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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. Maybe they could get the designers of the Inferno Tower in Dallas to pitch in on the Marriott Marquis facade.
  2. Nothing macabre about it. Having raised cattle and chickens, fished, and hunted, I know full well that animal protein goes through being a living critter before ending up on a plastic wrapped, Styrofoam tray (at least so far), and that there are many, many edible (in fact, down right tasty) parts that don't seem to make it to the counter any more. My ancestors spent millennia clawing to the top of the food chain. I owe it to them to be an omnivore, within reason. I also owe it to the rest of the world not to take more than my share, and to the animal to utilize as much of it as is possible. BTW, 99 Ranch has lots of live fish that they will pluck out of the tank and dress to your specification.
  3. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    I routinely drive North Main. Cramming that giant honkin' overpass down the middle of the street isn't hugely inviting; on the other hand, it's easier to cross on foot than a big hole in the ground would be.
  4. Which is fortunate for their parishioners, since that describes pretty much all of humanity. As a side note, many non Christian (and for that matter, non Abrahamic*) faiths also subscribe to a higher being with all encompassing love and understanding. *As a friend describes it, Judaism = 1.x, Christianity = 2.x, Islam = 3.x, since all three go back to the same original scriptures and worship the same deity.
  5. The employees are looking out the windows? Release the hounds...
  6. wxman, it's MY city too. It's a wild guess, but I wouldn't be surprised if I've lived here longer than you (not that it should matter). My experience is that ads with fetus pictures tend to be on the anti abortion side. I'll make you a deal. I won't try to tell you how to live; all I ask in return is that you grant me the same courtesy.
  7. The entire building was converted to residential. My understanding is that individual units were initially built out more or less "to suit," which has taken for - blooming - ever.
  8. Perhaps jamessw forgot to hit the smiley face icon.
  9. In a fit of transitory dyslexia, I first read that as "Katyvillains."
  10. Crikey - they've even done some noticeable building munching since I drove by there on my way in this morning.
  11. I'll pile on here. Commerce Towers underwent its condo conversion more than ten years ago. The bad marketing extends even to the tunnel level food court. There's a lot of foot traffic past one corner of it, but practically none through it. As a result, about the only place that ever has a line even at the peak of lunch hour is the Skyline Deli, immediately adjacent to the foot traffic. A couple of spaces have gone through a tenant or two, but more than half of them have never been built out. There's a reason it looks like an office building - it used to be one.
  12. Not to dive too much into the off topic tangent; however, I neither live in Austin nor do I go to downtown Austin more than perhaps once a year. I don't find parking there to be any more difficult than any other downtown, and easier than most. Maybe I just have advanced skills, but I never end up having to park in Round Rock or some such and then walk downtown.
  13. I'm going to continue to describe the color as "buff" in honor of the age of the older examples, for which beige would also imply boring and formulaic (not that they weren't boring and formulaic in their time).
  14. In a demonstration of how eager I am to escape what I'm working on this afternoon (however briefly), I just went downstairs to take a look. The whitish spandrel brick still visible under the bottom left windows looks to have been painted white at one time. The adjoining bays also look to have been painted but then soiled. Tucked around the corner and behind the curtain wall of the little alley filler building between 806 Main and 801 Travis is some once upon a time exterior brick that is about the same shade of buff as the Neils Esperson. The scourge of beige has been with us a long time - just look at Neils Esperson, 1001 McKinney, Commerce Tower, what I still can't break myself from calling the old Gulf Building, Houston Club, the brick portion of Americana, etc., etc...
  15. In general, I agree; however, they're pretty close to the original brick color on this one. I'm just glad that the glass isn't tinted blue.
  16. IIRC, the turquoise tile is still behind the brown spandrels. I haven't walked by it lately, but I also think I remember seeing at least one of the spandrel panels missing, and there was not a gooey mess of mastic left behind. Bronze aluminum, as described by a poster above, would have been pretty simple to apply without causing a whole lot of collateral damage.
  17. An excellent perspective of The Parking District.
  18. With all those diagonals, it sounds like "unparalleled" is simply a literal description.
  19. I embrace painted Styrofoam brickesque building materials. Given the mastic that apparently couldn't be removed from the original brick, to get to the original appearance I don't know that there was a whole lot of alternative (except perhaps for actual lick and stick, which in that volume would be pretty spendy).
  20. hmmm...both whiny and not very diligent. That bunch is really gonna love it once they have to actually deal with fresh air. The only tenants I know of that didn't move somewhere reasonably nearby were Ko Ko Ro Sushi, which once one got past the idea of "tunnel sushi" was actually pretty serviceable, and the iFly fishing gear store, which never seemed to have customers.
  21. Me, too. Models are usually built to scale, as well as later in the timeline. BTW, the exaggerated perspective of the rendering can also be a bit deceiving.
  22. The faux brick is even more faux than lick and stick - it appears to be another layer of paint in a different color.
  23. The Sheraton was also a disassembly, which is a somewhat more involved process than whacking at brick and concrete.
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