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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. Maybe it's a passionate litterbug who loves trash. They do say keep Houston dirty. -
  2. I'm going to hold off. Saw folks for block 98 take soil samples years back, then spray lines a few months ago, then nothing.
  3. We are a near tropical region ( unlike our cousin city north of us). Quite a few palms grow well here: Sabals, Pindos, Windmills. The latest freeze hurt several of my palms but the vast majority are recovering well. If the people landscaping KB Plaza choose wisely they should have no problems with their palms.
  4. It certainly going to enhance Main St which is already getting quite an enhancement. Especially a dilapidated area. This is certainly good. What I do not understand is how do areas like the TMC play any role in this? Beside patient care , Biomedical research is a large focus at the Med Center not software research. I understand the brain and creativity concentration in the area with downtown, Med Center, Museums, Rice University and on and on I just don't understand how they connect.
  5. Those of you wishing for a skyline connection from downtown to the TMC may get your wish sooner than you imagine. This thing appears to be in a positive feedback cycle. I hope.
  6. I detect a chip on this Chicagoan shoulder. Personally I love visiting Chicago. Nevertheless the fact is in the last seven years our MSA added 945,000 people and theirs 61,700. Huge numbers of people find us a much more attractive place to live. Maybe instead of childish put downs they should study why this is so. In the meantime they better get ready to be passed up.
  7. This is good news. Hopefully they will move faster than the block 98 highrise: 2015 soil samples, 2018 lines on the asphalt, then nothing. The positive aspect of this location, in addition to nearness to MMP, is the easy access to the Hardy Toll Road extension. This extension, I believe, will spur development in that region. Any business will have rapid access to IAH once the extension is in place. I think the extension will also benefit the developers of this project.
  8. As far as I know, Gerald Hines has an excellent track record of going through with his building plans. This will be outstanding. Good riddance to the HC garage.
  9. Good news. There is a dearth of green spaces in this area.
  10. That area has turned around 180 degrees from years back. The park was a hangout for vagrants with trash and empty bottles strewn about. Most of the buildings were in awful shape. What an improvement. Can enjoy gyros and the skyline.
  11. I respectfully disagree. I think one can make a botanical garden without engaging in Marxian class warfare. It has been done before.
  12. I count sixteen building recently constructed ( last two years)
  13. I have lived in Houston since 1981. In my opinion it has vastly improved. The downtown used to be a number of impressive tall buildings , empty lots, no sports facilities, a small theater district, and many decrepit buildings. There was no George Brown Convention Center. The Rice, the old Albert Thomas, the Texaco, and numerous buildings were abandoned some with strong urine odors. The bayou downtown was an embarressment ( look up " reeking regatta") The midtown area was worse. Much worse. The Medical center was impressive but small by todays standard.
  14. What is happening to our downtown? First the elimination of many surface parking lots, then the refurbishing of abandoned buildings to apartments and hotels, and now this. Will this never end? "They" are making the downtown an attractive area.
  15. Anybody in the grocery business? Just wondering the demographics necessary to open a grocery store. With all the apartments, lofts etc in this area, not to mention the level of affluence It would be surprising if one doesn't open and soon.
  16. Around the immediate perimeter of the park I believe only one plot is left, a surface parking lot between Embassy Suites and OPP.
  17. Agree. At one time they were signature buildings for Houston as was the Astrodome. They are unique. Nevertheless many great buildings have since gone up. Losses and Gains
  18. Along with the Walker apartment tower to be built , this will certainly enhance the area. This area will be vibrant,
  19. Definetly think your dream will come to fruition. Of course the area around the west side of Hermann Park and Rice will be high rise free.
  20. Check out the lot sizes in some of the supertalls going up in NYC. They are quite small
  21. Good News Indeed. What a city! What a spirit! Monster hurricane and it presses on.
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