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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. More Kirby: Sam Montgomery Oldsmobile ("Sam the Rocket Man") was in the Village, and IIRC had a spaceman astride a rocket coming out of the roof over Kirby. (sheez, now I've got the jingle stuck in my head).
  2. I'll agree that gerrymandering is the fine art of goring the other guy's ox. Still, the Politburo had more turnover than Congress does now. It takes something really wild for a representative to get booted - see Ralph Hall at 91, or Eric Cantor ignoring his district. Perhaps something along the lines of California's commission system might be worth looking into. Awwww, who am I kidding - it would take a minor miracle to get such a thing through the Texas Lege.
  3. If Google Maps can be relied upon, it will be a bit smaller than the Kroger on Polk.
  4. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    Meanwhile, pedestrians heading east on Rusk from the only open sidewalk in its 800 block (a crossing that's also necessary for those making a jog to continue walking north on Travis, again due to taking down the Houston Club building) still can't see the crossing signal. Edit: This is my last post on this particular issue. I'm no longer going to participate in a game of "is not - is too" on a side point, and I apologize to those who've had to put up with the noise.
  5. While we could probably cram a rail line down Washington, which is approximately the same width of North Main and Fulton, it might fit better on Center Street, one block north. Either way, it would easily be pointed toward the Northwest Transit Center and connect with a Gold Line running from there down North Post Oak, etc. I suspect that there would not be anywhere near the pushback there is from Afton Oaks, where as best as I can tell the argument is that "icky people will be right across the freeway from my McMansion."
  6. Mars Attacks Movies with over the top chases Jimmie Dale Gilmore and Dwight Yoakam. Neither a movie nor music: Lucha libre. (we shall now return to Architectural Commentary and other more cultured activities)
  7. That would have been Bookstop, in the old Alabama Theatre (complete with sloping floor and balcony, all preserved). It's now Trader Joe's. There was a certain amount of... courting activity that took place down among the magazines, near where the screen used to be.
  8. It is true. Whether it is right is another issue. Members of Congress routinely defer to the member whose district is directly affected by a given spending line item. In this case, Culberson has a bit more stroke because he's a member of the Appropriations Committee. Since we do now have two members from adjacent districts pulling on this, though (one from each party), perhaps it can get worked out in the conference committee.
  9. I've found that some of the Asian markets can have a pretty good selection of fresh shrimp (and other fish and seafood).
  10. Or perhaps that his constituents are looking at more than just this one issue (he mused idly...)
  11. hmmmm... methinks (or at least hopes) that there is a bit of a resurgence in smaller, independent retailers. Sure, the record store has probably gone the way of the blacksmith as a matter of technology - but look at all the farmers markets sprouting up, not to mention bricks and sticks places like Revival Market (for the uninitiated, a really good butcher shop with some other odds and ends), growler stores, etc.
  12. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    No argument there, cinco. METRO's had some pretty nasty management issues, some of which have ended up costing a bunch of time and/or money. I wish I had the superpowers to change that.
  13. If you need to be lifted a foot, there will be plumbing issues. That said, I've got to wonder why you'd raise that much. It may be better (and certainly less expensive) to accept a bit of... um... antique charm. Regardless of whether it's a fraction of an inch or a foot, if you're moving walls in relationship to one another that will get telegraphed through the drywall one way or another. Windows shouldn't be an issue, though, unless the glass is fixed in place relative to the framing - if anything, old wooden windows may even work better if the frame had gotten out of square and plumb.
  14. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    Any project with multiple contractors is going to have coordination issues. The trick is minimizing the potential problems.
  15. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    Whatever. I've used that crosswalk pretty much daily for years, but I'm not going to bicker. Will you at least acknowledge that it's a tad dangerous?
  16. Ted Poe may have been a publicity hound as a state district judge, but he did at least conduct a survey on this issue. Responsiveness to constituents - wow, what a concept.
  17. There is still a Someburger at Studewood and 11th.
  18. Another place where one takes life by the horns - at the exit to a downtown parking garage just before evening drive time, when people come flying out in hopes of getting ahead of traffic.
  19. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    I came upon a couple folks wearing HRT gear and carrying clipboards. At first they were perplexed, but when it became clear that the blocked item is a shiny new gray traffic signal pole with a ball on top on a nice new poured foundation, they acknowledged that it was not as it should be and said they will look into it. We shall see. FWIW, other catenary/traffic signal pairings have the traffic signal in front from the viewpoint of approaching traffic. I also got a memo that METRO will be running the shuttle wagon on the east end line through downtown this weekend on both Capitol and Rusk, from the western terminus to Main.
  20. We often stand in for The City Of The Future!!! Westworld and Futureworld were shot at the then - new Houston Center and IAH; Robocop also had a lot of DT nighttime street shots, generally over in the area around the Wortham.
  21. A significant number of the outside the loop neighborhoods were built without any sidewalks at all - the only reason you don't get mown down walking in the street is because it's quiet, residential traffic.
  22. FIFY: Houstonite's Houstonians' Edit: I don't mean to be snarky, it's just that "Houstonite" has that fingernails on chalkboard ring to it.
  23. I beg to differ with Emporis, et al. The elevator buttons go up to 53, as does the small building directory in the upper lobby on 47. The two window bays wide very top is also the width of the two elevator shafts serving the floors above 47, and would have the service elevator opening onto the balcony. Likewise, there is way more ground floor headroom than 25 feet as I walk in and out on a pretty routine basis - even on the side that constitutes the main stack. OTOH, your per floor calculation for BoA looks to be in the ballpark, and works regardless of what 54 and 55 happen to be. IDK - perhaps there are a couple floors in the Western Union switching building (the northeast quarter block that the rest of the structure was built around) that go into the 55 floors above grade calculation.
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