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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. link to website the link takes you to a website produced for the sale of the home. there is alot of great info and pictures on the house.
  2. there are thousands of 100k to 150k homes being built within 5 miles of greenspoint mall. these homes are south of 1960, north of the belt. there are neighborhoods east of veterans memorial and west of aldine westfield. all of these areas are filling in closer to greenspoint. it is easier and quicker to get to greenspoint than to deerbrook or willowbrook. i believe that there is demand for this project or it wouldn't be going forward. also, i didn't see anywhere that it is intended to be upscale as desirous and springtx have said.
  3. i believe those may be the same trees i've noticed along the hardy toll road/jfk, airport connector.
  4. really? houston is EXACTLY the city that could make environmental history. houston has a reputation for pollution, houston has the largest refining capacity in our country (75% of nations refining?), houston is known for it's entrepreneurial spirit, and, certainly not least, groundbreaking science and technology. i don't remember where i read about the significance of houston's refineries, someone else may have input on that point. is it in the japanese language that the word for a problem is the same word for opportunity? FLW saw limitations as opportunities to do something unique.
  5. there are more high density, mixed-use buildings on the boards now. i think the finished product will look a bit different than this '02 rendering.
  6. having the driver's perspective heading straight for the grb, then minute maid park, then downtown, then back toward the hilton americas would've been way more fun. it's a little embarrassing to think that the view will be fences and barriers, and the occasional view of the wall of a stadium. hopefully, they'll make it interesting.
  7. you would think that any respectable university would have a home for it's president. all furnishings, entertaining and operating expenses go through a board, determined by a budget, and the president would be "honored" to live in the place for free. a university funding this level of spending for the private home of a president seems to be a recipe for fraud, or at minimum the appearance of fraud. i can see some exceptions. say, if the president has a nice home already, then, perhaps the school would pay for the catering of events. that way, a board would have itemized expenses, invitation lists at it's disposal after the event concluded. the next president of tsu would remain above reproach by identifying what respectable universities do and following suit within the budget and recommendations of the school's board. continuing the practice of allowances for a private residence is not a good idea. it seems that tsu needs outside help on how to be a good university. tsu, in it's current state, is not an asset to houston, nor the black community. IMHO it is doing a disservice to both.
  8. bravo!! i love architecture history, especially when it's about houston.
  9. can you imagine waking up and throwing open the blinds to that face staring right at you? i'd slowly close the blinds, crawl back into bed and repeat........"it's only a dream, it's only a dream".
  10. as do i danax. it will be interesting to see what occurs if the housing boom slows dramatically or busts. if the economy should become such that it isn't worth having alot of money in real estate and the people running up the real estate values in the big cities decide to move their money elsewhere (say stocks/bonds/currency), what then would occur?
  11. I cannot find the article with the snippet about the WAC closing after the natatorium is built. It mentioned that the property would be used for multi-family residential, it mentioned the tennis courts being moved. It seems the WAC has lasted as long as it has because of the US Diving Team and as a place for HS swim training. It is too bad about the day camps. I always thought that was a great community asset. The natatorium and stadium should not be complete until late 2007 or 2008. Things could change.
  12. I've heard about this one going in. I didn't know it was this far along. This is good news for the NW area. I've also heard that the same company or a similar company is doing the same or similar concept between Greenspoint and 1960. Next, The Woodlands maybe. I can only hope. Friends from the west side of town have enjoyed the Alamo Drafthouse concept since that location opened.
  13. Red dirt has large amounts of iron from the hematite content. The dirt is red for the same reason our blood is red. (i. e. Iron-rich blood. Hemaglobin.)
  14. yes, woodlands hs, college park and maybe oak ridge. oak ridge has a small stadium, i'm not sure at what level they play. conroe has it's own stadium.
  15. that's too bad about the plano prototype.
  16. the woodlands athletic center in grogan's mill will close after the natatorium is completed. the us olympic diving team is based here. it wasn't said if they will stay in the area
  17. you've just retraced many of my days. the woodlands looks so "contrived" compared to the heights. your pictures remind me of why i love houston so much. you did miss pictures of market street and the free concerts that occur here weekly, but i love the perspective. thanks montrose!
  18. we have another new vietnamese restaurant in the woodlands. it is called "lucky cafe" at 27120 glen loch drive. they have a larger menu than pho be on sawdust. the food was delicious. we ordered vietnamese egg rolls, bo luc lac and noodles with shrimp. for desert, we had thai bubble tea with half and half. yum! this is the only place i've found in the woodlands that has bubble tea. the most expensive item on the menu is $7. the vietnamese egg rolls; however, do not compare with van loc or mai's in midtown.
  19. i've seen copies of cite for sale in the menil bookstore and at bookstop on shepherd. great news editor. thanks for all your hard work. i can't wait to see the ads in print.
  20. it's unfortunate that they are capitalizing on the "town center" wording. it doesn't sound like it's being developed as a cohesive mixed use environment. no mini-downtown, no waterway, no center..........just development. not a "town center" in the current use of the words. it does sound more convenient for people out that way.
  21. WOW, is all i can say. i saw the exhibit yesterday (mon) afternoon. the first few minutes, i was in awe and disturbed. what i found impressive is the small amount of information needed to describe what you were seeing. the education is in the seeing. many things are seered in my mind. the kneeling figure at the beginning of the exhibit is said to honor christians, many who donated their bodies for this exhibit. the kneeling figure is leaning on a cross and holding a heart. the central nervous system from brain to every nerve ending is amazing. the diseased organs, next to healthy organs are a warning the likes i've never encountered. a display of the tongue, epiglottis and trachea, all by itself, makes it clear how we do not choke ourselves to death everyday. organs filled with cancerous tumors that have metastisized (sp?) were a horrific reminder of friends i've lost to cancer. (perhaps it's better not to make those connections when viewing the exhibit.) there are displays of the vein structures of the hand, the foot, a chicken, a lamb; all in the original shape of the original body, but without muscle, tendon, skin or bone. the process is explained as a vacuum forced process that fills the veins with this plasticene (sp?) formula. after the plastic hardens the remaining "substances" are removed. once again, grotesque and fascinating. in retrospect, it is amazing how complex, and yet simple, our bodies are. it is a must see for anyone in the medical field. i would think that it is a must see for teenagers as well.
  22. welcome to the forum todd and thanks for playing my requests yesterday. i enjoyed the program.
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