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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. Just hope they make it high enough for truck clearance. I remember the numerous truck /bridge collisions on the I-45 and I-69 freeways, not to mention ship/bridge collisions on the Shipping channel 610 bridge.
  2. A 900 footer at the Med center? When I worked there people used to say that the buiilding heights were limited by air traffic to Hobby. Should I just chalk this down to another urban myth? Never understood that reason after flying to and fro San Diego several times.
  3. I believe Sic' Em Bears is essentially spot on in his analysis. Those who tire of the urban archipelago commerical developments are going to be disappointed. This development will look good off the freeway, but I suspect will add little to enhancing the urban feel in the CBD. It will be an island. Ideally ( for those of us who like density) this would be built between the new Marriott and Minute Maid Park or just south of the Convention center near the stalled out Camden apartments. Eventually something will pop up in those areas. They are rich with opportunity.
  4. That area certainly has changed. It's true what is said about Houston. If you haven't seen Houston in five years , you haven't seen Houston. Things do change here.
  5. I voted for him and find the comment witty and funny. Thanks for the laugh.
  6. You are mostly likely correct if the numbers mentioned in this form are accurate. Downtown Houston will have approximately 9 million square feet of vacant office space if the vacancy rate reaches 20%. I imagine the downtown movers and shakers are busy trying to stop and reverse this situation. Downtown Houston has much to offer so hopefully this situation will not last long and more towers will go up.
  7. Really Subdude don't you think the monstrosity at Franklin and Milam has a sort of Omaha Beach pillbox charm to it? It is a good thing it is some distance from the USS Texas or the Texas might reflexively begin lobbing shells toward it as it did on pillboxes on June 6, 1944.
  8. That is how read it also. Surprised the money invested in underground parking construction is less than just building a few more over ground levels. Anyone know different?
  9. If they succeed ( I hope) following the Capitol tower model ( garage then tower) will this be connected to the downtown tunnels? I imagine a selling point will be the park, restaurants, nearby apartments and lofts, and nearby Theater district. The ballpark and convention center are easy walking distance also.
  10. Hate to rain on the parade, but isn't the tower going up in the northern portion of the lot, or has something changed form the design? The big hole is in the southern portion.
  11. Wonder if the Hardy toll road extension will stimulate commercial activity at the NE quadrant of the CBD? Access to the Bush Intercontinental should be much faster in this area. There are several empty lots on Crawford and Jackson north of the ballpark. Any business here would have some of the fastest access to the airport of any downtown location. Can't imagine the Hardy jamming up like I-45 or I-69.
  12. Wonder if the Hardy toll road extension will stimulate commercial activity at the NE quadrant of the CBD? Access to the Bush Intercontinental should be much faster in this area.
  13. I remember catching the bus to the Med center at the old and abandoned Rice hotel. The place a strong urine smell. Would get stuck in the nasal epithelia for some time. Everything north of the Rice was a wasteland. My wife and I used to bemoan that places like Montreal had such lively downtowns but our city which was much larger did not. Things are definitely moving in the right direction.
  14. In Houston we can grow a decent variety of palm trees from Pindos, Queens, to several varieties of fan palms some more cold hardy than others. They are beautiful and give a feeling of the tropics. For shade purposes I would think deciduous trees are better. They leaf up during the hot season and un-leaf during winter ( as brief as ours is) allowing sunlight through. The crepe myrtle if turned into a "tree shape" would look beautiful in our area. If is shade is what one wants can't beat the live oak or the magnolias that grow around here. Either way shading our streets and sidewalks would make the city a more pleasant place.
  15. This is good news if it comes to fruition. I imagine the rents on the north side, where there is no high rise competition, will be higher than the south side where Hines may put up a high rise (unless she is a stunning beauty) . If this building and a potential Hines high rise occur these will be skyline enhancers. Good news indeed.
  16. If the Astros are playing a lousy game, we will be able to stare at this and the rest of the skyline and enjoy.
  17. Does anyone have solid information about this? There is a great deal of hopeful speculation which I hope is true.
  18. Census bureau July 2016 MSA population estimates. Houston MSA 6,772,000 an increase of 125,000 people from 2015
  19. Beautiful photo. Being from Houston I am guessing directions. Is this a north to south view from your uptown to your downtown? Lastly what is that comlex in the upper right hand corner. The French looking building with the dark roof?
  20. I do not see a tree. Looks like three more stories to go before this beauty is topped out. Too bad it's not thirty stories. Could be our new signature building in Houston. I suggest a name. Could be called the Big Tu-d.
  21. Looks like a good shelter during a hurricane or tornado. No chance anyone is going to drive off this thing. I agree with Utterly Urban. Throw in a few mummies and you've got both a tourist attraction and parking revenue and a hurricane shelter.
  22. Sorry, I am way off topic unless someone is doing a Master's Thesis on Houston MSA population growth
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