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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. Good to see something dry and beautiful. Thanks
  2. Lake Houston is 64 years old. How much sediment has accumulated in those 64 years? It about time dredging be seriously considered.
  3. The above quotes do seem very thin on architectural critique and heavily invested in what passes as modern, adolescent sounding, trendy bigotry. To this add never actually communicate with the target of the bigotry but make self-created assumptions on what they think. Let's stick to architecture and quit ridiculing people we do not know.
  4. I never said or implied the Diocese is insolvent. I am not privy to their finacial health. Nevertheless seeing what Texas A&M did to the Shamrock and MD Anderson did to the Prudential building ( both of which were marvelous building in my opinion) one can assume insolvency is a non-issue in these situations.. I my not like it but I suspect it has to do with straight forward non-sentimental financial decisions. I would not be surprised if the Diocese used the same reasoning. Just glad a few buildings such as the old Texaco and Texas State hotel building survived. Hoping the Great Southwestern building makes a comeback.
  5. No offense meant, but why rage? Where was the money for the preservation? I did not like it when the Shamrock and the old Prudential buildings were torn down, but in truth what can be done? Is there a mechanism to make preservation of these buildings economically feasible? Why would MD Anderson spend money to prop up a building their analysts found unfeasible? How could this school with an even smaller budget accomplish this? You are correct. It is a beautiful and irreplacable building sandwiched between two architecturally unimpressive buildings. I think the folks at IWA mourned the loss of this building, but life is full of unpleasant but necessary decisions. And yes, give the people at IWA credit. They did not cut and run like many Houston businesses when the area went derelict ( not that I blame them I would have done the same thing)
  6. Back in the early 1980's Greenspoint Mall and environs was an affluent up and coming area. It was pleasant shopping there. A French hotel with a good restaurant was nearby. Then the oil crash and within a few years it was a crime ridden mess. Hopefully this will help in turning the place around.
  7. Our family went to Biggios while we stayed at the Marriott. Enjoyed it greatly, but I am not a gourmet and as long as the service is functional, I'm happy. CrockpotandGravel has an extensive awareness of the Houston dining scene. His opinion perhaps?
  8. What are the rents for the Hamilton, block 334 or the other non-highrise apartments? Anyone know?
  9. By my calculations approximately 3678 residential units are UC or have been finished in the last four years. With Block 98 and the Camden another 589 units will be built. This will leave approximately 865 units from the Fairfield, the Marquette ( north of MMP) and the other Camden. This comes to a grand total of 5132. This includes both DLI and non-DLI influenced construction.
  10. The extended version is also humorous. It presses many stereotype of the very rich.
  11. I hope it comes true this time. The groundbreaking dates for this building have been so numerous they are beginning to resemble the cyclic end of the world pronoucements. If it is built it will be a skyline enhancer. With this and the Camden there will be only two more residentials left to build: the other camden and a residential tower on around the 1800 block of Main. What a tremendous change in downtown residential!
  12. Is the Rustic to be in the lot which is wrapped by the convention center service ramp?
  13. My children and I stayed at the Marriot Marquis last night. One obvious observation. This area has become an outdoor promenade of sorts. It may not be the Paseo del Prado or the Riverwalk, but I do not recollect another place outdoors in Houston where people stroll casually like they do here. It's pleasant
  14. According to Wikipedia , Uptown Houston is the 17th largest which they claim is similar in office space to Denver or Pittsburg. I suppose they do not count residential in all these estimates.
  15. According to those estimates the growth is in excess of 6,000 per year. If this is correct and continues the population should be around 525,000 by 2020. Thanks for the info.
  16. It is going to be interesting the impact all these low and high rise apartments and condos are going to have on the intra-610 loop population. I would think it is approaching the 1960 population of 493,000 and will soon exceed.Hope so.
  17. Is the document in Chinese? Can anyone read it? My next door neighbor is Chinese. I may ask him if it is Chinese.
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