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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. We might could resurrect Quality Hill if Trump comes in there.
  2. It is Ben Love. He has not only the supersized portrait, but a life sized bronze statue of him in a WWII flight suit lurking around somewhere. It was displayed in the Chase Tower sky lobby for a thankfully brief period before being taken off to gaze purposefully over its permanent location.
  3. I'm somewhere between B and C. Sure, he had a cakewalk... in the R primary, with a nicely whipped up frothy base, and a previously beaten Dew. Lots of people didn't vote in that primary - some of what remains of traditional Rs, I'm guessing a plurality of independents, and pretty much every single D (who had their own primary to vote in, don't forget). Also, Patrick's got name recognition here, all right. A good chunk of that name recognition is among those who are amazed he's made it this far.
  4. Not too long ago I had some friends in from Missouri who hadn't been here in a long, long time. They were blown away by the growth over the last couple of decades, were wide eyed over the museums, and could not figure out how on earth to choose among the places to feed within the limited amount of time they had.
  5. I wonder when their nonstops to SFO and PHX begin. I was poking around, but everything they were showing in the immediate future was still connecting through Denver - much better now than it was back when Stapleton was still going, but it still tacks on a bunch of time - and that's just during the summer when the weather is reasonably reliable.
  6. I like the resurrection. I'm going to miss the sunshades and the flagstone veneer. Properly maintained, they were pretty.
  7. mmmmm... I love the smell of new and/or improved infrastructure in the morning... such a nice little economic boost.
  8. As happens so frequently, just walk right in like you own the place and you are rarely questioned. BTW, lawyers often wear jeans and a sport shirt to the office these days. When they aren't wearing a Brooks Brothers suit and a homburg.
  9. Central Bank was recently an unused dump, sure. However, there was a time when it was occupied and reasonably well maintained. At that time and under those conditions, it was aesthetically pleasing, even if not fully in keeping with more recent design trends like glass on every possible wall.
  10. I'm gonna call BS on that last bit. The HAHC members are not kept sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnall's back porch except when being trotted out for a public viewing. Is an informational presentation meant to open up a free for all Q and A session? Probably not. Do commission members have their own preconceptions and perhaps agendas? Probably so. Will a polite, well reasoned letter describing a particular problem and proposed workable solution would be discarded out of hand? I doubt it, unless it's just without merit. Does it mean that the commission would completely disregard an organized group lobbying for something or another? No - even TxDOT will occasionally change course, for Pete's sake.
  11. Interesting. This is less than 15 years after the last re-do, which involved completely closing the building and going through it top to bottom. This is a much more targeted renovation, taking care of a few oddities. I've always wondered why Morton's didn't have an entry from the lobby in the first place, and yes, the tunnel area seemed to be almost an afterthought with how it's arranged. I had my office there right after the last renovation, which really wasn't quite finished. They repointed and regrouted a lot of the brickwork, the sound of which was like sitting in a dentist's office all day long. Don't get me started on that garage, with its single helix and the resulting narrow, two way lanes.
  12. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    IDK about some of METRO's design decisions. Looking back at the green/purple stations a full block away from the Main Street transfer station, I get it that clearances for the turnouts wouldn't allow them to be built in the block immediately east of Main, and that the block immediately west had other things that got in the way of putting the stations there... but I can't think of a good reason for why they couldn't have had the turnouts point west instead of east. Same thing with having the Great Wall of Rail LIne blocking a bunch of crossing streets. Yes, signals cost more than just running it through, but sooner or later people will get used to having rail on the streets again and the level of mayhem should abate.
  13. If you kids don't stop it I'm gonna turn this car around and we're just going to go home.
  14. Between this and 800 Bell, I suppose the latest, greatest fad is to use the sunscreens for a little bit of extra square footage. It's our current equivalent of the various methods of recladding that were used on buildings like 806 Main right about the time these were being built. I hate losing the genuine Rat Pack vibe. I've got to say, though, I like this remodel much better than what's proposed for 800 Bell, which IMHO is more of a remuddleing.
  15. The apparent footprint from the above and to the west perspective is a bit misleading. The portion of the building adjacent to Main is not as tall, and you can't really see it from that angle.
  16. This is why I avoid drive thrus - particularly if it's not some sort of mass production place. Go ahead and walk inside. Your order will most likely be taken more quickly, since it's easier to get people to move to the side than to do the same with cars. If it's going to be a while, you'll get a better sense of that earlier, and can exercise the options to either go elsewhere or perhaps grab a nice glass of iced tea and read some of the material that is likely around for that very purpose. Your order will more likely be correct, since there won't be the possibly questionable acoustics of the speaker system. Specials are less likely to be posted outdoors, likewise, if they're out of something, you'll learn of that earlier. And you'll be better for air quality than sitting there idling for even five minutes.
  17. I know that o' was making a funny, but I could see how some floors might be approved and others not - for example, some floors getting rejected for not having enough electrical outlets on a wall of a unit style found on those floors, but not others.
  18. There's one in the Customs House in the 700 block of San Jacinto, across from the former Texaco Building, another on Richmond west of Montrose and a third on Almeda just south of the Southwest Freeway.
  19. I read the article before posting, and what I picked up on was that it kept referring to the "Katy area." It would be clearer if it were more specific, but the article was quoting someone so the reporter doesn't get to make that change. Offhand, I think that equating a growing suburban school district to a landlocked, old (by US standards, at least) city is a bit of a false equivalence.
  20. Jesse Jones was no dummy. Shoot, I wouldn't be surprised if there isn't some sort of evil genius clause that requires his giant portrait to remain in what is now Chase's banking lobby in 712 Main.
  21. I have the same understanding, though I'm not entirely sure that the carefully preserved ownership interest in parking rights is necessarily an easement or perhaps some other critter (a distinction that I grant is likely of interest only to me, houstontexasjack, and maybe one or two others with strange obsessions for precise nomenclature and/or law licenses). I wonder if the parking right (whatever precise vehicle it may be) has some sort of reverter interest associated with it, where if the parking isn't used the interest re-merges with the remainder or maybe goes back to the original grantor - much like what is the case with some of the park donations over the years.
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