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Posts posted by monarch

  1. i had an opportunity to witness the video.  throughout his crude charade of trying in earnest to "trash" houston, i for one, thought that he made a total "ass" of himself upon that stage in dallas.  


    not to mention, he has totally "contradicted" many notable and premier "new york" publications, upon their utmost quest to compliment the forward progress as well as "coolness" factor now being acclaimed as per houston.  conan, shall now learn just as other's before him have had to learn...  DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS!


    He sang a song and totally mocked Houston.  Calling it pollution and a big pile of trash.  He said when you drive to Houston continue to drive to Dallas.  It's media but what a jerk!



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  2. as an employee as per "fluor daniel corporation" i have the privilege of working inside the "theater of afghanistan".  i have been employed within the confines of this beautiful and yet extremely dangerous "war zone" as per the duration of (8+ years).  dubai, uae, is considered our company's "port of entry" in and out of afghanistan respectively.


    i shall concur completely with "sellanious caesar" as per his post.  for i have harbored the opportunity to witness these "outside worker's" first hand during my time within the "middle east".


    malaysia, phillipines, kuala lumpur, tibet, india, mongolia...   just to name a few of the many countries, that are sending their respective worker's to build and transform dubai, uae.  most of these "worker's" lack all sorts of mental, physical, and safety measures to add to their skill sets, as well as an overall employment well being.  in other words...  they work in extreme "hazardous" conditions, with very little and oftentimes no pay.


    i have visited the "dubai mall" many times as they were building the "burj khalifa".  i could literally step outside of the "mall" and walk right up to the building itself.   simply amazing edifice.  however, yes!  the "middle east" is notorious as per building and transforming itself at the expense of desperate and vulnerable "outside workers".  as they save "billions" of dollars achieving this method upon their world class propositions, as well as objectives.


    Cheap labor and materials. The Middle East is notorious for importing near free labor and from Vietnam to Turkey and Russia is some of the worlds largest steel manufacturers. Cost to purchase and import material is inexpensive compared to the US.



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  3. normally, i shall concur with your thoughts as per consternation, regarding such a high dollar downtown proposition subdude.  however, before i proceed...   shall we bare in mind the "messenger".  whenever "swtsig" speaks as per any houston related proposition...   trust me, there is normally a "hint" of reality.  just saying.


    A $2b downtown project?  C'mon...  Color me majorly dubious.  Not to belabor the obvious, but chat boards aren't exactly renowned as reliable intelligence on these matters.  I'm sure that developers always toss ideas about, but that is a far cry from actual planning. 




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  4. urbannizer, you are the consummate "gem" as per keeping us members up to date with the "going up" status quo.  that being said...  i must admit that this particular much anticipated HSPVA edifice, reminds me of a modern day "nabisco plant"!


    suddenly, i feel as though i'm craving "ritz crackers".  i shall continue to monitor this illustration throughout the evening in hopes that my hunger shall subside.



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  5. trust me subdude, you have over (8+ thousand post).  thus, you have more than earned your right to add a bit of subtle critique to a prospective edifice that all have been anticipating.  not to mention...  you are hereby absolutely correct!


    Before anyone gets on my case for criticism of a building on what is now a surface lot, let me say that it is fantastic that a school is returning to the block that held the original Houston high school.  It is also great to see diversity of use returning to downtown.  


    All that said, I don't much like the design.  It just seems like random bits thrown together with no cohesion.  The overhang over the drive-in is top-heavy, and the giant HSPVA letters are just god-awful.  I hated the jumbo lettering at the Beck addition to MFAH, and this is even more egregious.  Shame, because I always thought the Montrose building was really well done.


  6. apologies are in order, that you were so "confounded".   i was only paying a compliment to both "triton vs larry dierker" as per their wonderful photos / illustrations.  both of these gents, are true "assets" to haif houston as per their dedication.


    You seem to have taken offense where none was intended?


    I was just a little unsure of what you meant in your post that I specifically asked about.  Perhaps I shall endeavor to read again what so confounded me the first time?


  7. haif members,


    as i take a moment to canvas over "triton's" simple and yet perfect illustrations, i cannot help but think just how "brilliant" a strategy that "midway cos" was, in purchasing the bitter functioning "houston pavilions".  


    what a difference a few month's of "rebranding" can actually make to a entertainment venue that was once upon the wane.  GREENSTREET, as we are now calling it...   shall now become positioned to ensure that houston may forget about the upsurge regarding the downtown's of both dallas as well as austin, tx.  once the very recently announced "hotel alessandra" comes into fruition...  there shall be no stopping downtown houston!


    and yet, thanks to the generosity and expertise of such haif members such as "triton" vs "larry dierker's" wonderful photo's...   we shall now be able to just sit back and fantasize, at just how future development as per GREENSTREET shall now evolve into reality.  this is gonna be fun!     


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