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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. These designations are somewhat artifical. I think it has to do with location. Muleshoe Texas a highrise is 150 to 200 feet. Downtown Houston I would guess the 400 to 500 foot range. But then again I would not call a 350 foot building a midrise. Anyone know for sure?
  2. From family and friends who have had extensive renovations of their houses I can't say I am surprised this may take longer than expected. How long did the Rice take? Anyone know?
  3. I hope these do not become like Jake Elwood's apartment in Blues Brothers (noisewise).
  4. Sundays would not feel quite right without Hindesky's photos. Thanks.
  5. Helmut Jahn, Helmut Jahn get on a plane and come as quick as you cahn. Houston needs a new gorgeous supertall Not another boring ugly mall Make it dazzling, make it sweet New York, Dubai, Hong Kong will hail your feat!
  6. The top of the second skyhouse, under construction, is impossible to see due to the camera angle. I have no idea if these are changed from time to time.
  7. Looks great. By early next year the 609, the Catalyst , and the Hines Market Square will add further to the skyline. Just hope block 98 and the apartments north of the ballpark go up. Go Astros, whoop the Yankees.
  8. I may be wrong, but I think the Queen palms are in a bad location if they face northward. The cold north winds along with the wind tunnel effect of the tall buildings may be too much for this type of palm. They need a protected southern exposure in the downtown. A Pindo palm has a better chance of survival.
  9. Like a baby, this building is soon approaching the third trimester. Much internal work. Instead of myelinating neurons, electrical work and plumbing. Should be one beautiful baby when it is done.
  10. One last thing. Having moved from up north a long time ago, I found southern bayous and forests to be exotic and mysterious. It may be difficult to imagine but true. Had a cousin from Europe visit, he thought our bayous were fascinating ( the ones which had vegetation). Many friends and family have said the same thing. They all thought that this environment existed only in Louisana or South Carolina coast. Surprise. Also in Houston. We live in a great place. How many metro areas can claim ecological environments ranging from prairie to cypress swamp lands to coastal maritime?
  11. For most folks blue water is certainly more appealing than brown hence the attraction of Pensacola and the Caribbean vs Galveston. That said, to accomplish the same thing for our bayous would involve an enormous sum of money and massive ecological disruption. We live along a bayou or canal of Lake Houston and love it. Added a little Spanish moss, palms, banana trees, cajun music , Jimmy Buffett, whatever, and relax. Watch the turtles, birds, ducks, on and on.
  12. This building will be a few feet shy of the Bank of America ( formerly Republic Bank) building. It is going to be the sixth tallest in the city.
  13. My suggestion for the Chronicle garage. To paraphrase Cato: Garage Delenda Est.
  14. Utterly Urban that's clever. I bet the motorists would be grateful. Maybe you could set up a giant screen and show movies also.
  15. Ups and downs occur in all cities. Just read the recent histories of NYC, Boston, Houston , and more extreme , Frankfurt, Berlin, London, Tokyo etc. Houston has an enormous sea port and medical center to name a few things. It is geographically in a very good location.
  16. I agree subdude. That would have been ideal
  17. If Downtown garages were covered. What an improvement. Even the Chronicle garage might look good.
  18. It appears to be a fan palm of some type. My guess a Mexican or California Fan Palm. Very common in the Houston area impossible to grow in Dallas.
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