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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. oh, i've heard of the davenport. in fact, it was a good report but several years ago. thanks.
  2. Town Center Seeking Performers For Town Green Park Opening CALLING ALL PERFORMERS! Spectrum Catering, Concessions and Events, a local event producer, is looking for talented performers to participate in its upcoming community events. Whether you sing, juggle, unicycle, or breathe fire, your talents could be utilized at upcoming festivals including Festival on the Green. Spectrum produces events in The Woodlands Town Center. Organizations including Town Center Improvement District, The Woodlands Development Company, and Community Associations of The Woodlands host events throughout the year. Festival on the Green, the grand opening celebration for Town Green Park in The Woodlands Town Center, is the next community event to be held this year. Full Story
  3. I'm looking for a new place to chill with friends. It can be either a restaurant or a bar. It needs to be quiet and have secluded spaces, a place we can linger for hours if we wish. I know of most of the establishments inside the loop; however, I'm not sure which ones will fit the bill. Many of the new restaurants i've been to are simply too loud and have a single dining area. Places we've enjoyed for this purpose include the following: Mo Mong, Marfreless, Zimm's, Nippon, Prive, Baba Yega's, and La Jaliscience (sp?). Oh, it doesn't have to be in the loop. Thanks in advance.
  4. the word "banal" comes to mind.
  5. at that time, i would turn on my tv in the mornings after my alarm went off. half asleep, i heard katie couric say that a plane had hit the world trade center. i imagined that it was a small, private plane. i sat up to watch the video and as i did, the second plane hit, live on television, behind the newscaster. i knew what had happened before the unsuspecting journalist could hear what was going on in his/her earpiece. i knew immediately that this was not an accident. i called my dad who was on his way to work. he would be passing downtown houston soon. he didn't realize the severity of the situation and wanted to know when i would be leaving for work. as soon as i hung up, the pentagon was hit. i called dad again and explained to him that it appears we are under attack. the local news said that people were evacuating high rises in houston as well as other cities. i opted to stay home. i remember standing in front of the television, rapt, horrified. i kept thinking that they can't collapse....they won't collapse. as i watched the first tower fall, i sat down on the bed; chills. tears welled up in my eyes as i thought of the thousands instantly gone; forcibly and violently freed from the bonds of their mortal coils. it was as if i heard millions of voices cry out in horror at the sight. i knew that i had not experienced this alone. i'll never forget that sound. i do not pray much these days. yet on this day, i prayed without realizing i was praying. i prayed for the families who had lost loved ones. i prayed for the injured and those who were helping the injured. i prayed for our country. i prayed for my friends in new york. wow........guess i'm still not over it.
  6. welcome to the forum architectural treasures. i'm glad to hear of your efforts. are you speaking of the page parkes building? do you have pictures?
  7. a shopping center has been planned for this intersection long before the homes were sold. i've seen the maps on the woodlands' website. it is the fact that it is a walmart and not a small scale, forested retail center with hike/bike trails running through it like the older neighborhoods are so fortunate to have.
  8. GO CHLOE!!!! this show has been a guilty pleasure of mine this season, especially since there is a houstonian who is so talented.
  9. this is it exactly. if you're ever in grogan's mill in the woodlands, notice the forested median on grogan's mill road, no curbs with the median lower than the grade of the road surface. this was planned for the development in order to maximize the benefit of the water run off. unfortunately, this rule no longer applies out here; however, many more of these plantings will succeed when run off is considered. also, for many deciduous trees, the canopy can only spread as far as the diameter of the root system. on the other hand, coniferous species have roots that grow as deep as they do tall, thereby requiring less surficial space to prosper.
  10. i read somewhere that the trees chosen are what will best assimilate to the given environment. the beauty of this project may not be realized for a decade or more.
  11. welcome to the forum marbie98. abercrombie & fitch closed in the woodlands while our mall expansion was ongoing. they reopened completely remodeled. it sounds like similar things are happening at first colony. i would be surprised if they are gone for good.
  12. similar thread similar thread number 2 i think that these threads are about the same project. this runs right through the newest section of the woodlands, creekside.
  13. i can't believe i'm up this early. god i'm old. mbm was great. they didn't start until after 11pm. i missed tkk at numbers. the engine room is great. nice vibe. old school scene, at least last night. i ran in to people i've known for a decade. i miss hanging out downtown after hours. the burbs are great...............during the week anyway. mbm was an excuse to hang out. the cds are just as good as live. i would have been better off just to buy the new cd............except for the fact it was a blast being at the engine room. we went to numbers at 1am. it's big fun to forget your age. the hardy toll road is long and lonely after 2am, glad i had a chauffeur. darn, who is that downstairs? guess we brought someone home. JJ forgot to mention. in another thread someone was discussing "shade" in the heights.......much love to heath, scott and tony. next time you enjoy your uber tasty, new american victuals in this trendy locale, these pretty boys most likely put it together for you. omg! does that receipt say $95? when did that happen? good times...........good times. ................this is what the devil does............this is what the devil does............... (please do not freak....it's only a line from a song...........no need to pray for me)
  14. annexation will continue to be an issue until 2012 unless the woodlands develops an alternative before then. law enforcement is always a concern for unincorporated areas. in the past several years, the woodlands, town center improvement district and shenandoah have increased security with additional patrols in areas near shenandoah and town center, bike cops and mounties. recently, there have been funds made available for additional county patrols. as for traffic and overdevelopment, the almighty dollar rules. the slow, controlled pace of the woodlands' earlier days are long gone.
  15. no, there's no rivalry. i thought a little ribbing would be fun. i'm excited about the development in kingwood and reading the thread made me wonder exactly what the stats were for the woodlands. no evil, mean-spirited > intention here. lighten up.
  16. link here is a link to the actual survey results. scroll down the woodlands community associations page to the 2005 survey pdf file. i love this stuff. i think this survey format would do well in neighborhoods all around houston.
  17. i started a myspace ID because my niece and nephew are on there and thought that "uncle keith" should be available on the same format as their friends. now, my only "friends" on myspace are my niece and nephew and a couple of their friends. it would be great to have some adults with common interests on my friends list. so here goes.........http://profile.myspace.com/bachanon
  18. would it help to write metro in support of a richmond line? who would be a good contact at metro?
  19. many thanks to nmainguy and christof spieler for taking of your time to be voices of reason. i appreciate your activism and wish i were more like you.
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