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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. whew, that was plenty of information to look over, but fun. thanks for the link.
  2. my nephew, who laughs at american idol and those who watch it, asked last night how this could possibly be so big. my answer is: america loves competition, america loves winners and underdogs, america loves to see someone succeed in their dreams or passion. i would offer that american idol is less like corporate america or advertisers shoving crap down our throats than, say, MTV or the nightly news programs. yes, they (american idol/inventor) have their advertisers, but they couldn't be on the air otherwise. i think that the creators of american idol and american inventor are genuinely interested in the creativity and inventiveness that has, in my lifetime, become mediocre at best. the coming spin-offs may be another story. look at the guests they've had who are or have been mentors to other great talents: burt bacharach, barry manilow, clive davis. also, anything that becomes a big hit will try to reproduce itself as long as there is money to be made. i don't think that taylor or any of the other contestants are a part of some world wide brainwashing scheme. it's nice to see people (hasselhoff included) get all worked up over talent. i can't stand awards shows like mtv or the academy awards where mediocre musicians get hailed as great artists because they have a big hit that was promoted by mtv or a movie. half the time these people are worthless live. my opinion is that american idol is changing the popular music business. btw, i seldom listen to music on the radio or watch music videos. i enjoy more alternative (not grunge, metal pop crap) genres of music. american idol couldn't produce an idol i'd worship. i'm too......alternative.
  3. george mitchell has publicly stated the same thing. it will make no difference. however, mitchell did say that the gulf of mexico is an untapped resource that may make the middle east look like a drop in the bucket. according to the article, he said that there are new technologies for drilling offshore that need to be capitalized on.
  4. i second that "LMAO" moment. did anyone notice how messed up paula abdul looked the week before last. she was trashed. her eyes were barely open, randy and simon were putting their hands behind her to steady her as she jumped around and overreacted to things. they were interrupting her in an attempt to cover it up. hysterical. oh, also tonight, the moment the clay wannabe sees clay akin. good times, good times.
  5. i, too, heard that the man/family who owned the building lived in the upper floors. the rumor was that he had declared his "homestead" in the building so that he could not lose the property. i've never heard any reliable source to back it up. funny that similar stories are still around.
  6. moderator/editor. please delete this thread. i vented. i made blanket statements. i'm done. i'm sorry if i offended anyone. i did not intend to create a thread discussing the morality of homosexuality. thanks
  7. ditto. except for the methodist ministers in the family. i'm finding i have a bad habit of using blanket statements.
  8. you're right. there are times when it feels like i don't want to be lumped in with "god's fan club". i find myself referring to christians as they or them rather than we or us. i had no intention of poo pooing all christians. in fact, the people i've met at fellowship of the woodlands have rejuvinated my appreciation for the christian community.
  9. ewwww, it's a 24 hour walmart? that's unfortunate.
  10. editor, i see your point of view; however, i think you may not have visited many nondenominational churches. full gospel, charismatic, tongue-talking churches are extremely single minded. the baptists are just the tip of the iceberg.
  11. there seems to be a huge disconnect between the "armies of compassion" and being compassionate for those nearest you who don't fit a certain disposition. recently, i saw a story about the kids in texas who need to be adopted. i went to the website to see who these kids are. they are kids with specific needs. they are kids who have 3 or 4 siblings and want to stay together. they are kids with severe mental and emotional issues. the more i looked over the list of kids, the more my heart sank deep into sadness. these are kids who will never have a real family. why TF aren't churches and "holy" institutions taking these kids in? i'm wrecked that these "thousands" of kids have no homes. the christian community is so wrapped up in who is the best kind of parent. i'm thinking, who better to love the "unlovable" than the armies of compassion within the gay community. who better knows what it's like to be disguarded? who better knows what it's like to feel like an outsider? if i weren't in the middle of shoring up my family's "disreguarded" (wonderful) kiddos, i would want a houseful. there are ever present needs in our face-front, immediate communities that are over looked because of shallow, piss-ant egoism. i'm really ticked off today. sorry. :closedeyes:
  12. no. i've been visiting fellowship of the woodlands and enjoying a particular small group and the job support ministry. these people are great. they are completely different from the hard-ass, legalistic, world that i grew up in. i'm also reconnecting with friends from the gay community who might not feel so welcome in the circles i benefit from. there is a stark contrast between these two worlds and it irks me. i had some friends up for the woodlands waterway arts festival yesterday and we had a difficult conversation over gay marriage and gay adoption. we all have gay friends and some in our group are gay. i'm having a hard time comparing and contrasting the genuine compassion i receive from the local woodlands community and the hardships i see in the gay, minority and/or poor communities. my rant is purely internal. creating a thread in this internet forum is simply a venting mechanism. your opinions are greatly appreciated.
