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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. I agree Mark, I love the roof, the AC, and the absence of mosquitos. I haven't been to MMP enough to really know how often the roof is closed. I only assumed it was most of the time, because I've only ever been in it when it was closed. My only real point is that the stadiums in Houston were NOT just built to satisfy only the basic requirements that are necessary to get folks to come see a game. If the Dynamo build one like that, it will be the first unimpressive major league stadium built in Houston since I've been alive. Some of the architecture around here maybe questionable and not up to everybody's standards, but I think Houston truly does have a legacy of building great stadiums. In addition to all the new stadiums, the Astrodome really set the world on fire when it opened and I never really heard anyone complaining about the Summit back in the 70's (everyone must have still had a contact buzz from the immortal Kiss concerts). We have an image to maintain. If the Dynamo build something mundane, then I would say that all this hoopla surrounding the location of this new stadium, not to mention the possible re-routing of light rail, will be a total let down and completely un-Houston (remember I'm talking stadiums, NOT necessarily great architecture). It's all so subjective anyway. However, no matter what they build, bringing all these new people downtown can only be a good thing if you want to see downtown Houston turn into an established fun-filled, non-work related, destination one day.
  2. I can see where a statement like this is coming from. There is certainly no shortage of bland buildings in Houston. But all of the stadiums built in Houston over the last 10 years (Reliant, Minute Maid, and Toyota) have all opened to positive reviews and were well received by the public and press. I think Reliant is a pretty cool looking building, and although Minute Maid is not exactly my favorite style building, the inside is pretty dramatic and the outside seems to make some kind of statement. I think the professional sports stadiums in Houston have gone beyond what was simply 'needed' and practical'. After all, how practical was it to build retractable roofs when they are almost always closed? Practical, would be something like what the Tennessee Titans play in. Sure, there are a lot of uninteresting structures in Houston, but as far as stadiums are concerned, I don't see why hoping for something above average is such an impossible dream, IMO. The Dynamo may not build something as 'cutting edge' as the Rays new stadium, but I hope they at least consider the 'competition' of other sports venues around Houston, and realize the impact (or at least appreciate the value) that this new stadium (given this awesome location) will do for this emerging league. I've learned not to get my hopes up on a lot of things, but it would be pretty tragic if the Dynamo and the MSL don't make the most of this opportunity.
  3. And if I recall correctly, the delays on HP were much longer than only one month. I think HP at one time announced groundbreaking in Nov 2006, and then pushed it back until Feb 2007. It was the last of many officially announced delays of the project. I remember the hysteria at HAIF. The nay sayers were out in full force and the Debbie Downers were all writing things like "this will NEVER be built" and "I hate Houston". And then BAM! - the cranes came and there was much rejoice, dancing in the streets, and people giggling at work for no apparent reason. And anyway, Houston 2010's posting is just "word on the street" - nothing official, let's not lose perspective. O never mind, go ahead and lose perspective, what difference does it make.
  4. I haven't read the article. Does it mention anything about 80 and/or 50 floor towers? Anyway, it sounds like this 'rumor' has legs now. Sounds like at least part of the rumor (the Dubai part) has now been established as fact. I'm hoping the rest will be - in the near future. And then we can start the crane spotting on Post Oak/Richmond.
  5. ATTENTION! RED ALERT - we must nip this in the bud RIGHT NOW! There is a person on the internet that is besmirching the good name of 'Houston'. Spin controllers prepare to activate. We must spread the word before all the new construction is halted and the last few hundred thousand new arrivals find out just how miserable they really are. We must keep up the illusion that Houston is not a third world country at least until there is NO PARKING along Washington Ave from Studemont to Westcott and new zoning laws are created and enforced. We wouldn't cities like Cleveland, Detroit, Philly and Newark to know about the 'we're happy, not crappy' conspiracy and get the upper hand on us.
  6. Well, Troyboy it is possible to make announcements about mundane dallas projects without inviting hostile opinion if you wanted to. Just look at threads that Jeppson (or whoever) starts. It's usually all rediculous dallas info - but no b.s. It may be completely irrelevant to the main point of this website, (that being Houston) but informative without inviting hostility. But this (and most) threads about stuff in dallas is usually followed by B.S. such as 'no game to blame the crowds on'. Sure, that's not exactly insulting (nor relevant to) the city of Houston, but it isn't exactly a post that was made just to inform. It was also made to incite some hostile reaction. Some people are impressed by the news that 35,000 people showed up at victory park one night, but others (including me) were not. If you come here to get some reaction by someone who lives in Houston, and you get it, but don't like it. That's too bad. It's pretty stupid to come to a Houston based website to gather info about dallas anyway. That doesn't even make sense. There are probably hundreds of websites that specialize in informing the public about buildings, events, ect, that just tell it like it is. On the DFW section at Haif, everything going on in dallas is either over glamorized or trashed. But let's face it, anything posted in the DFW section is put there because the poster is craving some reaction by Houstonians. Why anyone feels a need to do that is beyond me. I would never run up to dallasmetropolis.com and start a thread about the Westhimer arts festival, or a new 30 story building going up. I wouldn't care if people who visit dallas forum knew about those things or not. But hey, that's just me. I also wouldn't go on that website and start dissing the dallasonians or the rest of the metroprarie. That would just be a sign of bad breeding and low class behavior. But, if these prariegoobers (just poking fun) keep starting up new topics in order to brag about jumbotrons, then I don't feel too obligated to accomodate their fragile egos. But, I will TRY to cool it with the personal insults, hard as that may be.
