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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. m e h . . . HPD's always been in touch with its inner jerk.
  2. I haven't gotten off the bypass to look (either I'm a hurry to get to Austin by a particular time, or tired on my way home... is the old thrill show still there on the now bypassed old route?
  3. "That vision thing" is quite the question, particularly in the context of the Bush the Elder statute across the street.
  4. The plaid terrazzo really grew on me over the years. I can't figure out why they decided to draw an arc into it, much less an arc of white that is going to look really grubby really fast under all those dining tables. Dang kids.
  5. FIFY. Though it was kinda cool when they'd get the lights going in a Pac Man pattern. Edit: I'm not throwing rocks - my cronies in Dallas introduced me to the nickname "Mr. Microphone."
  6. This was one of the claims in the Ashby High Rise case that actually got some traction - though as with almost any other engineering issue, it can be handled.
  7. You are correct, Sir. http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/Building/2136/The-Magnolia-Hotel.php
  8. We know that there used to be a variety other buildings on that site, and that they've been gone long enough that who knows what sort of foundations or basements or fill they had, or how deep. My guess is they're just surveying to get background numbers for foundation design.
  9. That's even more fun than the RR underpass on old 71 near Smithville (even if it does have better sight lines).
  10. "Spindletop" is the name of the rotating bar at the top of the Hyatt - or at least it was back in the day, when one had pretty much 360º view from it.
  11. I pretty strongly suspect that neither Southampton's and nor Boulevard Oaks' deed restrictions would have permitted Maryland Manor, either. If they do, it would just about have to be in some sort of a predecessor of the "reserve" areas on the periphery of more recent subdivisions with different restrictions that would have permitted a multifamily use without foreseeing high rises decades later.
  12. IIRC, Brittmoore at Hempstead was a Texaco.
  13. The METRO 25% revenue diversion to the city was a Lanier dodge to underfund METRO and keep the city tax rate lower. Buses do beat the living daylights out of streets, but I've never seen any tracking on how much of that transfer actually gets spent on streets. The Texas portion of the gas tax has been 20¢ since 1991. Had it been indexed to inflation, it would now be roughly 35¢. Tolling the daylights out of everything is just another tax - but it's a tax that doesn't get assessed by any body that we actually get to vote for (or against).
  14. I took my senior prom date to Los Troncos. I don't recall the food at all (which says something), but I do remember having the table lowered in front of us, and even more privacy than what I later enjoyed at Marfreless.
  15. Someone else mentioned that the building was reminiscent of Manila, so I guess the more, ummmm, "adventurous and exciting" methods of demo would only be fitting.
  16. I've had the same problem. "Feh," however, somehow stays in place. I suppose utter indifference is simply unacceptable - we have to have at least some minor degree of contempt.
  17. Oh, dandy. Now I have a multi track mellow music earworm.
  18. I'd most like to see 45 tunneled; however, I'd rather it stay in its current alignment and elevation than rerouted to 10/69. If everything snakes around via 10/69, we'd end up with our own version of Atlanta's Central Artery (now that is a jewel during a peak traffic time that seems to last all day), and no alternative limited access routes in the event of an accident or other major tie up.
  19. On one of the familiarization tours one of the judges went on and on and on and on about how this building would be called a "courthouse" and not "courts building," and how it needed to "look like a courthouse." In a sense, it does - if the courthouse in question somehow got mashed up with the Devil's Tower formation legend, with a dome thrown on as an otherwise useless tiara. Thanks for the new topic.
  20. It's aways amazing to watch the different ways people come up with to wrap major construction around an existing structure still in use.
  21. Was Shamrock a Randall Davis project, or did it just look like one?
  22. There was a crane hoisting some big grate looking material either on or off a flatbed trailer. The water chiller is still on the roof, so there may be another blocking in the future.
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