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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. It was even worse. Before the George R Brown the area was parking lot country.
  2. The folks complaining about this highrise are wasting their time. That is one choice intersection. If a developer wishes to make a ton of money that certainly is a good plot of land. Why wouldn't they build? I just hope Trammel Crow which also have another great plot of land, block 98 downtown, also develop theirs. These sites seem win-win.
  3. Love the design. Beautiful. The location is choice. Really going to enhance Post Oak Love the design. Beautiful. The location is choice. Really going to enhance Post Oak
  4. I haven't read anyone loathing golf courses. My take is most folks are excited due to the beauty and uniqueness of these botanical gardens. How far must one travel today to see something like this? I know golf courses are also individualistic, but there are several to pick from.
  5. If this is half the quality of the Jungle Gardens on Avery Island, or the Cypress Gardens in Florida it will be outstanding. Sorry about the golf course.
  6. You are right Iron Tiger. We are near the northern edge for Palms, the western edge of the Southern Pinelands, and the southern limit for some northern trees, Amazing variety for plant nuts like me.
  7. There are several historic buildings which have been renovated in downtown Houston. Is anyone really upset that the Rice Lofts, the Magnolia, the old Texaco, and perhaps the Great Southwestern ( to name a few) were saved? They give the downtown a richer variety of architecture.
  8. Beautiful photo. What a change in the last 20 years. The Alexan and block 98 are going to be icing.
  9. Just throwing some thoughts out there. If based on direction it could be called Downtown South, if based on major landowner, which is the Roman Catholic church, it could be called little Rome or something suggestive of Rome.I would not try to "New Yorkize" the name. As much as I admire New York City , I think it is a bad idea to always do a "me too".
  10. Has it been announced when this is all coming to fruition? It is really beautiful. My wife and I visited the Fairchild Gardens near Miami, the Jungle Gardens of near New Iberia, the Keukenhof, etc. This will certainly garner attention. Can't wait.
  11. It will be a marvel. Never seen anything like this. My only concern, which I assume they have considered, are the water needs of the potted trees during our dry spells.
  12. This is good news, especially after the oil price declines and the Texan shellacking.
  13. Do you think this time it's for real? Or should it be filed under End of the World Predictions et. al ?
  14. That is correct . It was a Christian Science building. They used to have Christian Science Monitor newspapers available there. They are different from the Scientologists. Different origins, beliefs, etc.
  15. Is this the block between the Central bank building and the Bus Station?
  16. I'm talking small- Arthur Bach in the film Arthur
  17. So you are a time lord Mollusk. I hope Davros or The Master are not Haifers or your cover is blown!
  18. Anyone know what has happened to the 609 Main cam? Been inactive for a few days.
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