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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. let the buyer beware. it's really too bad that people can be swayed by builder's model homes so much that they don't notice a railroad track or airport nearby. (mapquest anyone?) it's the same with people buying near the pavilion in the woodlands or near the freeway and then complaining about the noise. it cracks me up. they should've done the research before buying. now, when they push the grand parkway through spring and existing neighborhoods, people will have reason to demand noise reduction consideration.
  2. iraq wasn't a terrorist haven? much of the country's population are breathing a sigh of relief from decades of abuse and terror from a madman. the dictatorship of saddam hussein wasn't a terrorist regime? it is only in fallujah and certain "strongholds" that the people are suffering from being in a war zone. the majority of the populace are better of now i didn't say that ALL terrorists were in iraq. i said that "terrorists are making their way" to take a stand in iraq. this is fact. the soldiers are witness to it.
  3. weren't there less requirements on what we could do with the funds because we "didn't" have federal money? would we actually have had MORE money or matching funds up to a certain amount? inquiring minds want to know...
  4. in the grand scheme of things, from planning to budgeting, why oh why didn't this section get placed at ground level? every one knows that these under passes flood. perhaps "in the grand scheme of things" it doesn't occur enough to justify the extra cost? i still wish it weren't so.
  5. it's unfortunate, velvetj, that you feel any "thinking" person couldn't possibly believe that iraq was a threat to us, or that we are safer. so far, the battlefield is not here and has not been since 9/11. terrorists are making their way to iraq to have their "shot" at one of us. our family members and friends in the armed forces have made the battlefield elsewhere in order that we live in peace. i would rather not lose one more friend in iraq, i would rather not spend billions of dollars on war; however, the soldiers i've met do not feel they/we are there in vain and feel that the purpose we are there outweighs the costs. perhaps there are some in our current administration who see "nation-building" as the only way to future peace, maybe they are right, i don't know.
  6. i don't believe he's against a good urban core. i think he's taking an objective look at people's behavior and commenting on it. his comments provide insight on what could become a new kind of urban core not seen in other metropolitan areas. (see my last comment).
  7. they're consolidating their research and development in the woodlands as well. they will be renovating a genetic research facility vacated by valentis. the ceo, peter huntsman, already resides in the woodlands.
  8. express bus or train service to/from the airports. light rail connecting downtown and galleria. a natatorium. continued planting and maintenance of existing greenspace.
  9. awesome interview. it would be great to hear more. this guy is on target about our self image as a city. houston has the ingenuity and the gusto to reverse this trend (suburban being where the quality of life is). REAL family housing near the city core that's affordable will make all the difference. the near north side and the east side (of downtown) could be our answer. let the empty nesters and the young professionals have downtown; let the hipsters and artists have midtown; families will only want to visit these places anyway. being close to the amenities (stadiums, theatres, restaurants) with "floorspace" (3-2) and safety is what is needed. schools and retail will follow. good design, conscious investors can make it happen.
  10. exxon/mobil chemical headquarters are on the katy freeway. exxon/mobil corporation, exploration and production operations are on 800 Bell downtown houston. moving2houston, the following are links to key community information portals. the community associations can give a better idea about the woodlands than the main page aimed at sales. interfaith (and the trees) are what makes the woodlands different from other master planned communities. http://www.thewoodlandsassociations.org/ http://www.thewoodlands.com/ http://www.thewoodlands.net/ (for residents: events, schools, news, etc.) http://www.woodlandsinterfaith.org/ (core values that founded the woodlands originated here) http://www.town-center.com/ if you are an empty nester there are several homes in the 300s being built right in the middle of town center. beware of these if you like it quiet, however. you'll have your choice of townhomes, patio homes, golf course/lake homes, lofts and garden homes elsewhere in this 27,000 acre community. yes, there is a commute to houston; however, it's completely worth it (IMHO). the woodlands has won numerous awards nationally and internationally for environmentally conscious planning. it's a great place to be.
  11. i read that there were more than 30k people considering a move downtown over the next several years and that speculators are betting on 10k new downtown residents in just a few years. with that said, moderate income housing is a must. midrise residences with more floorspace and less "luxury amenities". ground floor retail (of course) and close proximity to the light rail line are also important. moderate income housing needs to be more affordable than 150K.
