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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. i agree....come blog with me. as if i haven't said it enough........mass transportation to these suburbs could stop the madness. i love the woodlands because it expects us to "live, work and play" here. escape is not an option. there is crime in all of these suburbs. there is naughtiness . it is what you expect of your kids at home that makes them a better person. the environment is only an issue when the parents are not involved. if mass transit is imposed, then these city centers will blossom and the focus will no longer be on cheap housing out northwest.....i hope. build the freakin light rail system, build the commuter rail system and i believe the consciousness of the city will change. we are new to mass transit. make it happen, make the city centers worthwhile and quit bitching about the cars on the freeway. houston will make itself heard throughout the world when we accept our desire for free commerce and quit lolligagging over mass transit.
  2. being a woodlands' resident, it would be nice to know how, if any, things have changed for kingwoods residents. will the city of houston use emanent (sp?) domain to claim the wooded buffers between neighborhoods and roadways in order to widen the roadways? are police/ems response times slower/faster? what exactly can the city do better than we already have? can we partner with the city for mass transit rather than hope they send something our way? as much as i admire george mitchell, i can not see the benefits of being annexed.
  3. welcome to the forum kutta and welcome to houston. i think that your budget will help you decide which area is best. the amenities you mention will best be found inside the loop (montrose/heights/museum district). keep us posted on your experience and don't hesitate to ask the forum for info. there are some awesome posters here who have great information and are eager to assist.
  4. not to change the subject 2112 , but me too. i knew when i was 19 that i would never want to live anywhere else. i've seen cities all over the country and then some, and would never put down roots (other than a second home) elsewhere.
  5. Construction is underway on The Woodlands' Waterway extension to Grogan's Mill road and will ultimately extend to Lake Woodlands. The current segment is to coincide with the construction of Town Green Park and The Boardwalk apartment complex. The Chronicle has a story on the details. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/t...04/news/3235556
  6. Red, Hot & Blue Festivities Light Up Town Center On 4th by The Town Center Improvement District Four fun, family-friendly events celebrating America
  7. Town Center Selected As Location For ULI Conference by The Woodlands Development Company The Woodlands Town Center has been selected as the location for the Seventh Annual Urban Land Institute (ULI) Conference, according to a joint announcement from Tim Welbes and Alex Sutton, co-presidents of The Woodlands Development Company and Frank W. Robinson, CPP, president of Town Center Improvement District. ULI, a nonprofit research and educational organization, is a multidisciplinary real estate forum consisting of national and international members. The ULI conference will be held from September 26-27, 2005 at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, a Four-Diamond hotel.
  8. i understand now thanks. my last post was written b4 timmy chan's but posted after. gracias.
  9. perry is like a republican al gore.
  10. i'm still not clear on how there is an added expense to keep trees (not considering less lot space). what dirt has to be hauled in order to keep trees? sorry, but i'm missing something.
  11. kjb speaks the truth! however, i do like strayhorn. did you know that she has been so stringent on fiscal responsibility that she once eliminated the very job she had been appointed to (i think it was railroad commissioner)? the duties of the position were redundant. she managed to save the state millions of dollars. she appears to be the same (screaming) person. i like her!
  12. no i do not. have you read the entire thread? no one is supporting clear cutting. the discussion has been an attempt to see how to incorporate or preserve more greenspace. by examining why developers do what they do, perhaps we can see ways to implement regulations or provide incentives for these clear cutters to not do so.
  13. maybe heightsguy should get out more...... every new neighborhood i've been in in the woodlands area, spring, klein each home has one or two live oaks in the front yard. east shore on lake woodlands will have streets lined with live oaks. in addition, i don't believe that anyone has suggested that the two (nature and human habitats) can't live in harmony. the discussion is about whether it is or is not financially feasible for developers.
  14. kjb, this sounds like a contradiction. could you elaborate?
  15. a friend of mine who worked in the new home industry in recent years explained that current EPA requirements on preserving greenspace and watershed issues is cost prohibitive. it's actually easier to meet the requirements by clear cutting and giving everybody trees (the result is a "two-tree" neighborhood), and the now requisite dry ponds we see everywhere. i've heard discussion that a development like the woodlands would be impossible under current conditions. anyone know more on this subject? but, back to the original thread..... the reclamation of our bayous/watershed/greenspace will change the face of our city. designed properly this should reduce flooding, increase our number of parks, increase greenspace and reduce pollution. success with buffalo bayou at downtown through allen parkway is imperative.
  16. in an article this past year (either HBJ or The Villager) George Mitchell was quoted reiterating this very fact lowbrow has mentioned. anwr would be cheaper to drill but would not provide enough oil to provide significant results. however, he also said that using new and emerging technologies the gulf of mexico could make the middle east insignificant to us where oil production is concerned.
  17. the 2003 referendum seems to have included a community consensus which this updated plan does not. however, having increased mobility options sooner than expected sounds great too. i'm conflicted.
  18. there are tours of the new campus throughout july. college park website: http://info.conroeisd.net/senior/collegepark/
  19. lake/flato is great. good choice editor! questions: 1. what are the liabilities owning or managing sustainable structures such as additional mechanical/maintenance expenses, human comfort level, etc.? if any, how are these negatives recouped, and are they recouped in the long/short term? 2. how do you feel about mass production builders like perry homes? why aren't there better alternatives for the home buying public?
  20. it's great to hear from you deb. i always look forward to your posts. and, yes, we are pulling for you and yours.
  21. is the hardy toll road to downtown extension past preliminary stages?
  22. there are hundreds of old condo units in walden. one that is 30K would be an efficiency or a one bedroom and not on the lake. in fact, it might be in disrepair.
  23. the copper roof won't be cheap. wood shingle siding is a no no in these parts. you'd have to go with a fabricated siding that looks like shingles; again, not cheap. interesting floor plan though.
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