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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. just click on the link provided earlier in the thread to use your credit card.
  2. no, no, no! this sign (these signs) would be grotesque and take away from what little historic architecture we have. cabo is no friend of downtown if this is the way they think. booooo hissss to cabo.
  3. has anyone tried jasper's yet? i haven't heard any reports good or bad yet.
  4. play nice. BTW, i never loitered. yes, it was the eighties and i did have duran, duran hair, a closet full of matinique, willie wear, generra, and occasionally eye liner when going to clubs or concerts, but i never loitered. until i was 16 or so, bedtime was nine o'clock around our house. any and all activities were supervised by adults until i went to college.
  5. did anyone attend the ULI meeting(s) in september? if so, were there items of interest?
  6. also, remember, that living in houston and watching the papers and websites daily, it can feel like a project is taking forever. and, if you only periodically check on the developments in another city it can feel like many things are happening quickly. whereas, if you lived in the other city you may feel the same as you do about the progress of things here. just a thought.
  7. wb subdude and montrose. it good to have you back.
  8. mi luna is a great idea. it's a great place to have a drink and nibble on various, delicious tapas.
  9. i know. i guess i can't understand why commitment is thought less of than fulfilling one's own needs. but your right, it's a "can of worms".
  10. many people go through their lives attempting to be what their families and friends perceive them to be. when you love your friends and family and the comfort that they bring, it can be difficult to acknowledge (even to yourself) that you really aren't straight. i agree that the marriage commitment should supercede sexuality. it would be the ultimate act of unselfishness and love for another if someone were to bear their burden quietly. i know i'll get slammed for this. i'm not saying anyone should not be who they are. i'm simply attempting to illustrate that sexuality is a small part of life. there are more important things.
  11. saturday was big fun!! (just in case anyone was wondering) we couldn't decide on a patio so we bounced around montrose for about 10 hours. we started at la strada at noon. the weather was amazing. i had the jalapeno fettucini. it was delicious. the food at la strada's brunch is not the best food i've had, but for the occasion it was perfect. the six of us wore out our welcome at la strada after 3pm and headed over to mo mong. those ginger infused martinis are super. we ordered bo luc lac and spring rolls to share. after one too many $7 martinis we headed down to zimm's (for $10 martinis) on montrose blvd. the atmosphere is very relaxing especially early in the evening. the crowd gets a little uppity after 8pm (IMO). if you want to visit with friends and have a cocktail, i would advise going as soon as they open (5PM). by 9 we were feeling the need for more solid nourishment and headed over to baba yegas. of course, the patios were packed and we had to sit inside. "give me smoked turkey and brie or give me death" i always say. the fresh fruit sides are always a welcome surprise. bouncing around montrose is always great fun. it's so nice to not have to resort to a chain establishment.
  12. it's unfortunate that style has become confused with slutty. my niece constantly claims that her clothes are "sexy". i think they look like something a stripper or a prostitute would wear. maybe we should start a mountain/wilderness commune for teens (with teachers head hunted from kinkaid of course) they get to leave when they are 12 and come home when they are 18. they can skip the artificial society called high school. when they attend their freshman year of college they will be bewildered at how strange the other kids seem. is it time to dismantle the public school system? isn't age specific education over? let everyone learn at their own pace. camille paglia had a great article in salon some time back about this very thing. let the 14 year olds who accel at programming get a job as an apprentice and move in that direction without four more years of wasted efforts. oops, on the soap box.......off now
  13. i think these kids are good; however, market street seemed like a great place to chill with your adult friends or a date and now it's kind of uncomfortable with all these kids with attitude. people will not not want to go there and spend money if it's an extension of twhs or cphs. maybe the managers of market street should blare nat king cole or etta james after 10PM. my hope is that after they build waterway square and more retail along the waterway, there will be more places to be and the concentration of kids will disperse.
