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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. in that case, go see it. it would be fun to have your take on it.
  2. for one who has spent hundreds (ok, over a thousand) of evenings, inside the loop, dining, drinking, etc. jasper's is indeed "surreal". it's a rush, actually.
  3. why see the movie simply because of the hype? it's slow, it's not complex. not that i don't want people to support the movie, but why go see it because it's become such an issue? (if you don't like anything the movie is about.) are you a film critic? true that.
  4. you're psychic pineda. i just read that review not 30 minutes ago. it made me want to head over there for lunch. being there was almost as much fun as eating the food. the decor is something not normally found in "the burbs" (did i just say that? not that the woodlands is a "burb" mind you ).
  5. yessssssss, i hate the fact that they waste houses. but, i love the show. and...the shameless product placement makes me want to buy appliances (from sears).
  6. it's still playing in the woodlands at market street. i didn't expect it to last more than one week. in fact, i was surprised we had it out here. the mind set of many in the woodlands proper is much different than the surrounding cities (conroe, oak ridge, shenandoah, spring).
  7. i agree. this movie is truly about lifelong friendship, not lust. these guys related on a physical level which increased the intensity of their friendship. as i said earlier in the thread, i left the theatre longing for old friends (even the one's i was not intimate with ). and.....i accept you west20th!
  8. wasn't metropol in the basement? that was a great place.
  9. what's truly horrifying is that we are using the same technology (above ground power lines & phone lines) as was first created by alexander graham bell over 100 years ago. they are still ugly and still dangerous. you would think that by now someone would have required that all new power lines (or those near new street construction and large developments) be buried in large enough conduit or pipes for future growth or technology. there was an interesting episode on modern marvels last night about the history of communication technology. the streets were "blackened" by the mass of overhead power lines in parts of some cities. it reminded me of large scale street construction projects i've seen in the houston area where the ugly, tilting power lines are preserved, even though some utilities are redirected or improved underground prior to or during construction. midtown should create an ordinance (if they haven't already) to require burying all above ground lines over the long term.
  10. like someone said b4...........grand central in nyc is a destination, ours is a pass through, mass transit interchange. it's unproductive to compare the two.
  11. the light rail line is great. the main street corridor was perfect for our first LR line. unfortunately, the benefits of it are long term. we cannot poo-poo something that hasn't seen it's glory days yet. the "grand central" project will only enhance/build upon what is already there. houston has only begun to embrace mass transit. it will be imperfect and painful. it is necessity. whining about its imperfections is a waste of energy.
  12. truer words have never been said...............well, concerning the comparison of a transportation crossroads in houston. we are not, can not be a chicago, nyc, etc. we are not geographically challenged, we are not limited by some of the things that larger cities are limited by. ergo..............we can be inventive, unique, artistic and genius. let's be daring enough to be houston, and make it something that works for us with a little style and a lot of bravado. the unique genius of our town is understatement.........a subtle, gentle beauty that is functional, profitable and human in scale.
  13. 1. Not that I've heard of. 2. The intention, Metro says, is to eventually convert the BRT to LR. Some wonder whether or not we should go ahead and bite the bullet; build the LR now and skip the expense of the BRT.
  14. uggghh!!! growing pains. Extension of Woodlands Parkway has both advantages and disadvantages for area residents By: DEBORAH ROWE, Villager staff01/19/2006 The Woodlands Parkway has become a major thoroughfare, extending from Interstate 45 to FM 2978. This has presented advantages and disadvantages for area residents. Because of the expansion of the parkway, there is now increased growth in The Woodlands, along with an increase in traffic accidents along the thoroughfare also. full story the timed traffic lights in town center along grogan's mill and lake woodlands drive will be a great improvement.
  15. ........over a year later.................... Seven families in tamina get running water in time for the holidays By: CHEVALIER MAYES, Villager staff 01/12/2006 After many generous donations from the South Montgomery County community, seven families on Broadway Street in Tamina no longer have to worry about their wells running dry. The families, for many years, had to share well water and at times had to catch rain water in barrels if their wells were not working properly. Thanks to volunteers who donated either time or money, wells are now a thing of the past for the Tamina community. When the Tamina community first approached South Montgomery County for help, the goal was for the families to have a plumbing system in their homes before Christmas. full story
  16. link the last paragraph claims that the trolleys will begin rolling early this year. one can only hope.
  17. the lingering people are across the street from port authority. if you're on foot and uncomfortable with those who linger, you're out of luck.
  18. as much as i love to jab the metroplex, i'm not pleased to hear of increasing problems for our fellow texans to the north. concerning the crime issue, didn't rudy giuliani "take a bite out of crime" in manhattan while mayor. if memory serves, he concentrated on the enforcement of lesser laws (like jaywalking, running red lights, public drunkenness....) in order to increase police presence in the conciousness of new yorkers and let would be criminals know to look out. someone else may have a better recollection of rudy's crime fighting plan. maybe dallas should give rudy a call.
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