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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i'm thinking about going to numbers ($10). i haven't been in years and if the old school crowd goes it might be fun. i think wes wallace is spinning and there is a cash balloon drop at midnight.
  2. welcome to the forum weezer!
  3. it will be very interesting to see what becomes of these homes. over the years, there will be many factors that come in to play such as homeowner's associations, city codes, area wealth and desirability. my hope is that the desire for instant gratification and cheap construction will be seen as passe and real craftsmanship will return. of course, that pendulum swing, if it were to occur, would not be complete in my lifetime.
  4. there is the "main event" in shenandoah with a game room, bowling alley and pool tables. brand new, geared toward the kids. my fifteen year old says that only nerds hang out there. i've never seen it packed. there is also a bowling alley in oak ridge north right across the street from the entrance to the woodlands. seeing as kids like to "hang" the waterway will ultimately provide plenty of space for that. after reading pineda's post it looks like we need an indoor skiing/snowboarding facility. welcome back pineda.
  5. It seems the authorities have heard the complaints and now the kiddies are feeling oppressed. Sipping $4 coffee, living in one of the highest rated developments nationally, $100/week allowances are SO hard. I love these kids, but come on. The new developments coming this year along the waterway will begin to disperse the concentration of youngsters. Dec. 27, 2005, 4:04PM Some Woodlands teens feel alienated at Market Street Retail center management says facility caters to patrons of all ages By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent Alfonso Olvera likes to hang out with friends at the Market Street retail and entertainment area of The Woodlands, but lately he said it feels more like a jail. LINK
  6. please educate us and give examples of your description above. and, dalparadise, i look forward to your insightful opinions on most threads here. unfortunately, it seems that many people continuously direct a thread towards a political or ethical persuasion regardless of the intent of the original poster. sorry if that offends. i was attracted to this site, some time ago, because of the objective intelligent banter that put aside political persuasion. i miss that.
  7. this last comment is exactly what has chased away some of our most admired and interesting posters. reducing every discussion to gay/straight, right wing/left wing focus has hurt our website. if you are lurking or agree please stand up to these extremist posters. i appreciate everyone's views but objective discussion has come to a stand still. every post before this last one was on the verge of creating an interesting observation or discussion of the economics on the ever increasing size of custom and spec homes. reducing it to the excesses or lack of morality on one or more segment of society is to divert the conversaton. objectivity has left the forum and i miss it.
  8. Woodlands showcases development of business area Town Center highlights plans for future growth during conference By BETH KUHLES Chronicle Correspondent New retail, restaurants and office space are coming to The Woodlands Waterway and surrounding streets. Alex Sutton, co-president of The Woodlands Development Co., gave 400 guests from around the country a virtual tour of the plans for the centerpiece of a new downtown in the community. As part of the Urban Land Institute conference, which brought planners and developers to The Woodlands, Sutton unveiled new offerings coming next year. Retail and restaurants will begin to emerge on The Woodlands Waterway as new public parks debut in 2006 and 2007. The parking garage for The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel has been extended and will include 18,000 square feet of retail that will front both Waterway Avenue and Lake Robbins Drive. LINK My this is fun. Read the entire article for teasers on upcoming development. Lots of retail on the waterway to come. Yippie!
  9. nothing with a "plex". third coast i've heard before; however, i don't want to be third. we already have an east coast and a west coast. "south coast" would simply be another way of saying "the gulf coast" which encompasses any region of any state on the gulf of mexico. our newscasters often refer to the "greater houston area". this seems natural (although uninspired). i can't think of a cool sounding alternative that includes houston and it's surrounding suburbs/cities.
  10. i enjoyed the article. thanks. it's interesting that the article discusses the necessity of strong leadership. galveston had strong leadership and wealthy business owners behind the attempt to regain what was lost. does new orleans have strong leadership and wealthy benefactors? i think it's safe to say the new orleans will not bounce back too soon, and it certainly will not be what it once was.
  11. personally, i have never responded to a pop up or a pop under. i'm annoyed by them. the blog function mentioned in another thread may inspire more people to participate than a pop under (IMO).
  12. what enthusiasts exactly? rarely is there any discussion these days on architecture, preservation, history, etc. the excitement over houston is great fun, but it would be nice if we could bring to the surface or attract persons educated and/or practicing in the fields of architecture, development, preservation and so on. maybe the ads would bring that about?
  13. the blog feature might create the opportunity for more in depth discussions concerning architecture, urban planning, preservation, etc. so many haif discussions have become centered around "what if" scenarios, political discussions, latest news comments, etc. it would be nice for the engineers, architects, commercial leasing agents, developers, realtors, etc. who frequent HAIF to discuss their ideals and interests at a deeper level. a houston architecture "blog function" might allow those interested in delving into these subjects with like minded individuals the opportunity to do so.
  14. i was trying to get my kid motivated this morning and i said "now is the time" and godlike popped in my head. i dug it out and played it loud enough for the neighbors to hear. the kid wasn't impressed.
  15. i too am not fond of the mp3 format. too many hoops to jump through with my expansive cd collection. this morning, while unable to log in to haif, i was listening to KMFDM - NAIVE. i've been on a christmas music kick for several days and i needed to contrast that happy christmas mood. ottmar liebert's christmas cd was on repeat all night long.
  16. i agree with the concept of incentives for street level retail; however, without a larger downtown population (office, entertainment and residential) the viability of more retail will not emerge. the idea to have retail(such as gap, bookstores, etc.) with entrances and visibility from both the tunnel and street levels, along with public street level entrances to the tunnel system would increase traffic on both levels. it will be exciting to see what comes about in the next 5-10 years.
  17. i wonder if this is the project that george mitchell lived in when he was a kid?
  18. i'm sorry to hear that you're not in the christmas spirit. the kids are getting me revved up. i'm going to have to be careful not to get carried away.
  19. why wait until monday?
  20. while pondering my least favorite christmas songs, i couldn't help but think of my favorite seasonal cd's or singles. so here goes. nat king cole - the christmas song jazz to the world vince guaraldi trio - a charlie brown christmas carpenters - christmas portrait windham hill - celtic christmas series, a winter's solstice series, carol's of christmas, george winston - december, piano solo modern mandolin quartet - the nutcracker suite squirrel nut zippers - christmas caravan glenn miller orchestra - in the christmas mood I & II there is also an ella fitzgerald christmas cd that i love. i can't remember the name of it right now. diana krall's christmas cd is on my latest wishlist. anyone have more suggestions for "essential" christmas cds? i'd like to hear what you're listening to.
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