  14. it seems that market street is the place to be for bored woodlands' teenagers. hundreds of them are flocking there to linger after most of the upscale businesses close. the mounted police are trying to move them out, but it's kind of a kick in the ass. market street was created to be a place to be, to linger. but these fiesty, pot smoking (i've smelled it) teenagers are making it the place to loiter, run in to friends from school and continue their snooty lifestyles, long after school is out. this was not in the "master plan" i'll admit, i adore these kids, but hell, parents. do you know where your kids are at 10PM on a friday night. sorry folks, but 15 year olds have no business "lingering" with tons of other minors in a public place late at night. just because the streets of market street are lined with limos, porsches and mercedes does not mean it's ok for kids to run amok. some of you woodlands' residents have 250K home theaters and back yard theme parks for god's sake. make them have a curfew and keep 'em home. there are fun thing to do there, with your supervision. fine, good, ok. just say it...........bach gets real.
  15. i was reading "the woodlands, an inside story of creating a better hometown" by roger galatas (published by the urban land institute) this morning and came across the following: speaking of george mitchell's desire for the woodlands to be annexed.... "Mitchell had two reasons for seeking the city of Houston's embrace. One was altruistic, the other very practical. The primary reason Mitchell started The Woodlands was his fear that central cities were being drained of their tax bases by the movement of affluent residents to suburbia and outside city limits. He wanted The Woodlands to be part of Houston's solution, not part of it's problem. Thus Mitchell envisioned that Houston would eventually annex The Woodlands. The practical reason was the experience of other large developers who saw the early residents of their projects incorporate, then stymie further expansion efforts by the developer. It's called the drawbridge mentality. I like it the way it is. Let's pull up the drawbridge and not allow others to move in." i wonder if mr. mitchell had any idea that major corporations would be moving their headquarters here? i wonder if he considered that the woodlands might become so "disneyfied" (for lack of a better word)? as much as i love the woodlands and it's original ideals, i'm dismayed to see the lack of concern by woodlands' residents about the concepts that created this community.
  16. october 30th, 2005. still, no damn trolleys.
  17. wow, great post dream. partnering with RDA or other organizations is a great idea. when i was in chicago several years ago, i was amazed at how many groups promoted the city's architecture with tours, dinners, etc. houston has this type of community; however, it may not be too obvious to out-of-towners or newcomers. partnering with RDA or the mod group, or GHPA could increase visibility of our site as well as increase interest in houston's built environment. perhaps we could link up or post events with the convention and visitor organization? make local architectural/urban planning/preservation events known to out of towners. if RDA or GHPA or other organizations do not want to link up or work with us perhaps we could show them our support by showing up in numbers to one or more of their events. prove that we are serious interested parties. this type of interaction would certainly increase the traffic for HAI. btw, i want a black t-shirt with lower case letters in gothic or century font reading "haif". the letters will be filled with a partly cloudy deep blue texas sky.
  18. my sister loves rancheros. i haven't tried it yet. btw, has nit noi opened yet? a coworker mentioned that they might be opening soon. also, had a birthday dinner at cheesecake factory thursday night. the thai lettuce wraps (is that even a thai concept?) were delicious. it came with three sauces; peanut, ginger and a mint/cilantro. there were thinly sliced cucumbers, bean sprouts, carrots, noodles and a small amount of chicken. the options were so varied that one would have to order it again and again to utilize all the ingredients.
  19. window stickers for the car with website address only. similar in its simplicity to ktru 91.7 car stickers. simple font, clear background, all small case letters. must be large enough for driver behind to see it clearly. i'm constantly reminded to see what's playing on rice radio because of those stickers. houston is a car town. just a thought.
  20. Heightsguy, I knew the answer. I wanted to see who in HAIF knew. As I expected, many people do.
  21. Anyone know the connection between Schlumberger and Houston's favorite art collecting family (mine anyway)?
  22. the hbj article describes everything the best. the woodlands a parasite? more like a magnet.
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