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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. mia bella is great. i would wager that they need more room and would like to stay open more often. i will miss the cozy location they are currently at (if they are moving).
  2. when the waterway is completed, it will be the "main street" of town center. market street is a shopping destination in town center, it is not "the" main street. btw, foley's will be macy's any day now. the foley's signs are currently banners covering what i believe will be the new macy's signs.
  3. lilly pulitzer? orvis flagship store? cru, a wine bar? yes, most of them are the same, but there are a couple of stores unique to the houston area. the extensive survey that the founders of market street completed before they broke ground found that nearly 90% of woodlands residents went into or around the loop on a regular basis for shopping, dining and entertainment. when asked if they would shop locally if the same options were here, over 90% responded yes (of course). don't quote me on the figures, but they were quite high for both questions. couple the survey with the demographics and bingo........j. crew, la madeleine, berryhill, grotto, etc.
  4. aftonag has put up with alot of snide comments and attacks. i appreciate his calm demeanor and the fact he's stuck with it thus far. my hopes, aftonag, is that you will participate in other threads here on HAIF.
  5. i just noticed something while perusing afton oaks properties on HAR. the older homes are selling for 300k-500k. there are also 1-2 million dollar homes being built in the area. are the older homes being torn down for the new mansions? one of the homes on richmond is 500k with a 10,350 square foot lot. couldn't rail bring those properties to where they are being sold by the square foot? wouldn't $7 a square foot be better than 500k? it seems that the neighborhood is in transition currently. am i wrong?
  6. the perception of life forms is cheap. there have been problems (or a problem) with specific life forms and realtors are a fickle bunch. IMO they (realtors) tend to find out what excites you and then attempt to get you to spend as much as possible regardless of the neighborhood. Personally, I do not care for the opinions of realtors. I've been misled in order to make the sale more than once, but that's another thread. katiedidit, when i read your first post about george weaver, i immediately recalled the available homes on their website (800k) and up. i had not heard of george weaver until recent months. i do intend to check out beckonvale for a "look see" (as grandma would say).
  7. that's a no-brainer. if i were going to spend upwards of 800k on a george weaver custom home, lifeforms wouldn't be on my radar. lifeform homes are about more house on a budget. i don't think anyone in the 150k price range would be considering a george weaver home as an option.
  8. just watched the story on 2. city council member, peter brown, is going to put an ordinance before the mayor to help preserve houston landmarks. peter brown is the perfect council member for this issue. check out his stats at this link.
  9. one of them is in the chase bank building (designed by I. M. Pei by the way).
  10. this is exactly what i'm thinking. these historical structures give us a greater sense of who we are and who we were. to dismiss them is to make our past insignificant. it IS worth the trouble to preserve grandma's piano or the theatre our parents took us to.
  11. skyechas, i have a buddy who once said that it takes 3 years or so to understand houston. houston is not an easy friend. but once you get to know her, she's a friend for life.
  12. n. timber top. these homes were built as a kind of corporate housing. they are all the same. there are like three floor plans for the whole neighborhod. there are million dollar homes across the golf course and 200k and up homes across grogan' mill. buy, buy, BUY!
  13. come on............. the facade is the physical symbol. the space is a surreal reminder of time passed. we exist and are strengthed because of our perception of the world we live in. the world in which we have lived is a comfort. do not take away the space that involves so many houstonians. our world view and personal comfort are manifest in the space that is the river oaks theatre. destroy it........destroy houstonian personality. you destroy the river oaks, you destroy houston. REMEMBER THE BELLAIRE!!!!!
  14. they still sell those "cheesy bathroom" vanities at home depot. they will never be highly regarded. a stylish cabinet vanity uprade will not only update the home but politely nod to the woodsy craftsman or 70ish contemporary style. again, there are so many options for updating these homes.
  15. thank you lilyheights. i wrote mayor white and signed the petition. when i was young and thought preservationists were unreasonable, i was having my fun at the river oaks and marfreless. i do not disregard preservationists any longer. i have memories there. i take visitors there. it is a part of my "town". it is a destination. weingarten is a fool if they muck it up. REMEMBER THE BELLAIRE!!!!!
  16. so.........the rail should take a huge detour to the south of afton oaks, costing millions of dollars more, so that your front door isn't disturbed? at some point, private property rights have to take a back seat. i'm a conservative republican; however, there are some things that require "grander" considerations. i'm sorry, but if rail was coming to my neighborhood, i would bite the bullet and know that there are better things going on. besides, it could benefit afton oaks. progress is never easy.
  17. these things are worth a bundle! you should auction them on ebay. if i had the cash i would take them all. models of buildings are uber trendy right now and timeless. these are unique and rare accessories that cannot be found cheaply. if you have an inkling.....buy them all. seriously, BUY THEM ALL.
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