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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. Respectfully, I think you have a problem with the fact that deep down you know that Dallas's skyline doesn't belong on that list anymore than I do. I have a (small) problem with folks that try to pass wishful thinking off as fact. But, If you really think that Dallas' skyline is as recognizable as New York's then you've really got some problems. (not serious ones) written with respect. no kidding, Dallas is great. cough. cough. O.K. - now even I'M getting tired of this.
  2. How many years went by from the time that HP was announced to the time they started construction? 4? When was BLVD announced? I'm just wondering when it really will be time to write this one off. Seems to early to give up on BLVD right now.
  3. Instead of a fence they should have built a nice brick wall to hide and cover the underbelly of the Pierce. Ivy grows on that too. Someone should start a petition.
  4. Boris, I think you are very gifted. These photos show some great talent. It's not so hard to make downtown look good with a good camera, but you've gone beyond that. I really love some of these compositions. Great work! Please keep posting photos and thanks.
  5. The only reason I think LA's skyline is recognizable all over the world is because of that white cylinder shaped building (the city's tallest). That building, (and the rest of L.A's skyline of course) has appeared in countless movies and t.v. shows over the years. Not to mention that the big white building in LA (whatever the hell it's called) was one of the buildings that the aliens in "Independence Day" chose to zap first, along with the Empire State Bld. I remember thinking when I saw that movie that this LA building was being put on the same level as the ESB, (which it isn't of course). L.A's skyline is one of the lamest in the nation. It's drab and flat. BUT it's only 8 miles from the entertainment capital of the world, so it gets a lot of undeserved attention. Miami's skyline may not be famous now but I think it's up and coming.
  6. I am mostly going by the fact that the topic of Dallas has rarely or never come up in normal conversation in my entire life anywhere outside Texas unless I brought it up for some reason. I used to live there, and sometimes I would reminisce. I would hear people talk about NY LA SF and Chi and maybe places in Europe or Asia, but rarely Dallas or Houston. And certainly no buildings in Texas were ever mentioned... except the Astrodome during Katrina. However, while living in LA and SF, I seem to always here about Houston on t.v. for some reason. Unfortunately, It was mostly always associated with a negitive news story... Enron, Andrea Yates, killer cheerleader mom, refinery explosions, superbowl, Hurricane evacuations, shelter for New Orleans, ect. The only time I remember hearing anything about Dallas on t.v. during my years in California was that really hot summer you guys had a few years ago. Houston just got more national attention 3 days ago. CNN spent several hours showing NASA during the building shooting incident. (great, more weird publicity) I know people associate Dallas with the JFK assassination, but I have never in my life heard anyone talk about Dallas when the subject of JFK comes up, not that it comes up often, mind you. So if I go by my own experiences, if people outside Texas think about Dallas, they keep it to themselves. That includes CNN, Fox Opinion Channel, and MSNBC.
  7. Hey, Dallas doesn't need ME to put it in it's place. The rest of the world (everywhere outside Dallas) is doing a pretty good job of ignoring it. Written with love. kiss. kiss.
  8. Having lived in most of those cities mentioned, 20 year old t.v. show or not, I don't believe Dallas belongs on that list for one second. Los Angeles' and Las Vegas' skylines are more recognizable than Dallas' too. More d'illusions of grandeur coming from the plex means nothing. Yawn.
  9. I lived there for 6 years, Dallasboi. I like Houston better. Feels more comfortable. But my time there wasn't all bad. And I still go there from time to time to visit friends and check out whats new. Just because I rag on the buildings and the character doesn't mean I hate Dallas as a city or the folks that live there.
  10. ND - I call it like I see it. I can only assume people consider my opinion about as much as I consider theirs. Which is always with a grain of salt. This is the internet for god's sake. There is nothing here but opinion. Pages and pages of opinion. I don't lose any sleep over other people's opinion. So it seems so strange that people get so upset over mine. Remember, words will never hurt you. In the real world, this tower is being built in Dallas, and you like it. It's not being built in Houston, and I like that. We're both winners. I don't understand what difference it could possibly make to anyone in Dallas what someone sitting at a keyboard 250 miles away thinks about it. But it always does for some reason. But since I was told by the webmaster to be nice, I will. And I will try to be more subtle with my acid tongue (fingers) in the future.
  11. "It's always fun 'till someone gets hurt". I'll be nice and keep the venom spewing in check. Maybe that will "keep Houston classy" eh, ND?
  12. You just don't get it. I don't think Houston towers need any cheap lighting. So why would I spend time trying to create something that I feel is not only unnecessary, but nothing more than a cheap effect. A lot of people, including people who live outside of Houston, think Dallas' lit up skyscrapers look tacky. I've heard the Dallas skyline referred to a tacky many times over the years. Why would I want that for Houston? I like the night time skyline in Houston just fine. I don't get why anyone in Houston would be jealous of Dallas' skyline day or night. All I can do is tell you that not everyone in Houston is jealous of little red white and blue lit low rises in Dallas. Evidently, some folks on this thread would like a building like this in Houston, but not me. If you choose to believe that everyone who is not impressed with lit buildings MUST be jealous, than you are delusional. No offense. Are they all buzzing on the Dallas architecture forums over this little building? If so, why not post comments there so that you can all get each other off. You might find more objectional comments here, so be prepared the next time you post a photo of a silly looking building and expect everyone in Houston to be impressed. Believe it or not, there are many, many, many little lowrise towers in Houston. So don't come crying to me if I'm not impressed by a little building 250 miles away.
