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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. there was extensive information on the recently completed upgrades to IAH at one of the architectural/engineering/planning firms. i think it was PGAL. yes, here's the link. PGAL choose "architecture" and then "aviation". there is information in two or more of the aviation menus. it appears that pgal's involvement is part of a $450,000,000 airport renovation/upgrade project.
  2. In a condo conversion, are the current residents given first choice on ownership? Anyone familiar with condo conversions?
  3. i saw this last night. it made me think of friends i've not kept in touch with. i made myself a commitment to contact each and every one of them.
  4. MLK MEMORIAL Broken Obelisk battle-born Sculpture once rejected by City Hall is getting restored and rededicated By LISA GRAY Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle On Thursday a crane lowered Broken Obelisk, one of the city's best-known sculptures, back into its reflecting pool in front of the Rothko Chapel, and tomorrow or Wednesday, conservators expect to finish their 18-month restoration project. But today, on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, the rusty, elegant sculpture once again stands as a reminder that much of Houston once considered King to be more a rabble-rouser than a saint. link
  5. welcome to haif woody hawkeye. it's great to have another woodlands' area member on board.
  6. the point is..........WE'RE GETTING ANOTHER PARK DOWNTOWN!!!! who'd have thought 5 years ago that a park this size, with so much interest would be on the drawing boards with financing, etc.? the property fits perfectly in front of the GRB and the hilton, and has space on it's perimeter for new development. the brainstorming/creative input from the community is phenomenal. even if the park were one huge green space with a reflecting pool in the middle of it and a parking lot under it, it would still be better than surface parking. although the current plan may be ambitious, many of the ideas will be refined (some might say watered down) due to financing, interest, space, construction issues, etc. i'm just excited were getting another park.
  7. landmark river oaks on w. gray and cinemark at market street in the woodlands. it may be showing elsewhere too.
  8. concerning the argument that vouchers take money away from the public schools it's important to note that the federal government funds only 8.3 cents of each dollar spent on education. our property taxes and the states pay the lion's share. link to dept. of education site ditto uncertaintravelers last post.
  9. awesome link. thanks. i look forward to reading it in it's entirety. as to your question about the low income housing. no, the woodlands does not have the same level of low income housing in the newer villages. the federal programs that the woodlands utilized originally have been reduced or are being zeroed out. i don't think the subsidies that existed are available to the extent that they were. this fact, and perhaps there are other reasons, are why the newer neighborhoods have less "section 8" type housing. the majority of this type housing is in grogan's mill and panther creek, the two oldest villages.
  10. similar items are coming soon. town center to bring cultural venues next wave of construction
  11. thanks for the link sevfiv. after viewing the renderings i am definitely excited about this project. it seems they've taken everything into consideration. the downtown skyline view from that neighborhood is great.
  12. i've admired many of the homes in your neighborhood for a number of years. contact: greater houston preservation alliance at www.ghpa.org houston heights association at www.houstonheights.org/citypreservation.htm any other historical neighborhood association might have information you could use. i've often wondered if an older neighborhood could establish a homeowner's association in order to preserve structures or the historic "look" of it's surrounding areas. keep us posted on what you learn. good luck. oh, and welcome to the forum. moderators, these last two posts might enjoy greater discussion in a new thread. do you have the "power"?
  13. great arguments everyone. i'm enjoying this thread quite a bit. hang in there daisy. you're up against some of our most articulate and prolific posters.
  14. great article. i appreciate the questions about the menil. this sounds like it will be a refreshing design compared with most newer townhomes here in houston.
  15. for a great reference on the original masterplan and how it all came together check out the book by roger galatas, published by the ULI. the woodlands based on articles i've read and the book mentioned above, i think that there are people within the woodlands development co. who respect the original ideals of the woodlands but are pragmatic where current needs, services, and making money are concerned. many parcels of land have been sold to developers and the only woodlands' owned property is the green space and public areas surrounding these parcels. from what i gather, TWDC enters into agreements on the usage of the properties and the nature of each project before property is sold and developers allowed to begin construction. if you remember the indian springs HEB retail center development, there may be a difference in what is being agreed to by the woodlands' and what the developers can actually do. or, maybe salespersons made too many assumptions on what would be and passed that on to high end home buyers. regardless, the woodlands was and is a massive experiment. the outcome, as i've said before and much to my dismay, will be determined by politics and economics.
  16. notice that this is a 1 cent sales tax on items sold at market street and a 1 cent sales tax on items sold at the woodlands mall expansion for the park and waterway square respectively. here's an article from another thread about upcoming developments. link i think the number one priority for the woodlands development company is to be completely "built out" at the greatest profit by 2025. fortunately, there are some within the woodlands development co. who will respect the original master plan (green space, art, housing for all income levels, good schools, community involvement, etc).
  17. Dec. 27, 2005, 4:27PM Town Center looks to bring more art to The Woodlands New committee begins a study on various options By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent The Town Center Improvement District is looking into its next big project: a cultural arts offering in the downtown area of The Woodlands. The TCID board is forming a committee to study options that may be feasible for The Woodlands. Among the potentials that will be examined are a children's zoo, a permanent ice rink, a natural science museum or an indoor performing arts center. link
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