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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. I'd be willing to bet money that most people who ride this coaster will not consider it lame once it opens. There are only 2 or 3 significant drops, but from a height of 96 ft. the train will hit all those low tightly banked curves and bunny hops at an increadible speed. People will be lifted out of there seat all over the place and the lateral g's will be amazing. The head chopper effect and tunnels will also help to make this a great coaster. As someone who has ridden many, many coasters in the US, I am betting by the models and computer animations that this coaster will be a major hit - at least in the coaster enthusiast community. This design is really unique and it's a real accomplishment squeezing a coaster this tall and with this much track into such a tight area. Ride it first, then tell me if you think it's lame. Some of the best coasters in the world are built with only a few high drops, and they are classics. And there are really tall coasters with a lot of drops that are so rough and painful they are unworthy of a second ride. There are a lot of fun and exciting elements to a great coaster and tall drops is only one of them. This ride looks extremely promising to me. This coaster won't break any records (except for crossovers) but it is light years ahead of any coaster that I ever thought they would build in a park like Kemah Boardwalk.
  2. It's true about people having their own interpretations of reality. Dallasers look at that web cam photo of the jumbotron area and see thousands of people milling around "doing things" and Houstoners look at the same area and see no activity at all. Maybe that camera has been tampered with so that all the activity going on can't be seen on Houston area computer moniters. It's seems if Dallas guys want to talk about how Victory is the new Time Square, they should wait until there is a little ammo in their gun, right now their shooting blanks. Thank WFAA for providing the world with that unbiased web cam so people can see whats going on with their own eyes. Makes perfect sense to me to compare 75 acres of DT Houston (where all the new developments are happening) to 75 acres a half mile northeast of DT Dallas where all the activity is happening. The Dallas boys loved it when this thread was comparing 75 acres of Dallas development (Victory) to 3 blocks of Houston development (HP). That was sort of like comparing sailing on Galveston Bay to sailing on White Rock Lake (one is several times larger than the other). But when you realize that just across the street from HP there are more things worth seeing, they don't like it and start to cry fowl. Who cares whether it's being developed by one single company or several. So to be fair - make sure you tell everyone that goes to HP in the future to not look across the street or acknowledge the existence of Discovery Park, Toyota Center, Minute Maid Park, GRB, the Hilton, the light rail line, the Park Tower, and Discovery Tower because they don't count. So what if all those things (and more) could fit into an area the size of Victory, the only thing that matters is that they were not built by the same developer so they are off limits. Notice I never even dragged the west side DT Houston stuff into the mix - that would really be unfair. We REALLY don't want to start comparing theatre districts, bayou walks and DT night time club scenes even if they are only another 10 minutes of walking distance away.
  3. Sounds like a lot more trouble than it's worth. Maybe that has something to do with the dead zone atmosphere in Red's photo. Walk around and do things - don't make me laugh.
  4. And let's not forget all the new foot traffic that the Park Tower tennants will bring to HP AND the Park Shops. That's an advantage that the Park Shops didn't have when it opened. Another residential tower or two anywhere near downtown should seal the deal for the success of HP.
  5. Yet somehow they always get a lot of responses. When Plastic talks, people listen. Go figure.
  6. Let me see if I understand this... (a summery) 1. A story is less that a floor. (in most cases) 2. There are none 120 floors but the Twin Towers were around 120 stories tall. 3. Our tallest building may be 80 or 90 stories but they's got one's in New York and Chicago that go o 120. 4. DOwn't know if there's any space DOwntown. 5. The new twin towerss should be. This all seems perfectly logical and clear to me. Here are some questions that only Plastic can answer. 1. How much less is a story that a floor? 2. If some are 120 floors then how come none are 120 stories tall? 3. What is the name of our 80 or 90 stories ones? 4. Which has less space DOwntown or Eastside or Southside? 5. How tall will be the new twin towerss?
  7. Cooler still, would be if they built it like a mini Qwest Field in Seattle. I love that stadium because of the way the opening behind the northern endzone frames the Seattle skyline with that terrific scoreboad in the foreground. I also love the dramatic effect the extra steep stands give that stadium. I've never been there, but it looks so cool on television. If a soccer stadium were to be built on that site east of MMP and perhaps angled a bit so an opening faced due west (not WNW so that it directly faced MMP), it would be at least as cool as Qwest. Not to mention - the best stadium in the MLS. Having 3 large stadiums and a 1 large convention center within walking distance of one another would be awsome. With the theatre district and HP so close, DT Houston would be the undeniable entertainment center of Texas.