  13. Maybe some people are not as easily impressed with 15 story buildings that look like giant glass incrusted urinals with lights that change color on the 4th of July like some people are.
  14. Not if you really and truly arn't that impressed with it. It's all a matter of opinion. I wouldn't mind this building being in Houston, as long as it was placed far out near the city limits so that people didn't have to look at it... maybe somewhere near Baytown where it would blend in with the refinery lights.
  15. I admit I'm over it. The building is o.k., nothing special. The lighting feels cheap and gaudy expecially when it's red, white and blue. - a perfect fit for Dally. If you feel you must have some praise over this building all I can say is that at least it doesn't have any big X's, ugly latticework spires or white balls on the roof like Renaissance Tower. And at least it isn't shaped like a silly giant dandelion.
  16. Then Scarface would turn into plastic too and have to flood the internet with Dallas accolades all day long every time a new light bulb was screwed in somewhere.
  17. There is no question about Dallas character. Dallas has no character. Poor misguided Dallasonians. Decoration does not equal class. This is just more cheap glitz to help to hide more sorry architecture. Nothing screams "tacky" more than covering something in glitter or in this case, ornamental lighting. This building will definately add to the wonderful night time "junk yard" theme that Dallas has going on. What will they think up next, chaser lights on the opry house? I don't believe that Dallas is trying to copy Vegas, I think it's trying to copy traveling carnival rides. That's "classy" Dallas for you.
  18. Great news and well said. I really like this tower. Although, it does seem like an odd location. It will be totally unique in it's surroundings. I expect some of the neighbors will pitch a fit as usual. But maybe not - at least it's going in the most liberal, and open minded neighborhood in Houston. Where the untraditional have a little more freedom to stick out. I hope it brings some friends.
  19. This thread is stupid. Next, they'll be starting a new thread to tell us that the Jumbo Jacks in Dallas have more pickles in them.
  20. Cool design. Westheimer near what intersection?
  21. Who exactly are you btching at, Velvet? Houston isn't a person you know. It sounds likes a one trick pony. One sad, sick, little pony. I can see it now...People go up a little mountain, slide down a scorching hot plastic matt, burning, bruising and beating their skin into a fine hamburger like consistancy. And then go home and never come back. But not forgetting to tell all their friends about the "fun" they had. I give it 9 months. Max.
  22. Correct me if I'm getting overly excited, but this project looks like one of the best things to hit Houston in decades. It looks like everything I ever hoped Midtown would be (on a smaller scale of course) but on a better side of town. Boing! Think of the view from those midrises, downtown immediately to the east, Buffalo Bayou Park to the north, uptown to the west, and TMC and Greenway to the south. With relatively short drives to everything, who wouldn't want to live in this area. The only thing that would make it perfect is that they 'age' the look of the area so that it doesn't come out looking too new or like faux architecture. Oh, and that it will keep expanding until it spreads from Memorial Park to Downtown. Oooh baby!
  23. I could listen to you insiders battle it out all day. At some point, one of you is bound to spill something. This thread is starting to evolve into a much more interesting topic than just another boring Houston/Dallas pissing match. I think it should be continued under a new topic thread so that those wierd Dallasonians don't interupt the far more interesting topic of 'Houston insider buzz' and 'dueling real estate experts' with more boring Victory crap (like anyone still cares about Victory's impact to DT Dallas) Yawn. As lame as this thread can get, the topic is starting to get (slightly) hijacked. After all, this is the thread to come to when you're in the mood to hear Victory commercials. Hopefully, there's enough exciting stuff coming to all of DT Houston (not just the east end) that no one at HAIF will even remember Victory Park exist in a few months. It already feels so "last year" anyway. It's time to move forward and leave this thread to the Enzyte junkies.
  24. I agree with Gary. Be nice to Niche. A little optimism never hurt anyone. People won't be disappointed if they take everything they read on the internet with a little skepticism and common sense instead of as the gospel truth or anything other than the opinion that it is. It's not like what people post around here makes a whole lot of difference whether something gets built or not. But if someone thinks it could hurt their credibility at work by revealing inside stuff - I respect that. How much one chooses to believe around here as actual fact is their own responsibility. With that being said, keep posting what you can, Niche. I like reading that you think the projects you are hearing inside info about (that will make us all gleeful) are real. You don't need sources to post opinion. Of course, it would be nice. How about a time table??? - WHEN will we be gleeful? I'm hoping the "trick the info out of him" method will work better than the "pissing him off" approach - which is getting us nowhere.
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