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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. I'm gleeful just hearing second hand insider buzz rumors! Tell me, do any of the projects you're hearing about sound realistic to you? Please tell me that Houston City Centre (Texas and Main) is one of them.
  2. It has nothing to do with Ft. Worth. I would rather go to Schlitterbahn or the beach than skiing anywhere or anytime. Even if that meant Houston had plastic skiing and Ft. Worth had a beach. Don't be so sensitive and defensive. This project is stupid. Even the local DFW people that were interviewed on the Channel 8 report didn't sound all that impressed by it.
  3. So, we've got an announcement for Discovery Tower with no rendering. And we've got a rendering of Houston City Centre (downtown) with no annoucement. Life isn't fair.
  4. Casting a vote for Rivera or O'Reilly would be like casting a vote for Lenny or Squiggy.
  5. I have gay friends who are always trying to shove something in my face. Doesn't bother me.
  6. Forget homophobes or radical gays. The person or people responsible for poisoning defenseless dogs and cats should pay with their frickin' lives! Being misguided, misinformed, intolerant, insensitive or overly flamboyant may be one kind of human imperfection - but hurting dogs and cats is PURE EVIL! sorry for the highjacking too.
  7. Actually, Musicman I am not all that concerned with your problem. And no, it wasn't clear to me what you were griping about all night. Maybe I brought it upon myself, but your personal attack at me for my silly, insensitive joke got my attention so I thought it deserved a counter attack. It's not like someone died or anything and it's certainly nothing I can't handle. But you can't honestly expect a person not to react negitively or sarcastically when they here that old tired cliche that you used. Obviously, I struck a nerve or you wouldn't have responded at all. Maybe I offended you on behalf of my "stupid kids" remark or maybe you were sticking up for "intolerant adults". Sounded like you had some kind of problem with what I said, but I'm glad to hear it's not with gay marriage for what it's worth. I have to say it's Marty's comments that really bother me. You may or may not buy into his garbage about kids + gay agenda = dead USA, or calling human emotions that he can't understand unnatural but anyone who uses language like that has got to expect a hostile response, especially with this many sisters crusing this forum.
  8. And some put cultural tradition and religious beliefs above being human too. All consenting humans should be allowed to get married at Disneyland if they want to. And now they can. Deal with it. Disneyland today, tomorrow the world! another few years Texas.
  9. If nmain's been putting up with you for a while then I would say he also has some experience dealing with a wasted mind. Yes, you missed the point again. You do that a lot I see.
  10. Sure, lets give peace a change. I mean chance.
  11. Not that I can't take it, Marty, but being called "unnatural" isn't exactly the most respectable thing I've ever been called. If you were making a point in a "respectable" way then so was I.
  12. Wow. That just about the stupidest thing I have ever read in my entire life. It almost deserves some kind of award. I bet, keeping your kids away from gay people won't make them straight. There must be a long list of places that are off-limits for homophobic families now days. For folks like Marty, the world is shrinking quicker than their sad, narrow, little minds. Did I say Disneyland? This place is going to turn into frickin' Iraq now. A no win situation with misguided conservatives running for cover.
  13. Word of the day - Ignoranus: a person who is both stupid and an @$$hole. This thread has all the makings of a war zone at Disneyland. Brutal but cute. Maybe we all need to take some time to read those positive messages out of the bible that Bachanon gave us. I, as a sleezy, sex addicted, amoral queer, am excused from practicing all of those things. But the true believers (not you Marty) should lead by example and turn the other cheek, then let Micky Mouse tie the knot for us. It's funny that Disney is only just now performing gay marrage service. A Disney marriage ceremony sounds about as gay as it gets anyway. For any woman out there who is marrying a man who is willing to go through with a Disneyland marriage - don't be surprised when you find a hidden "Colt" dvd stashed away in the back of the closet.
  14. Sometimes the cranes generate more excitement than the finished building they help to create. Not in this case though. HP will be a major hit. I can't wait to see another landscape full of cranes in downtown Houston like back in the early 80's. With any luck it will be years before we see a crane-less CBD.
  15. Was it Culture Club's "Church of the Poisoned Mind"?
  16. Lighten up, Musicman, I didn't realize I was entering you into the equasion. Sorry I hurt your feelings. And what an incredible, original way to express yourself. It was so clever, it went right over my head. Sounds like you have some first hand experience dealing with a wasted mind.
  17. That some good stuff, Buchanon - thanks. Besides Mr. Disney, now I believe God is gay too. BTW, I just thought of another one intolerant adults + their stupid kids = braindead USA Praise Jesus, this is fun, thanks for the idea Marty. I bet I could come up with a million of these. But I won't. One more and I'll probably be banished. I'd react to that but I don't know what it means.
  18. Mr. Disney didn't actually create Peter Pan, he just got the message out to the masses. Praise Jesus intolerant adult + broken rubber = stupid kid USA - stupid kid = better USA
  19. Bigger issues - Like the creation of Nazi-like death camps for the folks that scare them - just kidding (at least I hope I'm kidding, but you can never be too sure about hate-filled fanatics that would target cartoons, loving unions, and the happiest place on earth) I would hope that there are bigger issues for the Baptists to worry about than a little, harmless, cute, gay mouse - like learning to practice some of the more positive messages from the bible. (if there are any)(I heard there were) Just like all great visionaries and artists, Mr. Disney had to be at least, just a little gay to come up with some of the stuff he did. Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, ect. Not to mention, all the people he turned gay in the first place by creating this kind of stuff. I was singing along with "someday my prince will come" from Snow White when I was 4 thanks to Mr. Disney. His company supplying us with a place to get married is the least they can do now.
  20. I've been interested in the history of local Houston television for years. And you guys are suppling some really great stuff here. Thank you. I thought I knew a little about the history of Houston television until I just found out about the existance of channel 16 and the other channels that Houston could have had. I have always wondered how Houston ended up with the stations it has. For example, why does a city the size of Houston only have 4 VHF channels? Is it because of Houston's proximity to Beaumont, San Antonio and Austin? How did the number allocations get decided in the first place? I suppose there are books about this stuff, but I've never been able to locate them and some of you guys here seem to be wealth of knowledge on the subject so I just thought I'd ask. Thanks again.
  21. That's a good idea. But I'm too lazy and it sounds like too much trouble. I'd rather just check this thread every five minutes to see if anyone knows anything. Plus, just in case it's bad news, I get to live in fantasyland for a few days longer. Like that brief time we all thought that rail was going to go all the way down Richmond to turn Afton Oaks in to the ghetto it deserves to be.
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