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Posts posted by ArtNsf

  1. I'm pretty sure that Houston's "golden age" is way ahead of us, but definitely not "behind" us. LOL What a load of bollucks !  One can tell that we are destined for greatness, a lot of which we have already achieved, but so much is in the works now and well into the future.  Don't believe the b.s. from other sources.  Go outside, drive around, look around the entire city and draw your own conclusions.  As an observer from miles away, I can tell you that the big picture is even brighter for our area.  Now, if they are referring to smaller "golden ages" in the past, well I could see that, but they make it sound as if there won't be any more of that for Houston, which again is a load of b.s. !

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Visitor said:

    Wow, so much parking. I'm resigned to the fact Houston will never get it, and subsequently will never reach its potential. All of this prime land that is being repurposed is like hitting a bloop single, we are just barely getting on base. In the books it's a hit, but those who were there really know how unimpressive it actually was.


    Realistically, these types of things (and the fairly rampant crime) are what will ultimately drive me out of Houston. I travel for work to Austin and Dallas, and now understand the superiority complex they have over Houston. 

    haters gonna hate

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  3. 1 hour ago, j_cuevas713 said:

    I'm curious if anyone knows how we can land new types of business. Like how could we entice Facebook or Google to open offices here? 

    as long as the popular culture and news media believes that the only "cool" places (and I use that term VERY loosely...) are dallas and austin, then Houston will continue to be left behind, no matter how large and diverse we are.  I've noticed this year after year, decade after decade.  Houston has never been able to successfully tout it's many many benefits that are so much better than any other city in Texas, without one or two of the other places cashing in on their own branding in order to steal the thunder, business and limelight of media and culture excitement.  and no, it isn't because dfw is a larger populous area (it is not.)  Plus, as a city, Houston is almost double the size in population of the next smaller city in Texas.  Evidence ?  Once again snubbed by a gigantic corporation - Amazon - but leaving the other two Texas candidates in the running.  I find this interesting and appalling at the same time.  But, what do I know, I only like to deal in facts and not propaganda.

    • Like 5
  4. 3 minutes ago, j_cuevas713 said:

    It amazes me how we're still in the running yet no publication has us listed other than dallass and Austin. 

    agreed.  It's almost as if they are biased in favor of the other two texas cities in the running. But, that can't be can it ?

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Subdude said:


    Rein it in.  If you want to talk politics that's fine, just do it in the appropriate forum.  Keep it on topic here  please.  


    just get so tired of this forum always "letting other commenters" get away with some very right leaning conversations, yet it's so very interesting how whenever someone from a different perspective tries to add to the conversation or "correct" any obvious right wing propaganda, they are shot down.  I find that not only curious, but not in keeping with the idea of free and fair discussion.  And, yes, politics is a part of our history and our growth no doubt about it, and of course, that relates to our wonderful architecture and this forum.  I dare anyone to prove otherwise.


    Yes, I'll rein it in as you have said.  For the good of the forum, but not the incorrect yet subtle lies I read, and therefore not bowing down to specific commenters.  Good day.

    • Like 2
  6. On ‎1‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 10:30 AM, Mr.Clean19 said:

    Not to distract from your political pitch ArtNsf, but I believe people like to move to Houston because of the economic opportunities and affordability of the area. I dont think either of these are affected by politics but the housing sprawl and businesses that have thrived in this area... not the "Blue Wave" (So much cringe) . I'm excited that we are still in the running and I hear good things are around the corner at two of the potential lots in the Houston area regardless of the HQ2 bid.

    there's no pitch, just facts - verifiable facts.  all very lacking in America these days.  fight all you want against those facts, but they still remain true.  thank you.

    • Like 2
  7. Interesting that there are still a certain number of people out there willing to almost "bash" the larger "blue" cities as it were, knowing full well that Houston is and has been a "blue" city for progressive forward thinking for many years now.  Basically, it is a PLUS factor to be blue in Texas, just like Austin and now dallas.  I'm proud of Houston's status and it's place in competing to get Amazon's 2nd HQ site.  Also, there's a reason that the large "blue" cities are expensive over all.  It's because so many more people want to live in those places because of that color therefore the law of supply and demand dictates higher demand bringing higher prices.  What is incredible about Houston is that we've managed to maintain our progressiveness all these years while remaining BELOW the average costs of many necessities of living such as food and housing.  No, that's not just a Texas thing, it's a locality thing, also like Austin, San Antonio and Dallas, due to a progressive population (majorities) and mayors to match these ideals.


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  8. 1 hour ago, houstontexasjack said:

    I called the Mann Eye Institute out of curiosity on this one, since the Trammell Crow rep who spoke with the neighborhood had moved to Atlanta. Happily, staff there were at least familiar with the medical office building portion of this project and let me know that, although they had not yet broken ground on the office building, the plans for the office building were still moving forward. 

    Great news !  Thanks so much for the update on this seemingly stationery project.  Good to know it may still happen.

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  9. On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 10:47 AM, Avossos said:


    1st off - I appreciate that you decided to love your own comment haha


    2nd - that blue is a paint type sealant / insulation / guard that some buildings get before the top layer is added. this will remain underneath the brick they will like put over it.

    thanks for the explanation.  although not sure why the "1st off" was all that important to point out ?  I see that a lot of that with nearly everyone else, but I guess we all choose what we like to concentrate on here.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, EllenOlenska said:

    I'm in my twenties. I'd live there. That looks nice to me. And, frankly, better than the big off-campus students center at UH with the red blocks protruding from its roof. 

    so glad you made this comment.  I agree.  This building is nice and in keeping with current décor trends in Houston and America.  The snobbery I see in criticisms and comments on this forum wreaks of oh so much maligned garbage spewed forth from a somewhat large "neighbor" city up north whose name shall be omitted.  I recommend Houstonians NOT to become like that other unnamed place in the way it's residents continually commit to this nasty critical vile way of thinking and commenting on other places.  Keep Houston, well... Houston.

    • Like 2
  11. 22 hours ago, hindesky said:

    I counted 22 floors based on the signs by the service elevator.




    The flat top tower crane is running out of head room and will have to be jumped soon.



    I really appreciate all the photos taken and put online here.  Thank you so much !  It's really great to see the progress often, especially since some of us that are so very interested live so far away now.  :)

    • Like 4
  12. 12 hours ago, Urbannizer said:


    This photo and it's angle are gorgeous and show just how BIG Houston really is and this is only the West Loop and Galleria area (partial).  Not very flat looking from the air BTW.  It also dwarfs all other "large" Texas cities by a long way.  Wish the national reputation and news media understood this, but maybe someday.  We Houstonians never were very good at promoting ourselves and this awesome city.

    Also, would like to compliment the website for not showing so much of the "visit dallas" advertising as before where it was showing up at the very top banner for a long time.  Although, we are supposed to be nice to everyone and I get that, and yes, it does take money to run the site.  But.... this is the "HOUSTON" architecture forum after all.  Just sayin.  :)

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