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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. Anyone have any idea when the Census bureau is releasing the July 1,2016 Metropolitan Statistical Area population estimates? Last year it was on March 24th.
  2. Would love to see something like One Vanderbilt built here. NYC is getting approximately 10 new supertalls in their building cycle.
  3. My top choices for surface parking lot demise are : 1) Between the Marriott Marquis and Minute Maid Park, 2 and 3) the lots near the old Exxon Mobile tower, 4) the half lot on Main near the bars and 5) the one near what I believe is the Law College.
  4. Is this privately or publicly owned land? If it is privately owned will the public be able to access it like Discovery Green or just the residence of the complex?
  5. Scarface , that is an interesting idea. Just as long as it is not an imitation of Toronto or Seattle-like space noddles. Sorry needles.
  6. Great statements with someone capable of only 6th grade level thinking and vulgarity. " If I don't like you, you're a Nazi" Not exactly original or even vaguely intelligent. As for the anti-police statement wait until the writer gets attacked or mugged. Bet I know who they will call. Stupid from top to bottom.
  7. What is oxbow? That is, beside a lake made by a meandering river.
  8. The population density must be quite high in the photographed area. Not familar with it. Is the nightlife active?
  9. Sure keep it if want to attract low class politically rigid people. Like those wonderful folks in Berkeley who way laid some poor sap.
  10. The weather was near perfect, the city was beautiful, and the game was exceptional. Thank you God and thank all the people who worked so hard to make this happen and thank you Patriots and Falcons for a historic Superbowl. Good look Minneapolis matching this next year.
  11. I agree we need a landmark structure, just not a space needle or anything that resembles the CN Tower in Toronto. Something original.
  12. Anybody miss the McDonalds that used to be there?
  13. I suppose the Carter is not in midtown? Museum district, Montrose, where exactly is the Carter labeled to be located? Love the drawings.
  14. To paraphrase President Lincoln. You can Rely on the Press. They will Lie and then the will Re-Lie. That is why is is good to have several sources of information.
  15. The artists of the wall art shown previously must be the artistic descendents of the razzle dazzle warship artists of the WWI.
  16. Went with my twin daughters to the convention center district. The entire area is beautiful. Did notice the benches and yes the paint is coming off. Actually saw people promenading. In Houston! Checked the pool area at the Marriott. Fantastic view.
  17. Are you able to post some photos on "Meanwhile in the rest of the world".? Would enjoy view Melbourne.
  18. Hope the stand alone parking garage is very tempoary. Absolutely awful.
  19. Excellent photos. The restaurant looks superb. Maybe I am hoping too much. Like to go there and watch KU winning a bowl game or the Astros winning a World Series.
  20. And this is slow growth for Texas ? I tell folks back in my former home state about growth in DFW and Houston. I think they think it is all Texas talk. It really is amazing.
  21. If the high rise residential planned north of MMP is built it will fill in the area in the photo nicely. Got my fingers crossed.
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