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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. I wonder if these apartments are any closer than the St. Joseph parkway High rise on the west bound lanes where I-45 curves north.
  2. Some of you sound like curmudgeons. Ease up. Children love this place. I know it looks out of place but so do many of other things in our haphazard and dynamic city. There are few places for the little ones in the DT. Watching the children enjoy themselves adds to the downtown.
  3. I would guess northeast of the medical center somewhere where midtown transitions into montrose. Damians I believe is in Midtown Excuse me I mean northwest of the medical center
  4. Nothing of major significance. I believe an ancient Sumerian temple.
  5. I agree with the above statement. One other thing, from my perspective, the skyline appears more symmetrical due to the new construction east of Main St. The downtown is rounding out. Hope all the other residential projects come online. I count 12 under construction or finished, 2 ready for start (Marlowe and Great Southwetern) and 6 iffys.
  6. Exactly how many stories is this structure planned for? Does it presently include a hotel or not?
  7. The interior of the Cathedral all in all is quite beautiful. Not crazy about some of the stained glass but most are beautiful.
  8. Does anyone know what is going on at the proposed construction site? All the cars are vacated. Hopefully this is going up.
  9. The improvement in this area is impressive. It has gone from a wasteland ( with the exception of the church and school) to what will be a vibrant urban area. Despite being a orthodox suburbanite the lack of an urban core has always been a let down. Downtown in the 1980's was primarily a collection of shiny skyscrapers mainly west of Main and little else. The downtown looked asymmetrical like an individual with one muscular arm and one milqtoast arm. The skyscraper collection were like modern medeval castles surrounded by a poor run down housing on all sides. How this has all changed for the better. It has taken time but we are almost there.
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