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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. mo mong is a vietnamese restaurant behind hollywood video on westheimer, across from slick willie's near montrose. they have a great menu, great martinis and an uber cozy patio downstairs near the bar. they also have a second level patio that could be nice. mo mong is privately owned and is very laid back. citysearch link
  2. huh? conservatives are, in my experience, pro federalists. separation of church and state (a misnomer) in context is a determination that the government not promote or legislate a catholic regime, or a baptist regime, or a fundamentalist regime; however, the intent (imho) was not to negate the spiritual/christian values inherent in the constitution. a nonreligious government was NOT the intent. why would the same people who valued a nonsectarian government put "in god we trust" or the freakin ten commandments on judicial buildings if they intended judeo-christian values to be absent from the original contruct?!!!
  3. i knew i was missing out! how about a saturday afternoon next time? a patio somewhere maybe? we could reserve the patio at mo mong, or maybe somewhere in midtown.
  4. come on! my twelve year old niece tried to pass herself off as 16 or 18 when she was that age. he (the kid who was beaten) was 16 for christ's sake. it's not like he was 35. this mentality that it's ok to go apes*** on people is seriously whack! i saw an episode of csi or some other dumb ass detective show recently. a detective in the states followed an investigation where an underage girl was duped into leaving the country with an older guy who then used her as a prostitute and in pornography. while in the other country, the detective did not feel he was bound by US laws and took the opportunity to beat the sh** out of his suspect because he was so disgusted at the alleged crime. what kind of message does that scenario send out?!!!! the correct scenario of the above mentioned tv character would have been to refrain from said beating because "due process" was a conviction of his. yet, it was more fun for the tv audience to see the criminal get beaten. does anyone wonder how these vile kids felt they had the right to go apes*** on this poor boy? i am disgusted and horrified over this event.
  5. a divide between church and state is not a conservative tenet. states rights is. conservatives believe that a democracy cannot stand without a moral people. conservatives believe that people of christian faith wrote the constitution and the bill of rights with the assumption that all persons were striving to be moral. the ideology of a wall between church and state is a misconception promoted to eliminate religion from political discussion and philosophy.
  6. rosemount shiraz/merlot/cabernet 2000/2002 or big house red (i don't know any more than that). i worked as a dispatcher to supplement my income while changing careers. i came home angry every night. it could take two hours to wind down (without help that is). i found that a brisk walk reduces physical and emotional stress. it takes me at least a 30 minute walk to begin to feel relief. a hug from loved ones, caring for another, physical activity all help. last but not least.......wine or beer. if the walk doesn't cool you off, call someone who needs encouragement. when you begin to be concerned with helping someone else through a rough spot, it takes your mind off your immediate stressful issues. the last thing you should do is complain. this makes it more difficult to recover.
  7. i'm not personally concerned with rush's life choices. he doesn't hold his finger on "the button", he doesn't have the say so with the military, foreign governments aren't banking on his decisions. so, no. i do not use that analogy with my elected leaders. they are not radio hosts. although our elected leaders provide fodder for entertainment, i do vote with the "hope" that they have some moral compass, or mean what they say. unfortunately, i'm usually disappointed. i bought a copy of fountainhead years ago and have not opened it. i'm moving it to my bedside stack.
  8. when rush says things like "your epitome of moral virtue", he is intentionally attempting to "chap" the very people who decry that he is (and people like him are) "hypocrite(s)!". he has never attempted to set himself up as a moral compass. he believes that there should be a moral standard that people attempt to live up to; however, he does not think of himself as an example of this standard. i've been listening to rush on and off for over ten years. after awhile, you begin to realize that on occasion he states, matter of factly, things that are indeed meant to be facetious. his intent is to point out that people who do not regularly listen to the program and, sometimes, have an agenda, tend to respond in knee jerk fashion without considering the context of the show or the context of his personal history, opinions and past shows. he pokes fun at himself, at the listener and anyone else who takes political banter too seriously. attacking rush only makes him more popular. why is this so? because listeners like me do not hold him up to a high standard. we enjoy "listening" to someone who has similar views and makes us laugh, not only at ourselves but at those who disagree with us. does anyone remember the "soccer kills kids" shows? rush went on for days letting soccer mom's call in about how kids were getting injured, pointing out dire statistics concerning kids who play soccer. i don't remember if/when he finally fessed up that he was simply proving the point that any "issue" about injury to kids could take hold and turn people against a good thing. it was genius. people jump on the bandwagon and despise anything with an emotional tag. rush, basically, pointed out the natural inclination to pass judgement by people with good intentions who can't see the forest for the trees.
