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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. just joking, DJ. nothing personal.
  2. yuck. thanks shenandoah for yet another tasteless development.
  3. i'm excited to find out who will be occupying the street level retail space directly across from tinseltown and next door to 21 waterway avenue. this is the first street front retail in town center that is not in the market street development.
  4. it may have been a private party at the club capped off by fireworks.
  5. i just read the topic and, i too, hate DEJAYs. oh it's DE-LAY, as in tom. sorry to interrupt your hate fest.
  6. those are all good suggestions.
  7. mama's christmas shoes? i don't know the title of the song. it's a kid who loses his mother at christmas. this song makes me want to run out of the store. happy shoppers spend big money. sad shoppers think that christmas sucks and wonder why they are christmas shopping at all. this is the worst christmas song i've ever heard. second only to that is any christmas cd by a recent (last decade or so) top forty entertainer or group. think mariah carey, toby keith, backstreet boys, destiny's child, insync, etc.
  8. 9/11 Was the beginning of a war that has brought us to this place. Republicans didn't decide on 9/11 that we now have to nation build. We now must sustain a large middle eastern region that is no longer controlled by a terrorist/dictator, at least until it can sustain itself. 9/11 Is not an excuse it was the beginning of the path that brought us here. it seems you have a bone to pick. sorry to have picked a scab.
  9. i didn't use 9/11 as an excuse. i was responding to someone who asked about conservatives not believing or believing in nation building (historically they don't). i simply stated that since 9/11 and the circumstances that have led us to where we are today, conservatives feel that in this case it is necessary. we cannot leave with the current state of things (blame put aside). simply because 9/11 and nation building are in a response does not imply a causal relationship. once again, my statement is taken out of context. i simply stated that because we are their now, regardless of the circumstances, we must stay in order for stability (nation build, if you will). if you will reread the statement and what it is in response to, you may notice that the vacuum of power was never mentioned as a reason for going to war, only a reason for staying.
  10. that was before we were attacked by a non-specific enemy (not a nation) with no specific geographic locale (on 9/11). i think the purpose of nation building in this instance is in order to attempt to prevent a vacuum of power in this region. it is unfortunate that we are in iraq, but we cannot leave under the circumstances.
  11. the article doesn't mention if it is normal to "pay" for articles to be published in iraqi papers, it implies something devious. corporations always do that here. also, the article's title description states that items are omitted to protect troops; however, the subject of the article attempts to make it look backhanded or shady. the media assumes that the reader will interpret "propaganda" as something an evil dictator publishes to purposefully misinform the public. the article in the chronicle is itself propaganda from our own third party, the press.
  12. the us military invited journalists and photographers to be embedded with troops when the war began. also, a buddy of mine had a journalist/photographer in his troop as late as last summer. i'm not sure of the status on embedded media at this time; however, they did welcome journalists up to a point.
  13. thanks pineda. it's a small world. my nephew ran into one of his football teammates on the patio as well. jasper's seems to be the place to be.
  14. my family took me to jasper's last night for my 40th birthday. the decor is great, the food is great, the service was just ok. we sat on the patio in view of the christmas tree in the park. we hated to leave. jasper's is a welcome addition to town center. the homemade butterfinger creme brulet with vanilla malt shots was sinfully delicious. for my meal, i had a flank steak with wilted spinach, mushrooms in a red wine demi-glaze. everyone was pleased with their meals.
  15. israel egypt holland USA (42/50) conservative with libertarian leanings
  16. i went back to mi luna tonight. i decided to try it the "right" way by meeting a friend, having a couple of drinks and nibbling on delicious tapas rather than making it a place to have a meal with friends. big fun. can't wait to go back. it's a great excuse (not that anyone needs one) to have a drink and sample their huge selection of food. we were there for nearly three hours. it is definately a place to linger. it is indeed a "delightful surprise" to find here in the woodlands as pineda has stated before. if you should go?, assume you are going to a bar/pub that has great "nibblies", bring someone you want to visit with and sample the wine, the drinks and the food. salsa lessons and dancing thursday-saturday.....check the website. btw, they have a great chilean red called "santa ema" (i think mine was 2002). i loved it. back to the original post (sort of)...........i noticed that there is retail space being built between the new waterway building, the marriott waterway and tinseltown. it will be a great connection to the waterway and create pedestrian traffic between the three areas. this new retail will have no parking except for the parking garages at tinseltown, marriott and the new waterway office building. this appears to be the first free-standing, street-front retail outside of the market street development. at last, "infill" development in town center.
  17. a large percentage of home sales in the woodlands are woodlands' residents moving up our downsizing, according to my realtor at gary greene prudential. oh, that was sarcasm from westguy. sorry.
  18. i will NOT decorate. i WILL not decorate. I will not decorate. i will not DECORATE! christmas cheer shmeer.
  19. i'm quite positive i read the entire thread and i don't understand how that relates to the thread. did i miss something?
  20. these are the true "urban pioneers". dawn fudge and people living in the warehouses, etc. make everyone feel special. this is the houston i miss living here in the woodlands. many of the "new" downtowners are haughty and pious.
  21. i can't speak for the rest of the woodlands; however, i moved here because of the idea of the woodlands and to be near family in conroe and magnolia. i was torn between my friends and the culture inside the loop and the idealism (and affordability) i perceived the woodlands to be about. i'm not sure what reason(s) you assume people move out here. i'm not hoping for annexation or the status quo.
  22. Market Street celebrated one-year anniversary filled with exhilarating events By: DEBORAH ROWE, Villager staff 11/16/2005 Market Street in The Woodlands celebrated its first anniversary in style on Nov. 12, starting at 8 a.m. in Central Park. The day was filled with thrilling events including the "Darn Near 5K" run/walk presented by Luke's Locker, carnival games, jugglers and a rock wall. As a festive way to celebrate Market Street's anniversary, a balloon release took place at noon, sending hundreds of the brightly colored objects beaming into the sun-filled sky that overlooked the Woodlands' community. "Stores to come soon to the Market Street family are Orvis, J. Crew, Lilly Pullitzer, Uni Sushi, Swoozies, Just Add Water, Hemline, Interiors with Panache, Bath Junkie, Play Time for Kids, and more on the horizon." the rest of the story I don't recognize some of these store names. Could it be they are privately owned and not chains?
  23. Here is an update on the progress of the future of governance of The Woodlands. Residents speak out on future governance options for The Woodlands By: Burton Speakman, Villager staff11/16/2005 Residents were given their first opportunity to comment on options regarding future governance of the master-planned community during four scheduled public meetings. The options were presented in four main areas: status quo, annexation, incorporation and The Woodlands solution (a possibility that has not been identified). These possibilities were created by the Governance Steering Committee, a group of appointed representatives created to represent The Woodlands stakeholders. Link
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