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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. What is this "outside" of which you speak? True mole people would never do such a thing.
  2. True in Harris County, perhaps, but not elsewhere in Texas - and this is a statewide issue. The southern portion of Highway 130, from Seguin north to 183, was done by and is managed by Cintra Zachry, who are collecting revenue from it for the next 50 years. see http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/Toll-road-use-fluctuates-dropped-recently-5190801.php to see just how dandy that is working out.
  3. Kinda sorta. Less so north of White Oak, quickly becoming more densely shaded - and to become only more so if one crams a much taller building closer to it.
  4. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    That does sound a bit long-ish. I suppose they are sacrificing speed for cost.
  5. Even those of us who opt not to pay to use a toll road end up paying, with the extra expenditure of time and wear on our vehicles to get to the same place "for free," and/or with the diversion of funds from our own favorite routes. Privately building and tolling everything was used as a model before, over 100 years ago. People eventually realized that we all benefit from decent roads, even those of us that don't use a given route, and that it was cheaper and more efficient as a public work. That's why it's called the "Department of Public Works" in many places.
  6. I don't know nearly as much of the history of the building that was on the corner as I do of La Carafe (BTW, no TVs, no food beyond chips, beer and wine only, cash only, but there's an ATM back in the corner by the restrooms) and its building.
  7. Dunno - I think both the MUNI and METRO logos each have their own, stuck in the decade they were created charm. The practical difference between the MUNI light rail trains and ours is that MUNI doesn't have the restriction on length that we do posed by the length of a downtown Houston block. The longer MUNI trains run underground in the business district, and they are building more subway as we speak.
  8. Keep in mind that the gas tax has effectively been cut in half by inflation since the last time it was raised a couple decades ago. Tolls and "user fees" are taxes labeled with a different name - it's still a funding method for the government, and not even a particularly voluntary one when applied to things like roads that are the only realistic route to some place. Bonds, when overused as they have been in Texas for the last decade or so, are a way to shift the tax to a different legislature down the line. Remember this when asked to vote for some shill who claims he hasn't raised taxes.
  9. Kids are missing out on so much these days. I remember being dispatched on my bicycle to go get my dad's pipe tobacco and cigars. I suppose the cashiers were pretty confident that a 10 year old kid wasn't picking this stuff up for himself.
  10. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    The HRT guys are really getting a bit sloppy downtown. They have sidewalks completely blocked off, and their trucks are often angle parked to where you have to go into traffic to get around them. This really becomes an issue in the 800 block of Rusk, because Skanska's got the other side of the street completely blocked for the Houston Club demo. I pointed to a woman who was forced to push a stroller in a traffic lane on Rusk to a guy who claimed he was a "boss," but he just shrugged.
  11. Oh, cool - an under the bridge dog park. Are they going to use grow lights for the grass, and have they made arrangements to placate the troll they'll displace?
  12. Y'all illustrate my point. How do you reroute eight or ten lanes of traffic over to an already overloaded eight lane route, not to mention adding the weaving of spinning 45 into and out of it? Culberson's skin mag dream, a/k/a the Katy outside the Loop, would look like a country path in comparison.
  13. I still don't get how they plan to cram this thing onto that property - even more so if they want to get closer to White Oak and Watson. According to the FEMA flood maps, that part of this property is not just in the flood plain, but the flood way - which I thought could not be obstructed. Skylane's garage has been flooded many times - and not just in the really big rain events that shut down large parts of the city.
  14. Dude, I don't know if that was brave, crazy, or just not quite grokking what lay ahead. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with that area, the Studewood bridge is also on a curve and a hill - and don't forget, Studewood has lots more traffic than Watson.
  15. The New River Gorge bridge in West Virginia ain't bad. With 876 feet of clearance, Williams Tower would almost fit underneath.
  16. Once again, fire - this one much more recent. However, the former Kennedy Bakery is actually the slender two story building next to it on Capitol, known as La Carafe for the last fifty plus years.
  17. I dunno. As it is, 59/69 southbound past downtown and through the 288 split seems to be a parking lot pretty much any time of the day. As far as how to get onto 59/69, it may make more sense to use the North Loop, keeping the portion through the Northside down to some point around downtown as a spur. Using the 10 corridor would end up with a lot of relatively tight curves one right after the other, with a concurrent opportunity for mayhem.
  18. ^ The disconnected hotels you name are generally more than a block away from the tunnels, except for the Lancaster which simply predates them by a few decades.
  19. Unfortunately, honking or flashing lights at chowderheads often instigates road rage. I did so yesterday (mind you, just a tap) to a jackass who blew a stop sign and nearly clobbered me who then locked his brakes, turned around, and started to give chase. So I led him to the constable parked a couple blocks up the street. When the doofus screeched up and began yelling, the constable waved me on and invited the idiot to have a moment of prayer with him.
  20. I could not agree with you more. As it already is, the westbound ramp to Taylor/Sawyer/Watson backs up almost onto the freeway at times.
  21. With you, at least, they've succeeded in their nefarious plot to create a convincing illusion of brick.
  22. It's going from around 75 units to around 250, so yeah, I stand by my number.
  23. I would think it would be considered an amenity. The Hyatt, Four Seasons, and Doubletree all are connected to the tunnels and/or the gerbil tubes, and the JW Marriott at 806 Main will be.
  24. Taken at the height of the Disco Era, judging by the presence of One Houston (1978) and the absence of the tower at South Texas College of Law (started in 1982)
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