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Posts posted by monarch

  1. uh, maybe b/c this is an 8-block development in an area that hardly has any single or 2-block developments outside of UH? an 8-block development in any part of town would be demmed "ambitious" - proposing one in an area not known for any major developments makes it moreso. and just b/c you have taken it upon yourself to speak for all the residents in 3rd ward doesn't make your opinion any more valid.


    and why are you putting 3rd ward in quotes?


    uh, well maybe you are now in position to enlighten me upon just how many developments were in place around the Holly Hall / South Main area pre Astrodome.....I'm waiting?


    Thank God for "out of the box" thinking visionaries such as Judge Roy Hofheinz and his minions.  I am not at all naive or gullible swtsig, for I know that prospectives such as this aforementioned concept, as well as direct planning vs financing can be hard to come by.  However, I would like to think that this is the way that density begins.  Wayward / forward thinking with an added ounce of gamble.


    Additionally, this is not to patronize you my good pal, but as I have mentioned beforehand as per a few of my prior post, "I have been trolling this great site for a few years now, as I was out of the country.  Personally, I think that you are brilliant.  I am always looking forward to your post...as they have taught me a great deal as to what is being planned / implemented upon our fair City of Houston.  However, please pardon my quotes around the 3rd Ward....for I do know just how these small details can easily get on your nerves.  Please keep up your great and yet informative post.  monarch.


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  2. seems like a nice development, but too ambitious for 3rd ward.


    oh really?  Why is this prospective development too ambitious as per the "3rd Ward"?  May you please explain upon your rhetoric...


    I am most certain, that if I could speak upon behalf of the residents of this historic as well as highly adverse area of Houston, that most residents would be inclined to agree that this is the sort of ambitious / anticipated / as well as prospective development that is sorely needed as per this particular region of of the "3rd Ward".


    "Ambitious" projects of this nature, are of the sort that normally can bring about badly needed jobs...as well as "gentrification" to this particular region.  Not to mention...a bit of pride.  monarch




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  3. I think that Iron Tiger's original point though is about the type of retail that is desired.  I agree with his point that high end retail is not particularly desirable downtown.


    I agree with most posters that downtown retail should not be destination retail.


    ...oh really?  Just whom are your "most posters"?  I moved to Houston from Beaumont, TX during the early 80's right out of high school.  As a means to help support myself through college, I worked contractual jobs throughout the downtown region.  I for one, can openly assure anyone...that downtown retail was a dire need then....and most definitely is today.


    If I could not find any needed items within the downtown district, then I would head over to the Galleria.  


    Anyone remember the old, magnificent, and very different from today's Abercrombie and Fitch?  This boutique was located within the then newly built Park Shops?  That place was perfect....and hands on service was incredible...albeit a bit expensive.  Downtown Houston retail establishment's have dried up considerably.  I now thank God for new and incredible establishment's like "Phoenicia".  This  place is fast becoming a major player.  Anyone and everyone should try one of their delicious meals that they serve within their hot deli....upon any given day or night.  


    You are a great Haif poster my good pal "livincinco".  But I think that maybe you have been "livinincinco" a bit to long....


    The time for Downtown Houston is NOW!  Just build it... and I can assure you that they will come.  Trust me, I shall be the first in line....Monarch  



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  4. What kind of travelers stay in the high end hotels everyone is craving? Business people?




    Well, I think that I may have a bit of an answer as per your aforementioned query.  I am not a wealthy person by any means.  However thanks to my great position with my firm "Fluor Daniel Government Projects" within the confines of the Theater of Afghanistan.  My position allows for me to accept a substantial compensation...for which in turn, allows for me to patronize establishments such as the W Qatar, Hotel Kempinski, Mall of Emirates, St. Regis Bali, Indonesia, Victoria & Albert Hotel, South Africa....to name a few.


    I patronize these reputable and yet highly notable establishments due to the sheer quality, service, and attention to any and every detail as per their many clientele.....as per any race, creed, lifestyle, religion imaginable....


    I work extremely hard upon my job as a top level administrative contractor as per the US Military.  This shall include extremely long hours....enduring extremely difficult elements.....all of the while based in extreme and yet highly austere environments.  Trust me my good pal....when it is time for a vacation....I am purely exhausted.


    Therefore, these are the reasons.....as stated above....for which people like myself (in my line of business) choose to patronize such luxury establishments.  


    These particular luxury establishments.....tend to bring back the HUMAN in humankind.....trust me on this one......



  5. As a government contractor, for whom has had the privilege of working within the confines of Afghanistan as per several years, I have had the opportunity to patronize the H&M within the Mall of the Emirates, as well as the Dubai Mall, Dubai, UAE, respectively.  I for one, just could never understand the "allure" of this particular brand other than maybe it is just quite trendy as per some of it's growing list of patrons.


    The very youthful merchandise within H&M is really nothing to write home about...as per my taste.....and trust me, I have visited some really nice and high end stores and boutiques during my worldly travels.


    Additionally, in regards to the concepts of Houston acquiring the ultra trendy W Hotel vs a new and very luxurious Ritz Carlton Houston, I for one, am just like all of you....knowing full well that a power house city like Houston, surely will someday witness the revealing of one if not a few of these hotels patronizing our fair city.  Just how on earth can they continue to patronize both Austin as well as Dallas....and totally just ignore the fourth largest....as well as most dynamic city in the United States......talk about compelling. Lastly, I just wanted to finally send a BIG HELLO to all of the mighty HAIFERS!  I have been dutifully "trolling" basically every night....upon whether I am at my office on my base within the Theater of Afghanistan, vs traveling upon one of my vacations due to being exhausted as per some seriously hard work....working and taking good care of our magnificent military.  I just wanted to say please....group / friends.....continue to love our great and fair City of Houston the way that all of you seem to do.  It has become quite evident to myself throughout the few years of "trolling" that a good many of you Haifers really do indeed love our fair City of Houston, and you certainly do not mind defending it ....no matter what.  Therefore, please know, that no matter what you decide to comment upon....how you decide to comment upon it......whenever you decide to comment upon it......as well as the length for which you decide to reveal your comment.......please bare in mind, that we are looking and learning, and taking it all in......thanks to the sheer generosity your post.  


    I go by the user name "Monarch".  And I am more than proud to call myself a HAIFER.  WM 



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