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Everything posted by HoustonIsHome

  1. Its not just about people getting hit. Uptown isn't as pedestrian friendly because of how is was built. 1. Each building was built as a destination with little regard to what's next to it. Street level integration and activity is some foreign notion there. 2. The size of the lots makes getting from independent island to independent island harder. 3. Apart from getting hit, waking doesn't provide a visually appealing experience. Downtown for example is turning around with more of a push towards storefronts in New buildings. In uptown, you dodge cars, huge ugly parking lots, lots of blank walls. The trees do help though. Houston does trees well. 4. With all the residential around uptown, entertainment options are rather low. Abd not just stuff for adults. There is a shortage of parks and stuff for kids. Downtown has the aquarium, the zoo is a short two miles away on the rail, plus there are tons of parks all around. Anyway as is Houston custom, there is nothing like uptown anywhere else in Texas. Are of or skylines are unique. Nothing as big with as many amenities as Downtown Houston anywhere in Texas. Nothing anywhere near TMC in Texas. And Uptown is just a beast. Driving down 610 that place already makes San Antonio look like a tiny town. If that thing fills in it will be a monster.
  2. Hughes landing Would be interesting. Close to the main campus, but not actually in the campus. I don't know why Any company would want to stay in DFW anyway. Lol, that should all move here
  3. Im with urbanizer. If this isn't TW uptown would be my next guess. I guess I would be happy with that.
  4. A Spread out Dubai? Like Dubai s towers are not spread out in random places? Dubai builds more in line with Houston than NY when it comes to layout. Give them their due, they do have style. The developments are usually cutting edge
  5. That arched walkway is so sexy. If they had demolished this building I would have exploded
  6. Okay, now that is sexy. Definitely works be a game changer in the pedestrian outlook for uptown
  7. I will be walking to blvd place too. Its a welcomed change in development style. I'm happy that you are with me on walking in the area, but just because there are gay republicans doesn't mean republicans are gay friendly and just because me and you walk around uptown doesn't mean uptown is pedestrian friendly. We are just used to it. Its not just westheimer, its also post oak, richmond, 610... the main parts of Uptown. We need dozens of Blvd places. Its a start but just a chip in the Office Parkburg
  8. I agree, an in addition, The east side is more wet, more swampy, and the big storms seem to pass on the eastern side more often
  9. I respect your opinion, but stick by mine. Uptown is a step up from Greenspoint and The energy corridor, but still a collection of office parks. That is simply the ambiance each development creates. Each development is an island unto itself.
  10. that one better get built. They created a huge wound in the middle of downtown
  11. I think he meant same floor plan, different color glass. My opinion on skyhouse is positive. The building is simple but in an attractive way. They don't BS on getting the building started and work at record pace. To answer Cloud713, I do think the market will hold up long enough to allow skyhouse to build a third tower. The Houston housing market is hotter than ATLs right now and it is less Saturated with these type of units. The big question is where. Skyhouse built in southern dowtown to capture the Downtown/midtown vibe. They are building in Afton Oaks to capture the River Oaks/Uptown crowd. So will the uptown area get a second Skyhouse or would tge Downtown area get another skyhouse? My money is on close to downtown. Skyhouse seem to buck convention and be ahead of the crowd. The 3rd Skyhouse would probably go in the Museum District/Montrose area.
  12. I didn't say you said it would become urban, I said that widened the streets won't change the suburban feel.Uptown is what it is. I really like it. It is one facet of or diverse liking city. As far as urbanism, it will remain a car dependent paradise. Unless you can rotate all the skyscrapers to integrate with the street instead of their own plaza. Personally, uptown is pretty as is. The increase in the density of buildings will enhance the area but I don't think they should mess with post oak. I was never really on board for a post oak rail. It should be on a smaller street or underground
  13. A grand grouping of office parks? yes. The look of a gigantic city when you zoom down 610? yes. Any sort of urban feel? Definitely not The buildings do not engage the street. They all interact with their own plaza. I think its a waste of money to mess with post oak
  14. Compare that to downtown and you will see that uptown is always going to be a giant office park. Its more than being close to the street. All the buildings engage their own plaza instead of the street. Sorry man I am not buying that widening the street is going to make a meaningful difference
  15. Uptown looks like a huge city from far but get course to the buildings and they are all drive-to office parks. Here are some Google earth shots. Not one of the buildings are built up to the street
  16. There are certain areas that I have hope for as far as pedestrian activity goes but Uptown is not one of them. Its actually weird saying this because I have criss crossed uptown by foot and bus so I do know how to get around uptown without a car. uptown is just too suburban business park style developed. It has the jobs, it has the condos, it just too spread out. Must of the towers are set far back from the street, the streets are wide and busy. I just don't see uptown changing. I think uptown is what it is and I think that attempting to make it more pedestrian friendly will kill the area. Downtown, midtown, Montrose, 4th ward, Rice Village, even parts if 3rd and second wards have potential. TMC has potential. Westheimer in various parts have potential. Uptown... I just don't think that's where its heading
  17. Good for TSU, good for UH and good for Houston. Improving TSU is only a plus for UH, and Houston could surely do with a boost in the education department
  18. Becaus the physical boundaries have rebounded downtown. The highways redefined what is considered downtown. Off topic but have you meet some of those weirdos who call most areas in the loop downtown?
  19. I don't have a problem with townhouses. I don't even have a problem with townhouses in that area. I just wish they would use the plots to its highest potential.
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