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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. Houston Mod is looking for new members and volunteers to help us with our efforts in 2005. Some of this year's events will include a joint modern house tour with RDA in the spring and our annual lecture. Last year's lecture by Leo Marmol was attended by over 400 people and was a rousing success. If you're interested in getting more involved in modern preservation, please join us on Wednesday, January 12th at 6:30 PM at 2301 Caroline in the Second Floor Boardroom.
  2. I contacted one of the developers a few months ago since I had heard quite a few positive things in store. They got back to me immediately. The developers know the area well and grew up in Houston. I think what we'll see is something akin to what was built in Dallas where the Vespa store is located. I can't remember what it's called... it is mixed-use with residential, retail on the ground level, a theater, restaurants, etc. Somewhat like what you see in midtown in the areas where they got it right. It should be great.
  3. Other houses look to be by Harwood Taylor, Charles E. Lawrence of CRS and Donald Barthelme. A few more are in the wings... it will probably be 8 or so houses spread from the Memorial area to the Hobby Airport area.
  4. The photograph doesn't do it justice and the landscaping hides some of the most redeeming architectural features. Nonetheless, it is a unique modern design, the only example in Houston. Floyd utlized three barrel vaults to provide light in the main living areas while maintaining privacy. He also did a great job of using slat screens to add a nice touch to the front entrance and one of the windows. It was Floyd's favorite design in Memorial Bend and a great mid-century house. That's why it is important.
  5. Great to hear... I would say it could use some work since she took some of the modern touches out a while back but it has a ton of potential.
  6. Ironically, she does live in the neighborhood and I thought she got it. Now I wonder...
  7. Thanks to rps324, it was brought to my attention that a William N. Floyd house in Memorial Bend is on the market and is being listed as having a great lot for a new house. This bothered me for a couple of reasons. First, we've been able to avoid the teardown craze. The last time a house was torn down (up until two weeks ago) was ten years ago. It now looks like McMansions are on their way and I've already seen how they've ruined nearby Rustling Pines and Gaywood. Second, the realtor who owns the house is aware of who designed it, its significance and the importance of houses in Memorial Bend. It just baffles me. So, here is the listing: http://www.har.com/search/engine/indexdeta...=0&backButton=Y And here is the house: Link to an article from New Homes Guide: http://users.ev1.net/~michaelb/bend/330ele_ln.jpg Hope someone is willing to pick it up and restore it. It used to have a cool sputnik light fixture in the dining room but it is gone. Some of the modern touches have also been removed but this house could have a lot going for it. It was Floyd's favorite design in Memorial Bend.
  8. texasdago

    Great Mod

    Saw this from Westbury's page. I didn't realize Westbury was so big. You definitely see a ton of ads for Westbury in the 50s when they developed the neighborhood but holy cow!?
  9. Early early early start and definitely not fancy but at least something to get us started... http://users.ev1.net/~michaelb/sc/sc_index.htm
  10. Nope... the deed restrictions are super weak. I'm going to see if we can get them fixed next year. It's ridiculous.
  11. This one, in Memorial Bend, is about to get a serious hackjob. It really bums me out... it's a house designed by Lars Bang. The new owner has put in the worst possible landscaping (crap everywhere with no rhyme or reason), added a traditional iron gate around the house and is about to hack it up into a hideous house. Sad...
  12. I have to say that I'm really encouraged by the work being done to catalog the modern houses in Glenbrook Valley. As y'all know, I've been working on the same for Memorial Bend although I have a long way to go (would help if FTP was working). Anyway, I would encourage more people to catalog houses in their neighborhoods. It takes a bit of work (digging stuff up in the libraries) but it is really rewarding. Besides, it helps us save this information for the future. I'm going to start working on a site to catalog random modern houses as I find them... maybe we can eventually have one big repository to augment great publications like the Houston Architectural Guide.
  13. Well, it works in other cities in the U.S. so I can't see why it wouldn't work here.
  14. NYC - welcome to the forum. Always good to have another Horn here...
  15. Good Lord, who is the architect that agreed to that!??
  16. We actually drove by and poked around the house. It does have a lot going for it and I think the ravine lot is great. It definitely needs some TLC but has so much that could be done with it to make a cool mod pad. The first floor bedrooms were not thrilling but they can be worked with. So... I saw pros and cons. The issue... would I want to sell our "closer to town" 1950s house in SBISD to move further out? Not sure... our house has gone up in market value about 40-50% in the past three years. Don't know that Ashford Forest would do the same and this one is a contemporary surrounded by traditional houses.
  17. Now I understand the price... Ashford Forest is locatd on both sides of Buffalo Bayou. On the north side, it is SBISD. On the south side, it is HISD. This house is on the HISD side. Nonetheless, I know the location... that is a great area. We're tempted to go check it out.
  18. We finally got the tree and the color wheel up and running. Here it is... Behold the 1959 Evergleam in all its glory... (and the color wheel)
  19. I grew up next to that neighborhood... for some reason, I can't picture that house but I have to say that is a very good price and the location is outstanding!
  20. Not sure what can be announced but you'll see a mix of residences from some notable Houston architects like Wilson Morris Crain Anderson and William R. Jenkins. Should be great!
  21. Floyd did around 500 houses in Houston and was involved in the Parade of Homes for 5-6 years. Robindell was partially developed by him and his company, the Robindell Lumber Company. During the time, two of his draftsmen were Harwood Taylor and William R. Jenkins. While he did design about 75 houses in Memorial Bend, you'll find plenty of his work around town. I'm still digging to see what I can find out about his other houses. About A. Carroll Brodnax, you'll see him mentioned throughout the 50s in the old real estate sections. He designed quite a few modern commercial and residential buildings. I'm still not sure if he did anything in Memorial Bend but I do know he designed the first house in nearby Memorial Plaza (across Memorial Drive). I believe he also worked with Lars Bang and Lucian Hood when they were all getting their careers started. This article shows the Brodnax house in Memorial Plaza: http://users.ev1.net/~michaelb/bend/mp_hcart1.jpg
  22. That's me... I actually have a long way to go to get the site finished...
  23. An aluminum tree with the color wheel is a beautiful sight...
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