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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. kz, i'm sorry to hear that you're leaving houston. you've been a great addition to our forum and i've enjoyed your presence here. keep in touch.
  2. i thought we did have a law on the books. i understood that if the light is green and you cannot clear the intersection, you do not enter the intersection. if you are stuck in the intersection you can be ticketed for running a red light should it change while you are still in the intersection. this is not enforced enough to make a difference.
  3. i too only post here at HAIF. i have visited lottaliving.com on more than one occasion.
  4. people will continue to disrespect red lights and street signs until they are enforced more stringently. in addition, seeing officers disrespect traffic signals when not on an emergency undermines the law as well (i've seen it more than once). it is unfortunate that this man has died. it is also unfortunate to see morning news stories water down the fact that this man ran a red light and address the story as if the train murdered someone.
  5. the hbj article said that a 60 foot forest buffer will remain.
  6. Amerigo's (italian) on Grogan's Mill. Perry's (steaks) in Sterling Ridge. Red Phoenix (chinese) in College Park.
  7. i believe the center going in at woodlands parkway and 2978 is called "terramont". i heard that walmart had to get design approval before the woodlands would allow them to build.
  8. well said fellow woodlands' resident. welcome to the forum max.
  9. jpcampbell speaks the truth. i live in the woodlands too. people are REALLY nice here.
  10. huh? since when does gay = liberal. nevermind that. i didn't mean to start a new subject.
  11. funny heightsguy. i don't think mr. arnold gives a hoot about "living" in a historic building, only how quickly he can tear it down with minimal repercussions. yet another piece of our history lost.
  12. i just finished watching "my architect". a definite must for you aficionados. don't miss it.
  13. editor, i'm sorry for being presumptuous. please forgive. i would really like to see a regular contributor to our site focus on architecture specifically.
  14. miyako is great, but cafe japon is more relaxed and the staff is very attentive. also, nippon on montrose near 59 is always good (i tasted my first sushi there) and matsu on 1960 is excellent. avoid kirin on 1960.
  15. There are too many to list in detail. I enjoy The Menil/Rothko Chapel/St. Thomas area, lower Westheimer/Montrose, the Theatre District, the Museum District-Hermann Park, Highland Village, Heights Blvd to 20th Street shops, Post Oak from W Loop to Richmond, Rice Village, The View of downtown from the patio/garden area of the downtown post office, Fish Plaza, etc.
  16. There are a few of you HAIF members and some of you lurkers who eat, sleep and drink architecture. Some of you have degrees and are well spoken. Houston lacks an architecture critic. Our local paper(s) fail to recognize the value of analyzing our built environment. Although the Houston Chronicle has recently shown promise in this area, "Cite" is the only other periodical of note. This brings me to the point of this thread: Our distinguished editor has made it known that there are blogger slots still available. I move that a HAIF member or lurker with a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Architecture honor us with their above average opinions and critiques on existing and recently completed structures in and around Houston. This could strengthen our burgeoning website and bring our collective conversation to a higher level. The right person could increase readership of HAIF. Any takers? Contact the editor.
  17. i've been wishing for an architecture critic at the chronicle for some time now. it would create necessary public discussions on our built environment (discussions which i do miss here at haif) .
  18. has anyone noticed how the chronicle is showing an increased interest in stories on architecture? the article on picking an architect for the MFA expansion and today's article "building a better world through architecture" are recent evidence of this trend. do you think it is a direct result of this website? haif is getting more mainstream advertisers and the chronicle is paying attention to what we post. it would be interesting (mr editor) to know how well the site is doing and how many people are spending time here.
  19. i'm guilty too. sorry, i wasn't aware. so, a brief synopsis of the article and a link is OK?
  20. the "modern marvels" series (i'm not sure if they originated with PBS or The Learning Channel) covers many large construction projects. the information is interesting and the architects are interviewed for the projects as well. i especially enjoyed the one on kansai airport by renzo piano.
  21. i remember being one of the last people dancing on the dance floor at some one hot steamy night in the late nineties. for some unknown reason i took off my ($300) watch and dropped it someone's plastic water cup. i went to some the following week and the bartender (uhhhh scott, i think) returned my watch to me with the story of how he obtained it. i was never quite sure of what i was thinking.
  22. uhhhh, like read the article. is it possible for houston, in it's current incarnation, to get any huge projects done without some of these egomaniacs (read burge, brown)? i'm no fan of more over reaching pseudo government entities. when i heard they were creating the sports authority, i cringed knowing that it would become another metro-like organization with insatiable appetites. at the same time, i salivated at the mention of first class sports facilities. i couldn't wait to see who the architects would be and what the first renderings would look like. fact is, i'd like to see more big projects. it's no wonder i never made any money playing sim city. beautiful cities yes, bankrupt...yes. it's no fun to build a gleaming city and then ten years later you can't maintain the infrastructure. your citizens get less and less for their money and then everyone leaves. food for thought......food for thought.
  23. http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...?showtopic=1528
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