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Everything posted by Jersey01

  1. This house could be pretty cool. I've noticed it before, and wondered what it looked like inside. Unfortunately, I still do since the listing is pretty much a lot listing. Argh! I always kind of thought that Farnham Park was a neat place. There is one large mod in the back left section of the neighborhood that is really cool (I've been wondering who designed it for a while--anyone know?) I want to say it is 20 Farnham Park though I'm not certain. There are also a few nice 70's contemporary homes.
  2. I've heard that he was still working. That's great! Is it modern?
  3. You are right, it was designed by Bolton, in 1965. I was just wondering if it did in fact sale...I guess it did?
  4. I really love his house, the back reminds me of 50's Beverly Hills houses in Trousdale Estates. Looks sort of Hal Levitt to me. And good point about Dominique de Menil being very influential in the aspect of eclectic antiques in modernist homes. Houston's higher end mods tend to have this distinct look.
  5. Cool House! I hate that the one a few doors down is gone.
  6. This home was privately for sale for a while. Does anybody know whether or not it sold? I'm just curious to see the response to a modern house in this price range, I've noticed several other high-priced moderns in Houston lately, like the home on Friar Tuck and also the sale (finally) of 1000 Kirby. This house really is one of Houston's best, I think.
  7. You just made my jaw drop... I literally said the same thing when I saw it, "Very Beetle Juice!" I think this house is great!
  8. Hello all, I don't usually comment here in "The Heights" section, but I was biking yesterday in your neck and came across a really cool house. It's at 2200 Harvard, next to the basketball courts. A sort of modern take on the neighborhood vernacular. Do any of you know who the architect was? What are your thoughts on this type of home amidst the older ones? I think it is great! I'd love to see inside.
  9. This house does have the look of Floyd or Jenkins. The way the home is (or was) arranged around the pool is very Cliff May-esque.
  10. The only bridge that is like that that I can remember like that is a street called Farther Place off of Westminster. But this is a little further west, near Chimney Rock.
  11. I know I like the convenience of the proposed location, but it would stick out there for sure. Then again, that didn't stop the developers of The Royalton or The Huntingdon. This may seem like an odd location, but I think that it would be neat on Sterrett Street or Richey Street in northernmost downtown. I've always liked this tiny little area, it's like Houston's own microscopic SoHo or Meatpacking District. It would be nice with the Hardy Railyard Project nearby as well as downtown conveniences.
  12. Hopefully 9 out of 10 would like it. The scheme is so preliminary that it is possible that there could be balconies, but they may compromise the composition. One of my favorite residential hi rises has electrically sliding glass panels built into the walls so that the room may act as a balcony. But it costs a pretty penny for that feature. I'd prefer some balconies as well, but I guess some of the other hi rises around town without them have been successful. As for the office vs. residential, if it is built in the proposed area, I'd love to see this building be mixed use. Maybe the first couple of floors could be galleries, restaurants, shops, or offices.
  13. A couple of people did bash it. "Horrid" was the word used. Horrid seems like an emotional word, hence my calling it bashing. I completely agree that developers ultimately want a building to sell more than they want it to be beautiful. You are right. But the reality is that the exterior of a huge building in a neighborhood ultimately impacts those neighbors and passers-by and effects more people than the amount that inhabit it. Because of this, it thrills me that developers and architects in Houston are starting to consider the impact of design and how successful it has been in other large cities. I do agree with you that designs that are too avant garde risk success in sales, but sometimes all it takes is one or two examples of success and others will follow. Randall Davis decided to convert old warehouses into moderately expensive apartments, sometimes only containg one room and a bathroom. This was hardly normal in Houston, but now it is. You can get a loft (such a loosely used term now) in nearly any part of the Houston, and they get a premium over standard condos and apartments.
  14. It reminded me of 80 South Street too. I'm shocked that so many people here do not like this building and are bashing it!?! Architecture should be progressive, it should represent ideas and forward thinking. The Riparian and 2727 Kirby are nice, I do like them, but this building just makes a great statement. It's all a matter of taste. Most people love buildings like Montebello in Uptown, but I'm not fond of it. The response that I am seeing in this project reminds me of The Richard Meier towers in the West Village of Manhattan. When it was being built, it was quite controversial. Now, people are starting similar projects all over Manhattan by the finest architects (I'm crazy about 40 Mercer by Jean Nouvel.) This building, if completed, could represent a major shift in what will come in this city that I, for one, would love to see. On the other hand, the response could be hated like that of Tremont Tower, though Tremont really is ugly. Allen Bianchi has some really good work. I hope this project will be built, and if the prices aren't insane, I'll buy one. I like it that much.
  15. Yeah I thought this post was odd, too. If anything, Memorial Bend is amazingly preserved...especially for Houston!
  16. It is indeed in the new Atomic Ranch.
  17. Wow, lots of "twists." If we were talking about a cocktail, with so many ingredients, your future home will be the equivalent of a Bloody Mary. Oddly enough, though, I can see where Frank Lloyd wright could mesh with a sort of Mediterranean thing, if done with skill. I think it is great when homeowners have a point of view and want to bring a personal look to their dwelling. Unless, of course, it ends up looking like a Persian Palace (The new, more hideous version of McMansion. See Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_palace ) Wright's son, Lloyd, designed a home in Los Angeles called the Sowden house. This home, since a tasteful but controversial remodel, has traits of Wright, South/Central American, Mod, and hither and yon has splashes of Mediterranean. And it actually works! Plus it has one of the most beautiful courtyards I've ever seen. It was updated by a guy named Xorin Balbes who does some really neat work. Links to Sowden House: http://www.mosslerdoe.com/address.php?property_ID=447 http://meyler.locations.org/library6180/in...tectural%2F1118 Keep me posted...I'm very interested in how this will turn out!
  18. Jersey01

    Bill's House

    There is a sort of Richard Neutra vibe to some of the areas in this house which I love, particularly in the sunroom. The steep vault in the great room is awkward, but I think this is a very interesting house and hopefully it will be respected.
  19. It really is a great little read! I hope a version that celebrates Barnstone will be made in the future!
  20. Love it. It's like an R.M. Schindler house and a Rancho Deluxe had a love house.
  21. Used or antique pieces are often preferred, so be careful because they sometimes cost more than the new. I am not for repros, but that's just me. Imagine if you wrote a great book, painted a beautiful painting, invented the post-it note... whatever, and someone made a nearly exacting version. I think that something new that shows influence is a-okay but copies generally lack so much of the character that the original has. A Corbusier longue glides effortlessly but if you try a fake that has been used for a while it is choppy. If you look at a fake Mies Barcelona or Brno, the flat metal that makes them so beautiful is much thinner and cheapish. I also believe that copies sometimes drive up the price of the authentic. You can find many interesting pieces of modern furniture from different periods that were designed by lesser-knowns and use them until you can get that piece that you want sooo much. But there really are some cool Brazilian and Danish unknowns out there to be had for a good price, even here in Houston. Some people make a decent argument for some cases, though. I have friends with a round table for 8 and wanted Bertoia chairs, but didn't want to spend $4500 on chairs so they bought replicas which caused them to save something ridiculous like $3000. You really aren't going to hurt anything if you buy a fake Nelson table. Lightning will not strike you as you carry the table home. But if you are considering a whole suite (you mentioned also adding chairs, etc) I just wouldn't do it. In the end having one authentic piece in a room is much more rewarding than having a collection of fakes.
  22. Is the Vale designed house the one with the flat roof that is painted white? Willowisp and I have been wondering who designed that place for a long, long time...
  23. My parade has been rained on...
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