  8. I had no idea that this development was going to look this cool. Have they broken ground on this? Dirt turning? Cranes? All this time I thought HP, BLVD Place, Rice Village, and Regent Square were going to be the next big things in Houston, but this rendering makes this project look better than or equal to any of them.
  9. I just love your photos! I always forget how beautiful, lush and shady the zoo is. What a treasure. Your photos really captured the spirit.
  10. Well said. I agree 100%. You should print that out, make several thousand copies, tie the messages to bricks and throw them through the windows of every biz on Richmond and house in AO - the selfish bastards. That goes for everyone in Houston who thinks that their precious neighborhoods deserve any special treatment, and should come before the interests of the other 5.5 million they share the city with. Just kidding about the brick throwing, but I'd like to drive a light rail line right up their butts! Or worse, a tollway. A beautiful 24 hour non-stop buzzing in their ears and pain in the @$$ for the rest of their lives. So what if it would ruin the city, at least I'd have the pleasure of seeing a few elitist run out of town. HA! HAIFer gone wild. >
  11. I guess the biggest difference between you and me is that I don't write my post with anger - or consume as much alcohol
  12. I've seen people with NO hair with better hair than Trump. Actually, I've seen people with no HEAD with better hair than Trump.
  13. Interesting. Thanks for the correction.
  14. The best song about Houston that never was - was Gladys Knight and the Pips "Midnight Train to Georgia". It was originally titled, "Midnight Train to Houston but was changed because they thought the word "Georgia" sounded more musical than "Houston". Everyone knows I love Houston, but they were probably right to change it. "Midnight Train to Georgia" is a gorgeous classic. I heard that on VH1's Behind the Music documentary series on the career of Gladys Knight. Let us not forget Talking Head's "Life During Wartime" and Scissor Sister's "Music is the Victim". Not really about Houston, but it's in there.
  15. I think it refers to someone who enjoys stirring up trouble for the pure enjoyment of it. I could be wrong. There may be a more accurate word for what you do here Dallasboi, but I will be banned if I post it. I'm sure there is an even worse word for what I do around here too. Don't get me wrong, a little muckraking can be an entertaining thing. But, you've got to be prepared for the consequences and just a little responsible when you're doing it. I never had a problem with you posting that rendering or being excited over it (I would have been too!), but to keep believing in it after we all know what we do - is going to get you in trouble. You say you can't wait to see the expression on my face when they build it? Well you should have seen the expression on my face when I discovered the source of the rendering. Unlike you or me, that sister has some serious muckracking issues. Just think of the time she put in those renderings in that post from 2005. Don't let my quick defence of Houston fool you, I'm not particularly happy that I'll probably never get to see that cool tower with my own eyes even if they were going to build it Dallas. Not to encourage you but, it is possible that the info that rosewood had could be based in fact in some bizarre way, and that a residential tower of the same size is going in that same spot. But I am convinced that is it NOT going to be the building in that rendering. But cheer up, it may even be cooler.
  16. Knowing that they will find nothing but abuse here, they just keep coming back for more. I don't get it. Dallasboi might not be mature enough to understand, but since you already know the nature of Haif, and can predict the behavior, what's your excuse for coming to a forum you already know to be full of people who "never fail to take a swipe out of Dallas"? You know what you're in for before you post it. Makes no sense. But, since you are inviting your fellow "dallas folks to tear apart the dumbasses on the HCC thread", we know why you really come here ND and it isn't because you're really interested in architecture. Like Dallasboi, you are a muckraker of the worst kind. Yes, I have posted an insensitive comment or two on Haif but I never start threads, or begin these debates, or invite my buddies to join me in "tearing dumbasses apart". Shame on you. You might notice that no one took swipes at the actual building in the rendering - only the source, the lack of credibility, the gullibility, and the irresponsibility of someone who starts new threads without bothering to do even the slightest bit of research or confirmation. What do you guys think will happen the next time Dallasboi starts a new thread. I bet I can guess. As far a HCC. It may amount to nothing, but at least it is based in reality. There at least is a legitimate source of the photo. The rendering came from an actual architecture firm's website. But with no annoucement, I have my excitement under control, and wouldn't be posting that rendering on architecture forums based out of other cities.
