want is a quickly aging police headquarters fronting downtown with 24 hour activity surrounding law enforcement; let them build under the elevated section of 59 by the elysian viaduct or north of u of h on the bayou side.


    i want.....yes, i'm stomping my feet like a two year old....i want a monumental structure on the post office site that implies "welcome to oz (not the prison reference, the over the rainbow reference)/space city/the city of possibility/the city where dreams come true/the most diverse up and coming city in the country".  while i'm on my soapbox in dreamland......i want a frank gehry or a morphosis or a renzo piano...i want something that is bold yet restrained; it doesn't turn it's back to the freeway or the bayou; it is beautiful from 360 degrees; it is mixed use, pedestrian friendly and connected to mass transit......


    i know i'm not asking much......i just watched the secret life of walter mitty and feel like i need to go jump out of a helicopter and just freakin' go for it!!  sorry...i digress.


    NO!  XENOS!!! (channeling toula's father in "my big fat greek wedding"...possibly incorrectly) XENOS to more police structures on the bayou or in desirable locations!"


    big, i'm sayin' BIG!  for instance:












    i understand it's easy to google for cool images and tack them onto a thread, but this is an important location; if it isn't a monumental development then it should be something completely public.




  7. actually, no surprise here.  just as the hurricane force "winds" of gentrification blew into "west dallas" as well as  "freedman's town" and swept all of the original occupants away...  seems the same thing is now happening towards the third ward of houston.  once again, no surprises here!


    Just to give people an idea of the neighborhood that this project is going into, most might be surprised that THIS is the new Third Ward newcomers are coming to. This is a block over from this development on Hutchins St. between Hadley and McIlhenny (spelled correctly).




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