  13. yes, matrix should of been on my list. especially the first episode.
  14. town center is its own thing. public transport is key element in the coming "high-density" future of the woodlands town center. it will soon become so difficult to park near your favorite attraction in the woodlands town center that one will have to find a space and take the trolleys or the water taxis. the waterway is to be the "main street" of the woodlands town center. note to investors: buy homes near north millbend! you can buy a 2000 square foot house for under 120k right now.
  15. i realize your point; however, my beef is with christians, specifically. i was raised in this environment. the very people they/we try to "help" they alienate. my intention was not to create a hate fest towards conservatives but to vent my constant frustration with people who don't want to get their hands dirty.
  16. wild at heart the craft sound of music europa europa city of lost children vanilla sky a room with a view the breakfast club st. elmo's fire the lion, the witch and the wardrobe lord of the rings trilogy rules of attraction the cook, the thief, his wife and her lover summer lovers delicatessen dune fiddler on the roof and so on.........................
  17. i'm ready to vent. allow me to for go the niceties. why is it that christians must constantly ascertain their prominance? the christians i most admire would never wear their heart on a sleeve (sp?). the true christian IMHO behaves in a way that moves people without getting on a soap box and telling others what's up. it's in the example. it works because you/i live it. i'm perplexed at the moron's who demonstrate at gay pride parades or abortion clinics. what TF are they trying to prove? maybe they should be more concerned with the kids in their families or their churches who are dealing with issues that make them want to off themselves! damn! take care of your own. quit making the rest of us miserable. i take responsibility for my family and we are honest enough to tackle teen pregnancy or homosexuality because we love each other. get real and take care of your own. it's your alienated kids who come to me and want direction while you're too caught up in making a point to notice that your kids are suffering. yes, i have kids i didn't ask for. yes, i'm blessed to have the opportunity to direct them in productive ways. yes, i am a christian. yes, i do not judge them for who they are. yes, i'm disgusted at the way people who define themselves as "christian" behave. there is no temptation common to mankind that god has not given me the tools to handle. many would assume that that scripture pertains to dealing with vice or sin. for me, it is about stomaching the vile "good intentions" of my brother's in christ. believing in the message of christ is not a rejection of people. it's a, sometimes difficult, embrace of everyone. thanks, once again haifers, for letting me vent.
  18. although i'm aware of the christian symbolism represented by a specific "fish" image, the fish i refer to in my earlier post are bass, catfish, dolphins, angelfish, clown fish, carp and gulf coast species. i do not think that the myriad artists who are fond of fish as a subject are thinking about pushing the faith.
  19. decent beer was $6. crap beer was $5. after one decent beer i had $3 water and free starbucks.
  20. it is now clear that the same people who removed the cheesy replica of da vinci's statue of david from the forefront of the portofino shopping center are from the "other side of the freeway". oak ridge north and shenandoah residents must be aghast at the successful waterway arts festival this weekend. not only were there high-lighted oil and acrylic crotches, but phallic symbols in iron and ceramic displays. although the woodlands waterway arts festival was a bit sterile by montrose standards (no snakes, lizards or half-nekked patrons about), the uber, all-or-nothing, fartsy crowd still persists (thank the lord). one note of concern.....what the hell is up with all the fishes? metal, paper, paint, pottery...........people like to make fish art. what gives? if i have to see one more freakin' fish, i'm gonna hook an artist! anyhoo, waterway arts festival? big success. cheesy performers, free ice tea and iced coffee from starbucks, super cool artists, great environment. will go again. hopefully, the freaks will come out next year. we really need more pet snakes and gila monsters.
  21. i passed the new walmart on my way to magnolia on thursday. my little sis had her second bambino. the parking lot was packed. i was lmao when i thought about all the negativity about this location. it was PACKED i tell you. i knew those folks at walmart had researched the demographics out there. totally packed!
  22. at last. the freekin' trolleys...............they are a runnin'. the waterway, market street, the mall........all finally connected by the natural gas trolleys.......errrrr, buses on a regular route.
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