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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. Great photo. Count six new buildings finished or under construction.
  2. Even though I am Houston through and through I really appreciate your photos of Dallas. Enjoyable to look at. Beautiful.
  3. Memorial Hermann Medical Plaza is 430 feet tall according to Emporis. No good at perspective. Maybe maybe not, but it is close
  4. I partially agree, but Potemkin store fronts? Still have trouble believing I read this correctly, sounds so bizarre
  5. NYC is certainly having a building boom. The number of supertalls going up is unprecedented. Are these "foreign investors" involved here.I would be very surprised if they were not.
  6. This sounds very odd. No storefronts but fake windows to create Potemkin storefronts? All this because it is in the historic district. Did I reads that correctly? Sounds very convoluted.
  7. Anyone out there with knowledge of the real estate industry understand why building this tower as well as 3300 Main would be a go whereas Camden and block 98 towers in downtown there appears to be great hesitation. The latter two have received considerable incentives and the midtown towers have not. Science, not economics is my field.
  8. With this, the superblock and the 3300 Main tower, things will definitely pick up. Going to be fun to watch.
  9. I watched some huge towers go up downtown through the eighties and two things I remember: deep foundations and use of steel frame throughout. Did not notice the type of steel or it's thickness.
  10. Six buildings including the JP Morgan garage, correct or not?
  11. Does anyone have any other details such as the height of the garage, whether it will be covered like the one at Texas and Main or an open one where cars and cables are visible?
  12. HoustonIsHome, you maybe happy to know that approximately the equivalent of 20 square blocks ( by my not scientifically accurate estimate) of surface parking lots disappeared in this building "cycle". I do not think you will hear much mourning over their loss. Just hope new ones do not pop up.
  13. Is this on any Downtown Houston development map? From the renderings provided by Urbannizer it looks significant.
  14. Any news on this? I understand there was to be an official groundbreaking yesterday. Puzzled since the ground is already broken. Anyone know?
  15. View must be nice from Market Sq. Park. Eat a few gyros and enjoy the view of all the construction.
  16. I hope to God you are correct. With this renaming of everything in the last 20 years to sound like New York Junior I wouldn't be so sure. Just look at how many places have been given illusionary New York names. In addition to the previous list East side is now called "Eado" or something similar. It all lacks originality.
  17. I agree. It is unimaginative to be always imitating NYC places ( midtown,uptown,avenida de las Americas etc which are at least tolerable) but now to extend this illusion to renaming a bayou after one of their rivers. This is too much. Even in an ad. Are we going to rename the Astros "Houston Yankees Jr" ?
  18. Keep in mind there are several high rises going up in the midtown, museum, montrose area ( not to mention the Med Center).
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