  7. Well, just like everyone I only come here to have a little fun. I will cool my jets. We certainly wouldn't want the dallas guys to not have a forum in which to brag about mundane things. I promise you guys are taking all this much more serious than I am. BTW, if I am responsible for having another POINTLESS dallas bragging thread closed then I would consider the time spent spreading my opinions here a complete success. But, out of respect for Subdude (someone who I almost always agree with) I will cool my jets before I give someone in dallass a heart attack and get myself banned for life.
  8. Dallasscaper, If you think you are getting an apology from me, then you are the one who needs medication. If I offended you by accident, then I truly couldn't be happier. Guess you will just have to figure out a way to deal with it. As someone who checks the 'view new posts' button often, you can expect a 'lecture' everytime I read that insecure dribble coming from the north. Thank YOU for remembering that. dallas mardi gras Looks like I struck a nerve with that 214/713 character. I love it. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of Houston! You babies came here to get Houstonians opinion about dallass, and you got one. Don't like it? Too bad. And finally, to dallasboi, I can't stop you from wasting everyone's time by starting threads that offer absolutely no relevance to anything happening in Houston, AND threads that are sure to be deleted at some point by a moderator, but I am just as free as you and your two buddies (scaper and 214) to voice an opinion over the 'news'. So get over yourself. You should really be learning what to expect by now when you let a city of over 2 million people know about something as lame as 'dallas mardi gras'. Why not report your dallas news in a Chicago or New York forum. You would be laughed off those forums even quicker than haif. I don't know how my words could possibly read as if I'm angry about anything. Watching you dallas guys go ga-ga over my humble words is pure delight to me. I couldn't be happier.
  9. No, this is a DFW SUBFORUM on a Houston based forum. Just keep it in perspective. And remember to be respectful when you visit someone's house. If not then you will get your ass handed to you. This thread has 'flame war' written all over it and should be closed immidiately. If it wasn't for you guys up there always feeling the need to glamorize the lamest and most ordinary buildings, things and events going on in DFW (things that could not possibly impress anyone that lives in a city with over 50,000 people in it or anyone over 21 years old) so that you can get Houstonians approval about whether it is good or bad, then I personally would never hear about anything going on in DFW. I mean this silly victory event didn't exactly make the national headlines, did it. Neither did the victory plaza New Year's Eve, BTW. We have our own local faux mardi gras event which is more established and looks like a lot more fun. It runs over several days and attracts about 250,000 visitors. Why would anyone in Houston care about dallas mardi gras. N.O. mardi gras, yes, Galveston, O.K., but dallas? Give me a break. So people in dallas can now congrigate and walk around in circles under a bunch of tacky jumbotrons near downtown and look stupid. How is this relevant to Houston? It isn't. Now go away.
  10. Except for the idiots that were performing for the cameras, everyone looked kind of bored and awkward. Most of them looked like they wished they were somewhere else so they could be having some fun. Yawn.
  11. If the dome is torn down or turned into a barn, you can bet I will never step foot in Reliant Stadium again. I won't root against the Texans while watching them on TV but I won't be spending a cent on anything that has to do with them or the rodeo ever again. It's a promise. Hell, as a theme park enthusiast I've already initiated a lifetime boycott of Six Flags parks for the destruction of AstroWorld. Lot's of Houstonians have. Flawed or not, that place WAS a significant part of our community. I'd rather spend my money at SeaWorld, Disney, or Cedar Fair parks than to give money to the company that turned that patch of land across from the dome (which was once thick with green trees and full of happy people) into a dismal, ugly, barren field of weeds. Take a look at Six Flags stock these days. It's in the toilet. Coincidence? Sure, but the last thing Six Flags parks needed was a reason to give people NOT to come to their parks. Think about what your doing to this city if you have a hand in the destruction of our most famous structure. Some people won't forget it. They have rodeos in Fort Worth, right?