  17. Not as priceless as today was. I guessing he's about 14. When I was a child I used to believe in a man with a white beard and a red suit that delivered xmas presents. But at least I never believed in a psychotic drag queen with photoshop skills that delivered skyscrapers. Grow up Dallasboi. And try to sharpen your research skills before you start anymore pointless (yet somewhat entertaining) threads. Unless you enjoy being the butt of a lot of jokes - which evidently you must since you keep coming back for more.
  18. If we have to stay on topic regarding the brand new citiplace towers then this thread is officially dead. Unless, someone wants to change the title of this thread to April fool jokes. We should respect our buddies to the north, this is the area for DFWers to post their dreams and fantasies based on unreliable sources. And for Houston guys to do a little research and call them on it. That enough from me, I'm sure Dallasboi feels bad enough today. I'd be crying if I really thought that tower was coming to Houston only to find out the next day that it was all BS.
  19. No thanx. I try to stay out of bad neighborhoods. One word from me on that forum and everyone would be foaming at the mouth. I might point out that someone in Dallas let their grass grow too high and then they all would probably track me down and hang me from the nearest neon tower.
  20. Well, if Dallasboi can post his fantasy towers online then I should be able to also. I would love to see this tower (or something similar) on Allen Parkway, somewhere between Downtown and Montrose Blvd. That's such a green, beautiful area with awesome views of everywhere. It's just close enough to add to downtown and just far enough to stand out. In fact, I think it would be so cool if a line of towers like this connected the downtown skyline and the little Montrose/Allen Parkway skyline that already exist. Yes, I can fantasize too.
  21. Wow. That thread was a trip. Rosewood is a basket case. I've heard of wishful thinking and self delusion but that sister is off the chart. I wonder what that tower is and where it's really going. It's a great building. Hey maybe it's coming to Houston. Ouch! That would be a kick in the bollocks, ay Dallasboi. I guess Houston 19514 was smellin' tuna after all. Good call. Yes, it's Fall '08
  22. In spite of the location, even I like this tower. It's beautiful. But don't count your floors before they hatch. It sure seems like a lot has to happen before they build it. The 'source' wrote that there is a hospital and some ugly offices on the site today. A lot may or may not happen in a year and a half. Where did that rendering originate from? We all know why you run to Haif with this stuff, Dallasboi. Don't kid yourself. There's only 2 posts today on the link you provided. There is already 11+ here, at least 5 of them are yours. Don't misunderstand, the rendering is nice, and someone SHOULD post it on Haif. But it must be more fun to try to get the poo flying here than to be excited there. Dallasboi is right on this one point, he only said 'check this out'. That shouldn't cause a debate, but it will, and he knows it will. That's the only reason he posted it here. But in this case the debate will be about 'if' they build it, not the tower's coolness factor. BTW it looks like one tower to me too. I'll do everyone a favor a save all further comments on this one until Fall 2008. edit: unless it turns out to be a hoax.
  23. Just thought I'd share a little off topic insight since Rant brought up the subject. Your welcome. As for the glitter, I've seen it, I ain't missing nothin' tonight. That's more of a Pennsylvania-sized skyline and it's practically legendary like Britney Spears acting skills are practically legendary. Please moderators, before you ban me, realize that these guys are truly begging for this stuff, it's only fair that we should all go down together. Sorry to the rest of you for continuing this poo.
  24. 20 years ago maybe. Today, no. The key word is 'was'. I wonder if everyone in the world can also identify Miami's skyline, it was on Miami Vice for years. And Minneapolis' skyline was on the Mary Tyler Moore show in the opening credits for 7 years. One Day At A Time had Indianapolis. WKRP had Cinncinatti (forgive spelling), Designing Women (BLAH!) had Atlanta. Those cities skylines were shown every week on t.v. - shows that ran for years, 20-30 years ago. I think Dallas belongs on a list with those cities - small to medium sized skylines with weekly t.v. exposure to grandma. It's not so bad - those are all good cities. Chin up. A lot of people can't remember what that show was called now. It's so sad when people cling to past glory and they lose touch with reality. Remember Norma Desmond in 'Sunset Blvd'... "I'm a star!" The t.v. show Dallas and the skyline featured on it is all about yesterday. Besides, when it was popular, I'd be willing to bet money that the people who watched it regularly wouldn't know one skyline from another - or even one city from another - or even one letter of the alphabet from another. Like most soaps, that show was moronic.
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