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Everything posted by texasdago

  1. The Exxon Building is a landmark building designed by Welton Becket & Associates of Los Angeles (also known for the Capital Records Building). Clean it up, sure... but don't damage it by messing with the design.
  2. You nailed it... they have so much to choose from in their own backyard that publishing all the SoCal content enabled them to make a splash. To me, the positive aspect of their trip is that it should provide some good publicity for the often-maligned Space City.
  3. Jason, Once your house is restored, you should really send them a picture for their Home Page section. The issue is that they publish the content they have... if the only people who share photographs and stories with them are from SoCal, that's what they'll publish. I do know that besides Houston, the recently went to Denver for a photo shoot. The best way for SoCal not to dominate their pages is to give them content from other states. Personally, I love the architecture in SoCal so it doesn't bother me but I agree a mix is nice.
  4. It was the Lantz house... ENTERArchitecture won an award from PaperCity for the work they did in restoring the house.
  5. I just posted something on my rarely updated Memorial Bend blog about Atomic Ranch Magazine's recent visit to Houston. They photographed three houses in Memorial Bend, one in Simms Woods and one in Ayrshire. The houses will eventually be included in an article on Houston... http://www.archibend.blogspot.com/
  6. I didn't know there used to be one around... how long ago?
  7. I saw those pictures on the HAR listing - very nice. Hope it goes to a good owner.
  8. Wow... I stand corrected. Looks like a cool house... does anyone have any other pictures they can post? When was it designed?
  9. Doesn't look like a Jenkins-designed house to me. Cool but not Jenkins. I would love to have a port cochere...
  10. Could the "B" be an "E"? If so, it could be Earl Alexander, co-founder of PGAL
  11. Good Lord... please don't let them mess up that house on Olympia. That is such a great house.
  12. I just can't seem to suggest anything out on Eldridge. Yes... the area is nice but it's just too far. Kerry Glen will be just fine... it's a large complex. When we lived there, Hakeem Olajuwon had one big unit (used to be two units) just below ours. We spotted Barkley and Drexler there a couple of times and his family was always around. If anything, there are plenty of bills-paid options off of Ripple Creek... Woodway Glen, etc. As for Winrock, having lived theere, the further north, the better.
  13. While it is true that most of the architects have passed away, many of the original (or older) residents can provide a lot of excellent. You learned this first-hand with your house. Some can have a wealth of information so talk to them while you can. On Old Braeswood - the neighborhood has some very cool houses, several of which are listed in the Houston Architectural Guide. You can find some information on their web page. http://www.oldbraeswood.com/ Also, it seems that they once published a book on architecture in Old Braeswood although I have no idea what is included. One of the things all of us can do is to drive around our neighborhoods and take photographs of modern houses. Document the houses and be sure to keep track of their addresses - I generally keep a tab of the image file on my digital camera on a notepad with the corresponding address. Is there anyone in Ayrshire that can pitch in?
  14. Hey td--I thought of you yesterday when I saw on Channel 13 that Kerry Glen had caught fire! I about fell off my chair, my husband thought I was crazy I said, "Hey, I know someone who lived there......well, sorta know......" Yeah... well... that really sucked. We loved living there but I stand by my suggestion. We would live there again.
  15. Consider looking at Kerry Glen - right by Woodway and Voss. I lived there twice (With my cousin in my single days and with my wife when we were first married) and the complex is amazing. They're all privately owned but you may be able to find something in your price range. We absolutely loved living there - green, quiet, security, etc. It really has it all and it is all bills paid. I can't tell you how much I recommend this place. Some units even overlook the bayou. You'll need a real estate agent to find a place in there and I can refer you to one who can help. It's a jewel of a complex. Trust me. Kerry Glen http://www.har.com/cs_forlease.htm
  16. I think it would be great for all of you to get involved. rps324 - if both you and stolitex want to be on the committe, that would be perfect. We encourage as much involvement as possible. Willowisp (aka Jenkinshouse on lottaliving) and Perimiter, we could use your help, too. I think part of what we can all do is work on documenting our respective neighborhoods... gathering as much information about the houses, architects, history, publication, etc. In part, we would be documenting what is here today as well as those great neighborhoods that have been decimated over the years. It might make sense to meet up one night after work to talk about some ideas. I can share what I've done (and what I still need to do) with Memorial Bend. So... so far, we have... Glebrook Valley Willowbend / Willow Meadows Sharpstown Memorial Bend Any other takers? Do we know of any other east siders that might be interested. There are some jewels on the east side that, unfortunately, are somewhat unknown. All of the neighborhoods rps listed need help.
  17. Houston Mod is going to be forming a Mod Neighborhood Committee as a way to build a forum and exchange of ideas among modern neighborhoods around Houston. We'd like to recruit individuals who can represent different neighborhoods to be part of the committee. Are any of you interested in joining as representatives for your neighborhoods? Right now, the exact purpose of the committee is still taking shape and your input would be greatly appreciated. Other than chairing the committee, I'll be glad to represent Memorial Bend. Any other volunteers? Rps would be a great representative for Glenbrook Valley, for example. Please post your thoughts... Ar
  18. That makes a lot of sense. Can't sell a house? Raise the price...
  19. Here they are, up and ready to serve...
  20. She has it listed specifically for the lot. BUT... according to the rumor mill, a Japanese family will be leasing it so it may have earned a reprieve. As for the Bang house, nothing yet but he is letting it fall apart. These situations make my blood boil.
  21. I think it sold... someone listed it at below market value and it moved fast. I'm afraid it might get torn down. While the house itself is unremarkable, I'm always afraid of the "domino" effect and the monstrocities that could "move in"
  22. To me, the east end and even the area in Willowbend have a lot going for them. I love the houses over there. However, if schools/school district are part of the decision-making process, the schools in Memorial are far far better and safer.
  23. I peeked into a vacant house in our neighborhood, Memorial Bend, earlier today. The house - a pretty basic late 50s mock tudor - had a beeeautiful aqua oven - looked like it was in perfect shape. I need to find a way to get to it.
  24. Both houses are worth looking at and the Briarmeadow one does have a ton of potential. One factor to consider - if you're going to have kids, I would say Memorial Plaza hands-down. The schools zoned to Briarmeadow are not good schools whereas Memorial Plaza is zoned to Rummel Creek, Memorial Jr. High and Stratford High School - much much much better.
  25. Sounds a bit like Best Cellars in Uptown although I think they have something like 100 wines for under $15.00. I'll have to run by, though.
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