  9. tripe? puhhleeese. i love your trips (no pun intended) down memory lane. write a book. i'll buy. about that, editor. is it possible to have a spell checker when posting replies? ditto on the numb butt....and that's with a cable modem.
  10. IMO, it will decrease the amount of resources spent on your average joe who has no ill will towards others and wants to get a buzz. it remains to be seen if it will increase public intoxication rates. spring break and vacationing in mexico will take on a whole new meaning.
  11. how cool. did anyone take pictures? any lampshade action going on?
  12. if this were you or me we would've gone unnoticed like the millions of other prescription pill addicts the drug war is closing it's eyes to.
  13. sorry i couldn't make it. i had previous plans. how many turned out? was it a good mix of new people or people who already knew each other?
  14. welcome to the forum sheila. what will be your "first act of public political advocacy"?
  15. check the houston chapter of the american institute of architects. http://www.aiahoutx.org/ click on the "find a firm" button to the right by the calendar. make appointments to interview prospective firms. have fun.
  16. does anyone know who supplies sam's club? i guess i've inadvertantly boycotted shell, texaco and exxon in order to buy gas a nickel per gallon cheaper at sam's, or is that just smart shopping?
  17. i received a response from jamie brewster with the upper kirby district encouraging everyone to attend the meetings. guess that means the upper kirby district is in favor of the richmond line.
  18. there is an informative book by dr. hugh ross called "creation and time". he discusses origins of the rift between science and religion as well as disects the old testament terminology for "days". it seems that the use of "the morning and the evening were the first day" in genesis is not a literal translation or a common use of the word "day" for that period in history. the writer, moses, had no concept of eons or eras of time. a more literal interpretation, with our understanding of the universe and language at the time, is more likely....."this is the beginning and end of an era", or a large piece of time. it does not go unnoticed that the order in which moses discusses each "day" in genesis is in the exact order necessary for each of the earth's systems to be able to support the next. for instance, "let there be light"... light and heat from the sun are necessary before precipitation and evaporation can occur, water cycles are necessary for organic life, and so on. the order in which evolution supposes that life, the earths systems that sustain life, came about is the same order moses laid out in genesis. moses wasn't a scientist. long creation "days" are pivotal in one's view of how we came to be within a christian context.
  19. there is a tomball bypass being built. also, reforestation of the 249 corridor is most likely the areas south of spring cypress to beltway 8. i see no reason to assume anything about the future of the northern portion of 249.
  20. alright, i did my part. emails sent. i know, i know.........what does a woodlands' resident have to say about the richmond line? when we spend time in the loop, the areas we frequent the most include downtown, midtown, the museum district/zoo, medical center, reliant park and the menil collection, greenway plaza/lakewood church, the upper kirby district and the galleria. see where this is going? when bringing visitors into the city, the light rail line is a part of the schedule. the richmond line would increase the opportunities to use light rail, in that it connects to many of the places we would take guests.
  21. beltway 8 has been the fastest route in my experience. i prefer it over 1960. it can shave 15-20 minutes off of the travel time.
  22. bachanon


    i've had the same thought. security is really tight in and around most of the buildings i've been to. some sort of "proof" that we aren't vandals or terrorists would be great. anyone can make business cards, but an architecture fan/photo club? sounds legit to me.
  23. just buy a condo. i have a friend from ny who's buying a condo at 5000 montrose in order to have a place to stay when in town. they will eventually buy something more substantial later. there are places ready to move in all over town. hotel, schmotel. oh, and welcome to town!
  24. greenspoint has stepped up security since the "gunspoint" days. the mall addition and makeover will help the area.
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