  12. thank you , thank you, firstngoal. in a city where private development reigns (which i support) it's wonderful that this park is in the works. it's easy to list ideas for a perfect park; however, it's not easy to get the city to create a downtown park. the idea for park bench sponsorship is ideal. let's not wallow in imperfections. i'm happy it's being done. my biggest concern is the development around the park. please, please please, developers.......first story cafes and/or stores opening out towards the park!!!
  13. after reading everyone's posts on this issue, i've come to realize that high speed transit to the airport would only serve the people who travel the most. unless business and leisure travelers' spending justifies a megamillion dollar high speed transit system to IAH, i must relent that other practical considerations be met first.
  14. come on mr. editor, (why do i always seem to take up for mr. delay when all i want is a little objectivity?) tom delay realizes that it's a real downer to spend 50 minutes on a light rail line to IAH. the current bus travel time is 60 minutes. why spend millions on a light rail line to IAH. personally, i want high speed. we are SPACE city and should think of ourselves as such. we are an enormous city geographically.
  15. certainly prostitutes and women who dress like them shop at the galleria. the original thread made me think someone was privy to new stores going in at the galleria. other than the fox sports cafe/bar, does anyone have any news?
  16. regardless of the intentions of mr. delay. the legislature has in it's power the ability to redraw the lines under the circumstances in which it has occurred. the courts want to look closer to make sure that it is not specifically partisan. simply because it came out mostly republican (in a mostly republican state) does not mean the legislative reasons for redistricting are specifically partisan. i realize it sounds like a free ride for mr. delay but the law is written to be interpreted by the courts (not plain). simply because the redistricting is going to be reviewed does not make it criminal or suspect. hate tom delay if you will, but consider these issues when people you agree with are in power and doing the same. i agree with subdude's assertion that a non-political entity should be drawing the boundaries.
  17. uhhh, check the list of people who created the "main street project" (which included light rail) and the buffalo bayou partnership. like you said....."houston developers written all over it". is this a bad thing? the city gets a large park and crescent, who owns land around the perimeter and sold land to the park effort will benefit as well as the city.
  18. i've secretly hoped for this space to remain open. i'm very happy to see it solidifying. .....now if we could just land some significant park space in midtown.
  19. hallelujah! another returns to the fold. wb dal!!!
  20. note to self: the more the media agrees with me, the more i become complacent and uninvolved. if everyone agrees with me, does that mean i'm right? dbigtex' statement concerning the system being flawed makes me wonder...........can it ever be perfect or make everyone happy? is it the flexibility of our laws that make them longlasting? is it the interpretation of a law that makes it true? should perry homes exist? (oops wrong thread) i'm not sure if i have a problem with the "popular" party having some "wings". yet, i say that easily now that republicans are in control. i had a different feeling in 1983. (the most objective you may ever hear me...)
  21. thanks for the regards, dbigtex. there is a special 30th anniversary section in this past weeks Villager. unfortunately, it is not available online. it gives detailed explanations about what inspired the woodlands and what is happening now. it explains how george mitchell grew up in a multicultural, low income environment in galveston and how it influenced his ideas for creating the woodlands. he is a staunch environmentalist. in addition, "interfaith" is a key structural component of the woodlands. it's history is moving and inspiring. it is a fundamental idea behind what has become this "hidden city" to live, work, learn and play. although i've said it several times here......"25% of the woodlands is preserved forest, parklands,etc."...i've learned recently that that figure does not include the forest "buffer" zones between neighborhoods, retail centers and roadways. if anyone is interested, i will scan or retype the articles from the insert for your reading pleasure. just sent me a private message. i may not respond immediately, but i'll work on it.
  22. hmmmm, you'd take a real home anyday..........but you hate sprawl. seems like a contradiction.
  23. did i sound overconfident or overexcited? i'm sorry. maybe it's this cold medication my dr. prescribed. i haven't had enough oxygen to my brain for several days. my apologies, dbigtex.
  24. wow, this is exciting. by allowing the homeowners to share in the potential profits, the whole neighborhood is redeveloped. if successful, this will be a model for future "smart growth" developments.
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