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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. 2 days ago. I'm over it. Afterward, I stopped at a 7eleven for a bottled water. And before you say anything let me tell you it was NOT like going to Buckingham Palace or anything.
  2. I've seen northpark. It's a just another mall. I don't think anyone in the world outside Dallas could elevate the experience of going to a mall as a celebration of the fine arts.
  3. Great photos. I especially like them because they show a typical day in Houston. They aren't pretentious, overly cropped, or glamourized and they STILL make Houston look beautiful and natural. This is what people mean when they say "substance". Whenever anyone starts to rag on all the things that are wrong with Houston, they should be immediately referred to this page.
  4. Not any more. Now it's 100+ acres of urban blight along the freeway. That is something Houston really needs right now. And when the land becomes a hodgepile of ugly tin buildings or a giant parking lot, I'm sure Houston's quality of life will be much better than when it was a place of joy. AstroWorld was a special place to some of us. Expect some people to get a little emotional over a photo like that. I mean, at least they could have left some of the more mature trees standing. Not only did Six Flags take the park away but they are making sure they leave Houston as ugly as possible.
  5. Those f*cking bastards didn't even leave a tree standing. I hope the people responsible for this burn in hell.
  6. There is no doubt that the Houston area WILL get another theme park. The only question is when. There is a large demand in the Houston area and more than enough people to support it. A new park will probably be built somewhere in the suburbs 20-50 miles away from downtown where land prices are less expensive. Just about every major metropolitan area in the U.S. has a theme park within a 50 mile radius. Very few cities have large theme parks within the city limits. Houston was the exception, and that as much as anything else led to it's closure. I predict that this summer the downtown aquarium, Kemah boardwalk, and the waterparks will be packed with people looking for a place to fill the void that the loss of AstroWorld has created. I have no doubt that some smart local billionaire will eventually see the potential and capitalize on the local demand. AstroWorld made a profit for Six Flags for most (if not all) of the years that it was in operation. This community can and will support a major theme park. Just be patient. It will probably take several years of planning and fundraising for a new park to come to fruition. Just hope someone has the vision to make it a GOOD park. AstroWorld had some nice potential, but was severly handicapped by the lack of space to expand, parking issues, and bad publicity. Six Flags had to tear down rides in order to build new ones. Expansion was not as costs effective at AstroWorld than at other Six Flags parks. Even when I was a kid, and AstroWorld was in it's heyday, people always complained that the park was too small, compared to other parks. In recent years I have only heard bad things about AstroWorld. The park was unclean, rusted and decaying. Rides were closed too often. There were reports of riots. Worst of all, year after year there were no new rides or expansion. AstroWorld was suffering from a lot of negative publicity. My family stopped going there years ago. The chances of the Houston area getting another or better theme park than AstroWorld were never very good when AstroWorld was in operation. Although AstroWorld left alot to be desired, any other company that might have built in the Houston area would have had to compete with AstroWorld's ten (mediocre) roller coasters, WaterWorld, and an existing asortment of attractions. But now with AstroWorld gone there is a much better chance that the Houston area will eventually get a park that people will actually like. There's no local compitition. I would not expect a large theme park company to build a park in the Houston area. Most of the theme parks in this country were built by small companies or individuals with local interest and were later sold to large theme park companies. (big mistake) When the Oilers left Houston in 1996, a lot of people thought that Houston would never have an NFL team again. But Houston only had five seasons without pro football. Don't give up on a new theme park for the Houston area yet. AstroWorld has not even been gone a whole year.
  7. KPRC could have stood for Kotton Port Rail Center for all I know, but the book I have says that KLEE was bought by the KPRC radio station which was owned by the Post Radio Company (PRC). The call letters were changed after the tv station was bought to match the radio stations call letters. The book I read this in is called "Ray Miller's Houston". The book was published in 1982. It says in the biography that Ray Miller started at KPRC radio in 1939 as a reporter. His show, "The Eyes of Texas" started in 1967. I don't know when it ended. I don't have any proof of what the call letters stood for (other than this book) but it seems logical to me that PRC stood for Post Radio Company, since it was owned by the Post Radio Company. Not trying to contradict anyone here, just thought I'd share the info that I had. I can't wait to check out "Texas Signs On".
  8. Nice photos of buildings, but most of the photos make uptown dallas look like a ghost town. I think I saw a total of about 9 people on the streets and sidewalks. Is uptown dallas an urban eden because it is only used by one man and one woman just like the garden of Eden in the bible. Still, nice photos.
  9. The PRC in KPRC stood for Post Radio Company according to an old book I have called "Ray Miller's Houston". Ray Miller hosted a local TV show called "The Eyes of Texas" which ran on channel 2 for many years.
  10. That sounds like the kind of decision a HIGH school student would make. When you grow up, I hope you will make smarter decisions.
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