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Everything posted by HoustonIsHome

  1. Glad to see people still cheerleading the loss of retail in a burgeoning neighborhood, that for now has an abundance of empty lots/ under used space.
  2. Lol, so they just gave up on naming the building? I like the sign, but that is just so lazy.
  3. Why do people keep saying adding UH and TT to the PUF would be to the detriment of UT and A&M. So let me get this right. The two flagships get 5 percent of the revenue from the landholdings. Is that right? UT already had more money than it knows what to do with, but anyway what if the PUF dispersement is increased to to 8 percent and then devided accordingly. It didn't hurt UT when the other system schools were added so why would it hurt UT if UH was added? Is it because UH and TT are the closes to being Tier one?
  4. When I say replaced, I mean the building, not the business. I would love if Pappas would still be there, but in a building that makes better use of the land. Same with the bookstore. A drive through single floor building is such poor land use.
  5. This is so much different from what was there before. Binswanger glass building sends far out of place with the vision for that area. The book store, public storage and that Pappas will hopefully in the next cycle be replaced with something better
  6. 1 acre really isn't that big.Bump it to 5 to 10 Acres and now we are talking
  7. Exactly, and I'd you scroll back this has been my concern from the start. Will this enhance TMC through or fracture and water it down. TMC has developed to what it is by cooperation between member organization (of which UT is a huge player) from the start I fear that UT doing its own thing might water down TMC expansion and fracture it's might. I would be more at ease if UT'S plans were more adjacent to TMC and more focused on TMC3 first
  8. No it doesn't, and no it isn't. If transportation was a major player then silicon valley would either be in SF/Oakland or LA/long beach instead of SJ to be closer to the major airports and seaports. You are making it seem like Austin isn't a short connecting flight from IAH or DFW. Austin isn't all that hard to get to. In medieval times Geniuses clustered in Alexandria and made lots of discoveries there. Sane thing is happening in Silicon Valley, same is happening in the Research Triangle, same at TMC. A cluster of brainpower seems to be far more important than worrying about bringing expects to town. I would be more apt to locate my research near Stanford that at Port of Oakland or LAX.
  9. International air and seaports have little to do with research. I'm thinking it has more to do with the brain power of TMC. Like all these "valleys" innovation tend to come in clusters, and TMC is the strongest congregation of mental will in Texas and maybe the entire south. If an excuse for the location needs to be had then that would be it.
  10. 1. Uptown is huge 2. The skyhouse garage doesn't seem as depressing here as the ones downtown. 3. That target sho takes up a lot of space
  11. All these new complexes and it's still getting harder to find a cheap complex inside the beltway. Ah the under $500 days for a descent complex is gone.
  12. 10 years ago DG was not yet born, two huge surface parking lots stood in its place, one Park place, Hess, Marriott Marquis, Houston pavilions/ greenstreet.... was not yet built. We have come a long way
  13. Tempered glass is a great idea if the fins could be converted to balconies. A residential tower this size would push Downtown residential to new heights. Plus there are still vacant lots around this building so there is room for more interesting things to go up
  14. That is what you would rather, but I would rather the lots housed a more functional garage then if residential space is needed then that goes on top of the garage or get rid of the garage completely and build the residential, but in the meantime, a garage with retail at the bttm in my view is a 100% better than a surface lot. And no, Houston is no different from DFW, or any other large post automobile metro. It works all the same. At this point you are just poking holes for personal tastes. So a tenant has to walk a couple blocks. So what? Not optimal but it is not like 2 miles
  15. And who said anything about setting aside 10 to 20 square blocks. I said 10 to 20 of those 16 floor garages scattered around downtown. Having the space for development is good, but I would rather all those surface lots to be garages than empty lots.
  16. Lol, this works in cities everywhere, I swear you guys act like things work different in Houston from everywhere else
  17. It's easier because they could purchase parking contracts to satisfy city requirements instead of building it's own. Also, people who live downtown still have cars. You say you can't imagine them driving much downtown, but you do know they leave downtown too right? Downtown residents do drive. So they do need places to park their car.
  18. I think we have just begun to see parking garage construction. We have gained net parking, but we will also be getting more residents and more jobs will follow, which means more required parking until it levels out and downtown residents feel more comfortable not owning cars. I think we need like 10 to 20 more of these 15+ storey garages scattered around downtown to make it easier on new construction. That would have the added benefit of making surface parking less lucrative.
  19. I agree, I love the new look of Central Square, but was always intrigued by the old version. In a weird way I appreciate a little bit of urban blight in a few locations. Makes a downtown feel lived in. Too much sterility is boring.
  20. An awesome sign. So the market is there, we just need the right product
  21. Did the previous building have structure issues? Was it unleaseable? I don't know much about this area. Trying to figure out the economics of demolishing a building and not sure about being able to deliver a replacement
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