  12. Nice try, but you're not foooooooooling anyone. Troooooooooooooll.
  13. It doesn't have to be right to talk trash if you want to. It's just a fact of life, deal with it. It's true, all teams have some baggage. The cryboys have more than their fair share of troubles these days, yet there fans have the nerve to point out the flaws of the league's youngest team and their 6 year history. I support the Texans because they are the home team, but I never said that passing up VY or RB was the smartest move ever made. The jury is still out on that one. I didn't see VY or RB in any playoff games last week. I guess some us are just less impressed with 'history' than others. Why should the cryboys of today be respected for the accomplishments of a bunch of guys who played for the team well over a decade ago? BTW, the Pats weren't doing anything that EVERY other team in the NFL haven't been doing. (except consistantly winning for many many years now).
  14. The Regency House Condominiums at 2701 Westheimer Rd. https://www.regencyhouse.org/ Built in 1963 and converted to a residential building in 1980, The Regency House is one of Houston's first condominium buildings. The 13-story Regency House is located in the heart of Upper Kirby, at the southwest corner of Kirby and Westheimer Road, just steps from some of the area's best dining and retail options. The Regency House, which sits on 3 acres, has 92 units with floor plans ranging from approximately 500 squarer feet to more than 3,100 square feet. Residents enjoy 24 hour concierge service, a pool with a kitchen cabana located in the private 2 acre park, and a fitness center. For information on current listings, visit one of the following:
  15. Well, as a dallas fan you should know all about sucking and sucking and sucking and sucking. Because that ALL they do. O wait, they also cry a lot after "loosing" and start living in the past (except for the past 12 years for some reason). It's like the last 12 years (and that last big blow out) don't count when talking about their history. Cryboys fans have selective memories. You "troolls" just don't get it. There's nothing wrong with supporting a team from Houston on a website that is about all things Houston (history and stats don't matter). You won't see me talking trash about the cryboys on the dallas based info websites. That would be such bad manners. It's just like smoking in someone's house without asking first. What a totally tasteless, redneck thing to do. I would expect to find people who supported the cryboys at a website like dallasmetropolis.com - or something, and wouldn't blame them for getting together to try to support each other through these dark, dark days of complete humiliation and utter devastation. A normal person should expect to find some support for the Texans, Rockets, Astros, Dynamo, Aeros, and Comets on Haif. It isn't about PAST glory or rooting for the team with the best record, it's about supporting the home team, and the cryboys are NOT the home team. THANK GOD! However, I wouldn't mind if the Patriots were these days. They are AWESOME. If there is one team I would love to see the TEXANS model themselves after, it would be the Patriots. Unlike the cryboys, they are a class act ALL THE WAY.
  16. When a team has proven that they can not win a playoff game (as the cryboys have proven over and over and over and over and over and over) (6 times in a row) they become fair game for ridicule. TEXANS fans or any fans can say whatever they like about any team that keeps blowing the big one. The cryboys don't deserve any respect for wins they had over a DECADE ago. They have played like sht in all the games that have really mattered for the last 12 years. Whatever respect they ever HAD has all been flushed down the toilet because of the last Decade's legacy of playing like "loosers" and then crying about it later. The only thing the cryboys earned in the last 12 years is the well deserved name "CRYBOYS"! Suck it up America's Reem. The PATRIOTS are AMERICA'S team. They play like winners. Even that "trooll" from dallass will have to concede that eventually.
  17. Remember how the TEXANS crammed the football up the cryboys' piehole in their very first game? I think that "214/713 looser" must be still crying about it. He's the only one with hurt feelings on this thread. The rest of us are as happy as can be about football these days. Listening to cryboy fans come completely unglued at the seems after all those wins this season is priceless. It was totally worth it. 214 got his superbowl dreams all built up only to watch them all come crashing down. No wonder he's crazy. Take it easy Uncle Ricco, it's only a game. Sheesh!
  18. So THAT'S why you spend so much time on this website hating Houston and our TEXANS. You hate us because you envy us. Now I get it. Makes perfect sense now. wacko
  19. All B.S. aside, those were the best 2 movies I've seen in a decade. Thanks for sharing Trae. And I thought I hated the cryboys. I'm just a junior ranked amature cryboy hater compared to the people that made those great vids.
  20. Here's another crazy fantasy photo of Uptown at a different angle. I'm just guessing as to where the 50 and 80 story towers that are mentioned in another thread would go. But the source said somewhere near Williams Tower and there seems to be a lot of speculation about the area near Richmond @ Post Oak - so I put them there. Also, I'm just guessing about the possible place that the BLVD towers would be located. The Greeway Plaza area is blocking the view of where the River Oaks District towers would be. The original spectacular photo was taken by JAX I think. JAX, I hope it's o.k. to crop and draw on this and repost it here. If it isn't let me know and I will promptly delete it. It's just for fun.
  21. Here's an idea of what the Uptown skyline might look like in a few years. I probably should have found a better photo but I was in a hurry so I just slapped this together fast because I just couldn't wait to see what the future of uptown might look like in a few years.
  22. But next year they will be playing in an inclosed building (most of the time - no doubt), so God must be starting to get tired of looking at them and dealing with them. I think God stopped caring about the cowballs about 12 years ago and made the Patriots his new favorite team.
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