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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. From that particular vantage point, One Pipe Wrench Plaza (aka BG Place) would be just about completely blocked from view, since the new building will be on the south half of the block containing the big honkin' parking garage dead front and center and is projected to be seven stories taller than Calpine. Immediately behind it from this angle will be 609 Main. So I guess it's good that we will have Two Pipe Wrench Plaza to contemplate.
  2. That one's easy to fix. Just continue the IAH spur east along Will Clayton (plenty of median there), then hang a left to go north up the 59/69 HOV lanes out to Deadwood (The Leaveable Forest*). *(h/t my brother in law who lived there for a while).
  3. In some parts of town (like downtown), Houston's Finest will hang out at intersections just to eyeball inspection stickers (and anything else ticketable that may tickle their fancy - omitted front plate, anyone?)
  4. That's encouraging. One of the things I really like about OPP is how well worked out the details are - like hiding rooftop machinery inside what looks like a solid roof from below.
  5. Between looking kinda Sky House-ish and not breaking the 40 story mark... not a game changer.
  6. At this point the annual inspection is more about checking the emissions controls than giving the car a safety shakedown. Back in the day, you just accepted that you were going to end up paying for a (most likely unnecessary) headlight adjustment as part of the deal - now it seems that they just look to make sure they turn on.
  7. I put the two stickers side by side (which IS allowed) to avoid blocking too much view. We used to have plate stickers, but there was a problem with them getting stolen off of the plates. Same thing happened with the windshield stickers at first, but now the license number is printed on them so they seem to stay put.
  8. As a survey resource whose participants are largely self selected and unvetted as to experience or expertise, I think I'd be more willing to look at Trip Advisor to get an idea about what the conditions are like at a given lodging than as a first stop in a selection process for much of anything. As with Amazon reviews, anything can happen. That said, I don't particularly think of Space Center Houston in its current incarnation as a museum but more as a generic "attraction." It's also a bit off the path for a Houston visit unless you set out to go there. Either or both could well change with the improvements under way.
  9. I suspect there was some sort of scope or cost issue that had to get worked out before things could progress. Gummint contracting is a way different animal from private projects.
  10. The parking garage does have GFR on the Main Street side. One of the spaces is even leased out. I could see at least the lower two or three floors of the Battelstein's building working out as a grotto like club thing, or a tiki bar. It's the same sort of space as what's further up Main in the 300 block, just a newer build.
  11. It would be a good thing, but this is Houston. Forget "Houston is Hot" or "No Limits" - the slogan ought to be "Planning, Schmamming..." or "Coordination Is For Wimps."
  12. I like the building placement and density. OTOH, every time I look at this place's name, I think it's on Washington.
  13. Build To Suit. MF is also what people in houses call the multi family developments being built across the fence .
  14. Your skills aren't that bad. It wasn't the front building, it was immediately adjacent to Fingers, and you were navigating the Gulf Freeway. Besides, it's very likely that more people know where Fingers Magnificent Furniture Center on the Gulf Freeway* is than its next door neighbor, regardless of what its name is this year. *(Don't forget the appropriately stentorian tone when reading this title)
  15. They just ran a brief story on Ch. 11 with footage - it's one of the buildings in what used to be the Ramada Inn.
  16. New York City's zoning code has something similar to the "right to light" law; likewise, Austin has "view corridors." The New York code is why setback buildings came about there; it's since been revised to allow public plazas instead.
  17. About the only place I can think of where there's no possibility that your view would ever be changed by something built later is adjacent to a national forest. Even there, you have the possibility of fire. In Houston, with very limited restrictions on land use, the best one can do is look at what is in the neighborhood and try to read a crystal ball.
  18. It needs some pointy shark teeth on the front, sorta like this:
  19. Big McMansions on the prairie Big McMansions made of ticky-tacky Big McMansions on the prairie Big McMansions just the same. Theres a Tuscan one and a Craftsman one and a stucco one and an open plan one and they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same.
  20. Ah, yes... back when schools closed for Go Texan Day, and the big name entertainment consisted of the likes of The Cast Of Bonanza getting driven around the floor of the Coliseum in the back of a pickup, waving at people. People actually came for the rodeo itself.
  21. Actually, by some counts three or four. Two (or three) in the 15th and 17th centuries, and then Jan Masaryk in 1948 by the Russkies.
  22. I got a push poll about this from HLSR this morning. The choices were this development or continued entropy.
  23. How could I forget the Chevette? One of the drivers of GM's near demise. Granted, not quite as bad as the X cars (Citation, Cimarron, etc.), but that's like saying that I prefer smashing my thumb with a small hammer over one used for framing houses.
  24. Would my tinfoil hat help, or would it amplify the electromagnetic waves?
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