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Everything posted by HoustonIsHome

  1. I have no fond memories of Greenspoint. I just hate people saying areas are ugly because it is high crime. The four buildings on the corners of the Benmar and imperial valley intersection are far from ugly. Even the highly ghetto City view place apartments on the northwest corner. If you think this area is ugly then you have not lived. Take a shot at 5th ward, parts of 3rd ward, Sunnyside. THOSE areas are ugly. Greenspoint, Fondren, Gulfton, are dense high crime areas but they are not ugly. Prostitution happens all over the world from palaces on down. That does not mean an area is ugly. The intersection you talk about had immaculate roads, well kept buildings, and landscaping renewed multiple times a year. If you don't tell any visitor that this area is high crime, they would think its a nice area. I hate when people say an area is ugly because it is high crime.
  2. What about that ROW that runs about two blocks east of Elysian? It runs into Hardy where its a straight shot to the airport (10 miles according to Google maps) from the Hardy yards. A direct rail route (no stops from there would be less than 20 minutes. Riders could transfer to the red line at the Burnet station
  3. I dunno, I think I agree with the author on his point that Houston goes overboard with outdoor space. I am sure that the Bayou park could handle all the festival's. My vision for the area would be a walkers paradise. My number one thing would be not one parking spot. No surface or garage parking whatsoever. I would put about three or four towers there that would be at least 30 floors. One or two hotels would be nice. UHD is an asset that could be served with student housing. Finally I would fill the area with restaurants and stores. Can you imagine hotels and stores along the bayou where Franklin is? Anyway, I don't think Downtown needs more big parks. Especially in that area. It is already park heavy. Lots of greenspace in that area and not enough development. I dunno I see a lot of potential for the site and that means dramatic changes. I want more height in the area.
  4. Yes I do like the Harvard plan but Houston has so many of the suburban creativeness I would rather we keep it to a minimum downtown. I actually would pull up Franklin and build up right up to the paths on the Bayou. Apart from the jail buidings all the rest of the buildings along the bayou are set back way too far
  5. Its about 8 miles north of the northline center. If there are no more stops the rail would get there in 15 minutes. But yes, that's from northline. How long does it take from northline to Mainstreet sq?
  6. Again, the mall is 4 miles away. Secondly, I am taking about greens point. Greenspoint is the area between Hardy and Ella. Greenspoint is not the area around the airport asking the beltway. When I get on a pc I will post pics of Greenspoint. It is surprisingly green abd scenic. There are quite a few well kept parks in the area. Frankly I think you are one of those drive by people who have a strong opinion of something you know little about. The area east of Hardy along the beltway and south of it is NOT NOT NOT NOT Greenspoint or even the city if Houston. It is Aldine CDP. You can have a good laugh if you want. Gi ahead wallow in that ignorance. Greenspoint is high crime but I stand by my point it is far from ugly
  7. I like the Columbia and UM plans the best. The Harvard plan looks cool and modern but too suburban campus like for downtown. I like the density in the UM plan and the green spaces in the Columbia plan is just awesome
  8. UHD has a few buts of land scattered around. Hakeem Olajuwon owns some plots around UHD too. Mainly near White Oak Bayou. He bought it ages ago but never said what he is going to do with it. Anyway, I don't think the post office site is a bad one. Give it a chance. If the city goes ahead with its flood control plans, develop the bayou/river walk as planned, continue the Buffalo Bayou central park idea, develop UhD, the increased residential at market square, improve the Amtrak site and that area just west of 45 And east of Houston avenue...then that area would make the Hardy yards look like chump change. Especially if 45 gets tunneled. Picture a silted Bayou, Awesome views of downtown., walking distance to Allens Landing and Market Square, walking distance to Amtrak, UHD station, Preston Station and the Green/ purple lines, access to bus lines, walking distance ti the aquarium, theater district. The site is half the size of the Hardy Yards but Its still about five blocks long and four blocks wide IN downtown. This area gets no love
  9. There is nothing wrong with Greenspoint visually. It it's well kept, tree lined and looks better than half the neighbourhoods in Houston. But anyway. The airport is 4 miles away from Greenspoint
  10. Nope. There is a parking lot in between the post office and the UHD main buildings. That is where they planned to build their science and Technology wing. But tryst me, I walked it today and its mere feet from the post office to the UHD lot and from there just Milam and Travis which are rather narrow in that area. 150 to 200 feet tops And I agree that it should all tie in. That site is huge. It would be awesome if they built like how the M&M building is built with the rail underneath a building. They could have a shopping complex on the first floor above then market some dorm style units of something to UHD
  11. Yeah I walked by there too. Was great to see construction all up and down main. This, Skyhouse, Savoy, Greenstreet and Macy's site all in a nice little stretch
  12. I walked the distance between the post office and UHD today, and it took ask of five minutes. You guys grossly over-exaggerated the distance. No where near a half mile. You kidding me? Not even a quarter mile. Two 200 foot skywalks would probably do the trick (assuming (UHD did expand on their lot). Even without the walks the walk is not that bad. I did the reverse trip from Preston station and that was even easier because I didn't have to go up stairs. Wanted to try the walk to the green/purple lines but had to meet someone and ran out of time but those lines are less than a five minute walk too. I am confident that the station would be tued on with downtown public transit much easier than you guys make it seem. Yes you guys had a vision for the Hardy yards but the post office site isn't as bad as you are making it seem. Lots of open area in that corner. It can be developed quute nicely
  13. Duh my line would be in addition too the lines to the major cities. What you stated is just the same thing being discussed from the start
  14. When I did it I got less than 800 feet from UHD to the post office straight line over Travis from above Washington avenue area. Nothing close to 1/2 a mile. There is only a parking lot separating uhd and the post office. About 10 years ago UHD was liking into putting a building on that lot. A sky bridge between that building and UHD over Travis and Milam would put you just across the spur from the post office
  15. That sounds much better than what I saw. Must have seen old plans. But that just means this makes this site even more attractive. High speed rail tracks Commuter rail Amtrak rail Buses. The only thing hardy has on this is that it already on the light rail
  16. I mentioned light rail because 1. It would connect the post office site to the other lines. 2. It would service the neighbors to the west. 3. The commuter rail plans terminated before downtown. I would rather they code directly to the post office site, but if they don't then the light rail would just be a shower option, but an option nevertheless.
  17. I don't see the big issue. This thing is IN downtown What really grinds my gears is that you guys keep refering to THE rail line this and the rail line that. Common people Houston is growing past the red line. Why can't the post office station be connected by light rail?
  18. I agree with Moore. The site is only about four blocks from the Green line and about 5 blocks from Preston station. A green link connector could be set up. Also the 36, 66 and 85 buses run right by the site. My favorite option however would be what is never talked about- rail service to the heights. We could have one starting at the post office site going west on Franklin to Washington. Then continue on Washington ti Old Katy road where it will terminate at the proposed 290 commuter rail. So basically you can take high speed rail to Houston, then light rail to 290, then commuter rail to the burbs. All connecting to the Post Office intermodal station. The heights rail could probably intersect going north on Sawyer?
  19. I have no idea what I am taking about. That's why I said we will have to wait and see. I certainly love the building. Dunno yet if I like where it will be plopped
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