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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. 700 Louisiana is 780 feet, with 53 occupied floors above ground (what look like the top three is actually a crown, and let's not forget the gable on top of that). It also has an exceptionally tall lobby. My net take is I am also perplexed by the recently tossed around numbers.
  2. The West Loop in general - no sidewalks, lots of fast traffic. I once made the mistake of thinking I could walk from one building to its next door neighbor. I ended up turning around and getting my car.
  3. Call it broad brush strokes if you wish, but I also remember Culberson being adamantly against any sort of rail use of the Katy Freeway, in favor of having that giant expanse of concrete, including feeder roads so wide as to be a hazard in some circumstances. The latest dustup also included blocking rail funds for Post Oak, the net result of which is apparently the BRT. Taken together, that constitutes the sum total of rail projects proposed for his district. I don't doubt that his contributing constituency is the one he listens to (not to be conflated with the actual voters - it's a district where Satan could probably run as an R and be elected). That constituency may well include some anti rail vested interest (though it escapes me who that would be on economic grounds). Having run across him professionally a few times before he was elected to Congress, I will only say that I was not impressed by any demonstration of deep thought, great brilliance, or vast wisdom on his part.
  4. Parts of 936 are long distance and parts are not. NBD on a cell phone, or as a matter of the phone bill, but trying to remember whether or not one needs to hit "1" first on a land line...
  5. No kidding. This almost sounds like Shell is using its R & D facilities to plan a real life remake of Fantastic Voyage.
  6. Call me old school, but for the rotary land line phone at my house I made a dial label starting out with UNderwood.
  7. If we could somehow hit a giant reset button I might be tempted to agree with you, cinco and Luminaire. Until that giant reset button appears, however, following the Culberson plan is what my mother would refer to as "cutting off your nose to spite your face."
  8. A trait for which I am glad. Although I guess it would have been pretty wild to have a '70s vision of The City Of The Future!!! taking up the east end of downtown. (It will look good again at some point... prolly right around the time that pairing a very wide orange geometric tie with a yellow plaid sport coat would again be something done voluntarily and with no sense of irony)
  9. moo. Never watched it in the first place. Edit: m e h. (I was trying to quote an apathetic mensch, not a cow. Danged autocorrect.)
  10. "west of Richmond..." I love the Comical.
  11. My bad - I was thinking about the to-be-redeveloped-into-something-trendy former Southwestern Bell switch building around 9th & Heights.
  12. At least Bell Heights is not only in the Heights, but on Heights.
  13. The guy in the next office over just asked what I was laughing about. For the record, I agree with you. As far as a non-hipster, non-D-bag place to quietly enjoy a strong adult beverage, Warren's on Market Square is just around the corner from La Carafe and does have spirits. The 300 block of Main (immediately behind Warren's) has something for just about every taste.
  14. IronT, if you're referring to posts 10, 11, and 13, it was another roadside park on the west side of Brookshire. 10 still divides there; the Water Feature is listed as Kellner Creek if you zoom in. https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7806644,-95.9566609,14z IIRC, it was closed not because of the left hand entrances (inside curves with dodgy sightlines no less, and yeah, they were pretty... um... exciting), but because it was no longer out in the boonies and therefore really wasn't serving much of a purpose other than as a lightly supervised (*ahem*) meet and greet site, with all the possible clutching-of-the-pearls-inspiring activities that entails.
  15. IIRC, there was another thread out there concerning another of the majors doing some R & D rearranging of facilities. Some commenters described why the physical needs of an R & D facility are not particularly conducive to being crammed into a regular downtown office highrise - which sounded sensible to me. Which is a roundabout way of saying that having an R & D campus out in the burbs and a corporate office building or three downtown are not inherently mutually exclusive.
  16. I was here at the time and old enough to be aware of what was going on. Houston may not have been Birmingham or Selma, but we certainly had separate entrances, water fountains, men's, women's, and "colored" restrooms (a total of three, one of which was around back), slurs casually tossed about in otherwise respectable conversation, and all the other garbage that gained notoriety elsewhere. For me, it's not a fuzzy movie story - it's something that affected my family. My grandparents had one of those signs in their yard, and ended up taking a bath on the house when they finally sold. If you don't think there's a racist aspect to that ad, you're kidding yourself. And it ain't completely gone yet - these days, it's called a "dog whistle." Fortunately, those that respond to that whistle are dying off.
  17. Agreed. All politics aside (why science is a political football is another question for another time), it's just not a good use of the resource to burn it.
  18. Speaking of lost roadside parks on the Katy, further out in Brookshire there used to be a real nice one located in a little bosque in the median, complete with a small stream.
  19. Why heavens to Betsy, the "mongrel neighborhood" in the illustration has housing stock that looks suspiciously like Riverside Terrace. Check out http://thisisourhomeitisnotforsale.com/ some time. During that same era, my grandparents got blockbusted out of the Palms Center area, ending up in Sharpstown.
  20. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    Tower, you are correct, it's EB Rusk on the side with the tracks. And JL, having one pole rather than two would seem to make all sorts of sense when they are all of two feet apart; beyond that, I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to find their drill and some bigger bands to move the walk signals and "one way" sign over onto the catenary pole. Lesserthenever, we've got two brand new, shiny, gray poles, both matching each of their single purpose brethren, and number stickers, etc., so I'm still calling design error on this.
  21. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    I certainly hope that it's temporary - but I doubt that was the intention. This looks like different sheets were used for traffic control signals and catenary support placement, and nobody bothered to overlay them. Both posts are the type and finish being used for the permanent installation, and the catenary post already has some of the train wiring strung. I suspect this is something that's going to need to generate a change order.
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