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Everything posted by mollusk

  1. I'd rather have the pennants on the light poles than the giant billboards. Essentially, they swapped places.
  2. Since the Market Square Niko Niko's is in a permanent building it gets to use piped in gas.
  3. We can't have the street vendors downtown because they are regulated away by a combination of Health Department rules and the prohibition of propane tanks in downtown - I've heard that last one is because someone or another is scared witless that The Terrorists might use a hot dog cart as a bomb or some such nonsense. Even the few food trucks that are allowed to come in have to run on electricity, their much less secure gasoline tanks notwithstanding.
  4. Potato or not, it's a different angle than what we usually see (and at least they're right side up, unlike anything I ever try to post). Thanks, WU.
  5. @ HoustonBoy: Somebody's got to like it...might as well be you. You're not crazy; your perceptions are different. (my Kumbaya moment for the day)
  6. The last Mexican restaurant I ate at was La Mexicana, but it's nowhere near Clear Lake, it was dark, and I don't particularly recall any wind, much less a tornado warning.
  7. Old lore I heard was that Jesse Jones built what is now the Houston Club building (for the time being, at least) in part to house back room functions of what was then the National Bank of Commerce, the main part of which was housed in what was then the Gulf Building across the street - hence the flat tunnel. I've been a mole person for decades and have also enjoyed the organic growth of the tunnel system. Way back when, the tunnel level under 919 Milam was not a food court, but instead went past the building's boilers and mechanical systems, with big windows to allow spectating upon them. The last vestige of that particular kind of archaeology is under Neils Esperson, on the way to 801 Travis. BTW, back on topic - the temporary garage ramps also cause me to add credence to the idea that the Capitol Tower will be built. I don't have any way to know the numbers, but logic dictates that mothballing the rest of the building and just operating the parking garage could likely be done economically on its own, without the added drama of demolition.
  8. Esperson, Pennzoil, and Chase Tower are all roughly six feet lower than the current Houston Club tunnel level - only the old Chase Building (Gulf Building if you're old enough) is at roughly the same level (Pennzoil has a gentle ramp). With Houston Club's current low ceiling heights, I'd be more surprised if they didn't dig it down further. ADA compliance is just a (required) lagniappe.
  9. dunno... offhand, while I'm perfectly OK with the idea of advertising a particular attraction or event, an ad campaign that invariably is going to end up along the lines of "Come to Downtown Houston! We Promise Not to Point and Laugh Visibly When You Send A Passenger Out to Try to Help You Parallel Park Your Suburban!" is a little...um...needy and insecure, perhaps.
  10. Not only must one belong to The Met (or be a member's guest), but the membership level that comes with tennis court access is a notch up the ladder.
  11. @wx - you can right click on the unfamiliar word or acronym to search for it on Google.
  12. well, IT, at least you nailed it down to being indoors...
  13. The window washers are out on Chase again today.
  14. So is a small bungalow on a 50 x 100 lot in a "streetcar suburb" of the 20s inside the Loop considered suburban or urban?
  15. mollusk

    METRORail Green Line

    These curves are immediately adjacent to stops (since it is between the GRB and the baseball stadium, after all), which means that the train wouldn't be going all that fast in that area anyway.
  16. You are correct, lockmat. When I return to the stadium I plan to site my seats to use it to block out the derivative banality of the civil courthouse.
  17. Maybe they are trying to market their downtown project to people coming from Dairy Ashford, who would otherwise be skeert of all the "yucky" (i.e., somewhat different) people they might otherwise feel that they would have to interact with. cf., some of the trolling over at Swamplot anytime rail gets mentioned.
  18. Though I still refer to the AL as "The Commie League" because of the DL (oh, that would have been handy back in the Carlos Lee days), with all the interleague play I don't know that it makes a nickel's difference any more. We're just traded obnoxious Cubs fans for obnoxious BoSox fans.
  19. ^^ That is much better. Now if we can just see a commensurate improvement in the team, and in our ability to pick up a game on TV...
  20. Branding of structures makes more sense when one is dealing with a commodity product - gas, groceries, motels. At least for some of us, though, cars are not so easily turned into beige commodities. Try too hard to do that and you get this: http://jalopnik.com/the-2014-oldsmobile-cutlass-is-better-than-ever-1550547372
  21. No argument here over the fact of the process - but when consensus mediocrity is the goal, a descending circle into the drain is frequently the result. GM at its peak was driven (and run at the top) by engineers and stylists; more recently it's been the CYA and shuffle responsibility types that somehow determined that if they kept the same part number on the redesign of a very defective ignition switch perhaps they could hide the mistake a while longer - a decision that's ultimately costing the company even more. It's going to be a very slow ship to turn, but Mary Barra at least came up from the engineering side.
  22. ^^ I dunno. The reverse is true as well. The last time I stopped in Katy was to buy gas, driving from my inside the Loop bubble to San Antonio on business. (maybe if I golfled... no, we still have Memorial and Hermann Parks... )
  23. I don't recall ever setting foot in the joint when it was Sakowitz (that was before I became such a snappy dresser), and I know I never parked there. However, from the looks of things I would put it at four floors of retail space, plus a basement (most likely used as a stockroom), plus a top floor with a less grand ceiling height for offices and the like (since it was the mother ship).
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